Poll: Champions League Final - Barcelona vs Manchester United - 27th May 2009 *SPOILERS*

Who will you be supporting on Wednesday

  • Barcelona

    Votes: 87 36.4%
  • That other team

    Votes: 152 63.6%

  • Total voters
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21 Oct 2002
United should win, comfortably, Barcelona are flat track bullies and were very lucky to not be knocked out 4-1 in the second round against Chelsea because of the incompetence of the referee.
I dont see anything, even in the fleet footed Messi that should pose any problems to a team with the firepower and physical strength of United.

Barcelona to win 3-0.
30 May 2008
United should win, comfortably, Barcelona are flat track bullies and were very lucky to not be knocked out 4-1 in the second round against Chelsea because of the incompetence of the referee.
I dont see anything, even in the fleet footed Messi that should pose any problems to a team with the firepower and physical strength of United.

Barcelona to win 3-0.

lol :rolleyes:
24 Sep 2006
Yeah, how dare a team be noble and altruistic instead of blindly accepting money thrown their way! Gits! :mad:


Of course, it seems a nice thing, to have a charity across your chest.
But given the holier-than-thou comments they always come up with, its difficult to see their motives as entirely selfless.
Besides, I am unsure what real benefit it actually is to Unicef anyway.
I'm sure a weeks wages from all their sporting Angels would go a lot further, if they really cared that much ;)
13 Oct 2006
Don't Barca give a % of their profits to Unicef too?

They pay them to use it, yeah.

United should win, comfortably, Barcelona are flat track bullies and were very lucky to not be knocked out 4-1 in the second round against Chelsea because of the incompetence of the referee.
I dont see anything, even in the fleet footed Messi that should pose any problems to a team with the firepower and physical strength of United.

Barcelona to win 3-0.


And an interesting statistic:

Messi: Goals against English opposition = 0
Ronaldo: Goals against Spanish opposition = 0



26 Dec 2005
I really want to win this one!
No surprises there I guess.
But Barca have started to really annoy me.
They are so full of themselves, so arrogant and self-righteous, with their talk of being the neutrals preferred team and deserving to win because of the football they play!
Even their shirt sponsor is a way to look down on other clubs.

My god, how I did chuckle.

I'm behind Barcelona for the simple fact that you know, they support Unicef and I want Henry to win something.

Man Utd have Ronaldo so I'm entitled to hate. When I was kid too, all the arrogant spoilt kids were Utd fans (glory supporters) - I've never liked them.
17 Nov 2004
The Republic
My god, how I did chuckle.

I'm behind Barcelona for the simple fact that you know, they support Unicef and I want Henry to win something.

Man Utd have Ronaldo so I'm entitled to hate. When I was kid too, all the arrogant spoilt kids were Utd fans (glory supporters) - I've never liked them.

well done you, fill your life with meaningless hate :rolleyes:



26 Dec 2005
well done you, fill your life with meaningless hate :rolleyes:

Man, those rolleyes do it for me. Nah, actually it's the irony.

I never said I hate Utd, I just don't like them and rather than troll this thread with my explanations I gave a very quick example and stepped aside.

I'm entitled to hate Ronaldo, the guy's a complete and utter nob.

You think I fill my life with it? Hah! I actually couldn't care less, but damn are you making me giggle with your knee-jerk.
20 Feb 2004
Hondon de las Nieves, Spain
Anyone got any ideas about where is best to watch the game in Manchester?

I know there are no big screens up and a lot of bars are charging entry (which i dont mind too much) but wanna end up in a decent bar with plenty TV's.

Watched the Liverpool v Milan final in Liverpool in 07 and really enjoyed the atmosphere around the centre. Aswell as the result :)
17 Nov 2004
The Republic
Man, those rolleyes do it for me. Nah, actually it's the irony.

I never said I hate Utd, I just don't like them and rather than troll this thread with my explanations I gave a very quick example and stepped aside.

I'm entitled to hate Ronaldo, the guy's a complete and utter nob.

You think I fill my life with it? Hah! I actually couldn't care less, but damn are you making me giggle with your knee-jerk.

Not Knee Jerk at all. Might be me mellowing in my old age but seriously what entitles you, me or any other ****** to hate anyone else just because of some warped sense of injustice or because they play for another team.

You hate him because he's a nob. Thats like me saying I hate Steven Gerrard just because he plays for Liverpool or Lids fans hating Utd because..................(still never worked that one out but irrational and funny nonetheless)

There is a lot more important things in life and worth hating then footballers because they play for one of your rivals. You see if someone said to me I hate Ronaldo because he bumped into me or slept with my missus or had a slash in my ear then I could understand the hate but hating for hating sake, someone you have never met, someone you are never likely to meet then Seriously get a ******** grip
13 Oct 2006
Not Knee Jerk at all. Might be me mellowing in my old age but seriously what entitles you, me or any other ****** to hate anyone else just because of some warped sense of injustice or because they play for another team.

I think everyone is free to like/hate whoever the want to be fair.
18 Oct 2002
Can't see past the following lineup for United:

O'Shea - Ferdinand - Vidic - Evra
Anderson - Carrick - Giggs
Park - Ronaldo - Rooney

Only question would be whether Tevez starts ahead of Park but I doubt it very much. Obviously if Ferdinand is unfit Evans would step in.

Agreed but we will line up like this:

O'Shea - Ferdinand - Vidic - Evra
Park - Carrick - Anderson- Rooney
Ronaldo -



26 Dec 2005
Not Knee Jerk at all. Might be me mellowing in my old age but seriously what entitles you, me or any other ****** to hate anyone else just because of some warped sense of injustice or because they play for another team.

You hate him because he's a nob. Thats like me saying I hate Steven Gerrard just because he plays for Liverpool or Lids fans hating Utd because..................(still never worked that one out but irrational and funny nonetheless)

There is a lot more important things in life and worth hating then footballers because they play for one of your rivals. You see if someone said to me I hate Ronaldo because he bumped into me or slept with my missus or had a slash in my ear then I could understand the hate but hating for hating sake, someone you have never met, someone you are never likely to meet then Seriously get a ******** grip

Back away from the keyboard and come back when you can get your point across without ranting.

I'm entitled to dislike whoever I want. Ronaldo happens to have caught my attention through football. Regardless if I met him in the street or not, I still think he's a nob. I do not hate Ronaldo for 'no' reason, I dislike him for the egotistical, arrogant, selfish, cheating ******* that he really is. If these happened to be the dominant characteristics which I saw in you for instance, I'd dislike you in equal measure; they're not pretty in anyone.

I know there's far more important crap in life. I beat that drum a hell of a lot more than you do my friend, so let's not waste time here because I'll only end up running rings around you and you're ranting as it is.

Just trust me when I say this: calm down, re-read my original post as it was intended, and not as what you're assuming it to be. I don't 'hate' anyone if you're taking the term as the obsessive finality which I'm assuming you are. I am however, completely entitled to dislike or like whatever and whomever I bloody well please.

I dislike the club for many, many reasons (not least some of the players in their current roster) and I really dislike Ronaldo for who he is, not which club he plays for.
10 Mar 2004
Come on Donald's!

Don't get all bitter because your inferior teams didn't reach the final :D

My Mrs asked me what I wanted for my Birthday, I told her a convincing win over Barcelona and to win it four times, when in reality I would take a deflection off John O'Shea's arse and a nervy 0-1 win.
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