Census 2021

When should we be getting letters about filling it in?

I dont think I've had one yet.

My letter arrived today.

The wording on my letter was you MUST complete it (£1k fine) but you SHOULD do it by 21st March. I took this to mean do it anytime before that date.

You can do it before 21 March if you know who will be in your household on 21 March.
I have a question about not filling it in, if you didn't and point blank refused and eventually got the £1000 fine, what happens then? Do you get forced to fill it in by court or is it recorded as not filled in and the details provided to the court etc recorded against you?

Hypothetical question though as I will be filling ours in.
The engineer in me is wanting to know what to what tolerance we're measuring the volume of liquid in the glass.
The BA in me is asking where we're defining the half-way point? Is it half of the total volume of liquid the glass can contain or half of the usual fill point?
The scientist in me is pointing out that since we're not in a perfect vacuum, the glass is always going to be completely full, and all we're arguing about is what proportion of the contents is liquid :p
The pedant in me is wondering if we have considered gravity and the increase in density with depth.
You can do it before the 21st, as long as none of your answers would change before then. It says it on the information given in the letter.
I just hope that after this, we'll finally see adequate hangar facilities provided for attack helicopters.
Just done my mums house :(

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