charles and camilla attacked

Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I despair.

Indeed, and so certain is he of his morals, principles and belief that he covers as much of his face as he can, now I wonder which is the more likely... that he covers his face because of fear of being identified for his calm and thought-out opposition to the tuition fees , or because of fear of being identified for the criminal activities that he knows he is there to do. Hmmmmm.

I have no sympathy, no compassion and no care left now towards the "students" and their "plight". Any agreement I may have had with them several weeks ago has now totally gone due to the events of the past few weeks. Now I would quite happily see snipers on the rooftops picking them off for all I care. Behave like an animal and I will treat you like one.
30 Nov 2005
Attacking the future king of England?

Where were the Royal Protection Squadron? These scumbags should've been shot for putting the lives of the furure king of England and his wife at risk.
23 Dec 2008
. Now I would quite happily see snipers on the rooftops picking them off for all I care.

I was thinking the exact same thing last night! :) Why they didn't use water cannons and the such I don't know, the police should have been allowed to beat the cr@p out of all of them, the students ruined it for themselves. And I know they're not all like that but I couldn't care less anymore
7 Nov 2003

These people are this country's future - Supposedly :rolleyes:

That photo enrages and disgusts me like you wouldn't believe.

I despair.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say none of the idiots in that video would ever contemplate going to uni and are just there for a fight
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6 Mar 2009
Indeed, the protests throughout have been somewhat marred and hijacked by trouble makers tagging along to trash stuff, what has annoyed me is that a lot of students seem to have advocated and championed this, graffiti on buildings and violence towards police and a lot seem proud of it, calling it a 'revolution', this ain't no revolution, this is an embarassment to the right of peaceful protest that some countries just don't get.
16 Oct 2009
Stockton on Tees
Why they didn't use water cannons and the such I don't know, the police should have been allowed to beat the cr@p out of all of them, the students ruined it for themselves. And I know they're not all like that but I couldn't care less anymore

Pretty much my sentiments - I think the Police have been pretty restrained. Is it because they are seen as - or can be portrayed as - "kids"?

Are there any more demos planned? If there are, I think the Police should make it clear that more disorder and destruction will not be tolerated. I'd be happy to see those fronting up having the **** clubbed out of them.
26 May 2009
[TW]Fox;17967711 said:
The fees will go up - so the level of money owed will be higher - but the threshold will go up as well from £15k to £21k for repayments.

So, your average moron who spends all his time throwing figure extinguishers off buildings when he isnt skipping media studies lectures and who will never earn more than about 18k a year wont actually ever pay a penny for his education.

/Clap, Pretty much sums up what these prospective students are far too stupid to understand.

If any students are stupid enough to think that causing millions of pounds worth of property damage and harassing poor prince Charles who has no lawmaking power will solve their illusionary problem then they don't deserve an education.


These people are this country's future - Supposedly :rolleyes:

If Id been there id have tackled the treasonous bar steward to the floor and caved his skull in, vandalising a monument to the people who gave their lives so you could have your little emo fit in public and not the jail of a police state is just.........words cannot describe.....
27 Mar 2004
I don't agree with the rises. I understand Fox's point - but it just feels like the students are getting walloped a huge amount to fill a hole in the defecit. I would have supported a 50% rise, maybe even a 75% one. But tripling it is taking the mick a bit.

After all, even though it's not a conventional debt, it is still a debt and as soon as you hit that threshold you're paying it until you either dip below or it's paid off.

I can't understand why you think that these students shouldn't pay for their future!

Imagine the scenario. 2 school leavers. One gets a job paying £11k a year. The other decides to go and study and expects the person on £11k a year to fund his study. The student then leaves Uni and gets a debt free ride even though he'll be on a very decent wage.

Does that really sound fair?

I'd put the fees at an even higher rate. It might put a lot of people off actually going to Uni for the wrong reasons. Uni's need to be elitist to some extent. Too many scumbag chavs are going for the wrong reasons.
26 Jun 2010
/Clap, Pretty much sums up what these prospective students are far too stupid to understand.

If any students are stupid enough to think that causing millions of pounds worth of property damage and harassing poor prince Charles who has no lawmaking power will solve their illusionary problem then they don't deserve an education.

Indeed, attacking the man whose Princes Trust Charity has helped thousands of kids from very deprived backgrounds with paying for their education and/or training.

26 May 2009
Indeed, attacking the man whose Princes Trust Charity has helped thousands of kids from very deprived backgrounds with paying for their education and/or training.


Yeah, in all honestly its hard to think of many other people you would find in the back of a roller who have done more for charity, good causes and the general good interest of this country. They should attack Simon Cowell's Maybach instead ^^
14 Apr 2009
Location: Location
I went along after work last night to check it out, couldn't get anywhere near the center as the police were doing a pretty good job of keeping people away.

I saw one riot guy being carried away by other police to an ambulance, and an ad hoc group of protesters start off a mini march in the opposite direction when they couldn't get through the police. Wish I had had my camera with me.

I also saw a few people with there faces covered, obviously up to no good. It's a shame idiots like this ruin peaceful protests, but then you have to ask, would it have got as much media attention without them?
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