Chances of UKIP winning General Election?

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Maybe that's what wrong with your understanding of the subject.
Some form of belief is IMO a prerequisite for teaching the subject, otherwise it would be like having virgins teaching sex education, about as useful as a Nun.

Whether you like him or not, I think Castiel is a prime example of not needing to be indoctrinated in order to have an insightful viewpoint on religion.

Have you been drinking?

Edit : we're talking about educating, not foisting your own views upon students.
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Whether you like him or not, I think Castiel is a prime example of not needing to be indoctrinated in order to have an insightful viewpoint on religion.

Have you been drinking?

Edit : we're talking about educating, not foisting your own views upon students.

Castiel has an incredibly impressive knowledge on the history, evolution and roots of religion. But that isn't the same as the spiritual side.

Edit: although I can't remember the last religious thread I read so may be doing Castiel a disservice on what he covers.
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Whether you like him or not, I think Castiel is a prime example of not needing to be indoctrinated in order to have an insightful viewpoint on religion.
as Pudney

Edit : we're talking about educating, not foisting your own views upon students.
What do you imagine the change to teaching multiculturalism is all about?

Forgive me for thinking the best people to explain the spiritual aspects of religion are those who have a spiritual belief already, how silly of me :rolleyes:

Have you been drinking?
And this is the level of debate,
night all :)
That's completely ignoring the understanding of spirituality, and hence missing the entire point of religion.

Which there is nothing wrong in doing. I completely ignore Religion for anything it may claim to offer me, because I feel it offers me nothing in life. I do however benefit from studying it, particularly the Islamic faith.

I don't profess that we should be teaching the spirituality of religion, or teaching to follow religion, we should simply teach kids about it, so they are aware what it is. Then when they're adults they are free to scurry off and practice a religion should they choose. I don't agree with indoctrinating.

What, so what you knew beforehand was exactly what you understood afterwards?
How weird.

You could gain a phd in a certain subject and never actually have any experience in carrying out the actual act of what you are studying. You could quite aptly go on to teach that subject to others. For example, I could study religion to the nth detail. I could then go on to teach others about my findings. I would not be required to attend church and practice religion once in my life to teach this.
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Overpaid tory MP in denial of reality shocker!

These guys really need a reality check if they think they are "for the common man" :rolleyes:

RE: food banks

Something very fishy about the massive increase in numbers. If you give free stuff people are going to take it. I gather there's a section of people going to food banks aren't actually starving. Am I right in thinking that all you need to be entitled is to be is claiming benefits?

Wouldn't shock me If it turns out years down the line (we never find out these things at the time) that the big rises happened in Labour run councils where they're actively "encouraging" the use of food banks so they can claim that there stupid "cost of living" catchphrase is true.
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Who said anything about closing down schools? oh that's right you ;)
Just don't teach religion job done. Let the person chose when they are older.

So... what you are saying then is... keep all faith based schools and ban them from teaching religious education?

Yes, that'll work :/
RE: food banks

Something very fishy about the massive increase in numbers. If you give free stuff people are going to take it. I gather there's a section of people going to food banks aren't actually starving. Am I right in thinking that all you need to be entitled is to be is claiming benefits?

Wouldn't shock me If it turns out years down the line (we never find out these things at the time) that the big rises happened in Labour run councils where they're actively "encouraging" the use of food banks so they can claim that there stupid "cost of living" catchphrase is true.

Jeez.. you just insulted a lot of hungry kids to get a political +1
If it stops a guy shoplifting to feed his family for a few days I don't think its a bad thing.

In 2013-14 foodbanks fed 913,138 people nationwide. Of those helped, 330,205 were children.

That's just one Charity with 400 banks.... nearly a million meals just to get people to dislike Conservative policy ?


I think you are correct that more people use them because more people are aware of them. Yeah its obviously mostly people that are skint, trying to live on benefits.

I can claim the stupid cost of living thing is true though.

Tesco used to sell bread for 15p and beans for <10p a can....When i was at Uni 15 years ago (jesus). Now its (i dunno i don't buy it any more) 60p a loaf and 30p a can ?? that's 400% in 15 years....

In crap shops like Iceland things that used to cost a quid are now £1.25 or 25% smaller NET weight.

So chuck in someone on low income, a job with no pay rise in-line with inflation, Someone who got 50% less hours one week on their ZERO hour contract or JSA claimer. Overnight they could have lost a quarter of their "dinner" or one of their kids meals.
Have some empathy. All statistics will be used or counter used by someone wanting to prove some point...

I don't think I've ever had a day in my life where I've been genuinely hungry because i couldn't afford food... That must be a depressing humbling thing and i don't want to ever, ever, ever find out.

Yeah yeah before anyone gets too excited .... i'm sure there are some 50" plasma watching families lording it up on Egg and chips from the foodbank after the money is spent on Malbro and White lightning so lets not think they are ideal.

The Guardian, Monday 9 June 2014
A joint report Monday from Oxfam, Church Action on Poverty and the largest operator of food banks, the Trussell Trust, says that much of the increased demand is coming from poor people in affluent areas including Cheltenham, Welwyn Garden City and the northern part of the Lake District, where some food banks report user numbers doubling or even trebling. The Trussell Trust said it was helping to feed 300,000 children, a situation it described as a national disgrace. The report's authors said the poor were caught in a perfect storm of food prices soaring 43.5 % in the past eight years, while over the same period the disposable annual income of the poorest 20% fell by an average of £936.

Whatever the reason its a BS situation.
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Yes it will. You do know what it was like in faith schools years ago right?
It has changed massively for the better.

If they're not teaching their chosen faith then they're surely not actually faith schools any more?

Are you proposing that the right to teach religious education should be taken away from both state funded faith schools and from private church schools? I'm presuming from what you've posted you'd also remove it as a matter of course from all other schools as well.
If they're not teaching their chosen faith then they're surely not actually faith schools any more?

I suggest you read up on what it was like in a faith schools in the UK years ago.

Are you proposing that the right to teach religious education should be taken away from both state funded faith schools and from private church schools? I'm presuming from what you've posted you'd also remove it as a matter of course from all other schools as well.

Sorry but what part of "Just don't teach religion job done. Let the person chose when they are older" don't you understand?
RE: food banks

Something very fishy about the massive increase in numbers. If you give free stuff people are going to take it. I gather there's a section of people going to food banks aren't actually starving. Am I right in thinking that all you need to be entitled is to be is claiming benefits?.
Why would it be fishy?.

Rising costs of living, high unemployment, reduction in welfare (poorest in society) & wage stagnation at the lower end of the jobs market.

If these factors don't increase usage of food banks I'm not sure what would.

So chuck in someone on low income, a job with no pay rise in-line with inflation, Someone who got 50% less hours one week on their ZERO hour contract or JSA claimer. Overnight they could have lost a quarter of their "dinner" or one of their kids meals.
Indeed, my thoughts exactly.
There are things posted about people based on their religion that would not be tolerated if the same things were said about people based on their sexual preferences. If one is going to get all self righteous (not directed at you) about people saying bad things about "homosexuals" then it is absurd to not apply the same standards to others.

The massive difference being religion is a choice.
We all get we have teacher training to enable teachers to teach subjects they know backwards having learned the subject? Or do we think teacher training services send english teachers off to muse on poetry on the moors for years, or send language teachers to become naturalised foreign citizens?

I was taught german by an english person, history by my geography teacher who also wasn't an explorer from what I can recall, RE by someone who also taught other subjects..

In fact in my opinion, especially for something as contentious as religion it's probably wisest to have it taught by an impartial 3rd person? Just like you can't have your brother on a jury.. declared interests and all that.
I get what you're saying but surely if the school can't teach religion they will get their RE from family, friends, acquaintances, or any place of worship they attend. Any of which might have their own, possibly extreme, agenda. Which is, I believe, what you are trying to avoid.

A school they should teach all sides of religion. The right, the wrong and the truth.
I know a number of men in their late 30's to 50's who use food banks because their £70 odd a week dole doesn't cover food, power, clothing and bus fare, I've done the maths their giro just doesn't cover the basics let alone luxuries, I would go so far as to say anyone living longish term on the dole has to be a criminal to have plasma TV's nice clothes or food 7 days a week.
There are things posted about people based on their religion that would not be tolerated if the same things were said about people based on their sexual preferences. If one is going to get all self righteous (not directed at you) about people saying bad things about "homosexuals" then it is absurd to not apply the same standards to others.

The massive difference being religion is a choice.

Absolutely. You should be able to criticise anyone for any choice they make. Sex, sexuality, and race are not choices.
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