charles and camilla attacked

9 May 2005
Indeed, and so certain is he of his morals, principles and belief that he covers as much of his face as he can, now I wonder which is the more likely... that he covers his face because of fear of being identified for his calm and thought-out opposition to the tuition fees , or because of fear of being identified for the criminal activities that he knows he is there to do. Hmmmmm.

I have no sympathy, no compassion and no care left now towards the "students" and their "plight". Any agreement I may have had with them several weeks ago has now totally gone due to the events of the past few weeks. Now I would quite happily see snipers on the rooftops picking them off for all I care. Behave like an animal and I will treat you like one.

I agree. You don't cover your face at a peaceful protest. They should round those up or take away the scarves straight away.

If it was football fans that had acted in the same way they would be hooligans. They have acted in the same way.

Zero sympathy for them anymore.
13 Feb 2003
Having thought a bit more about the planning of the Princes journey, it would actually be quite difficult for them to get to the Palladium another route.

Due to the nature of the one way systems, the only way in is via Regent Street to Great Marlborough Street to the Palladium. The only other way is through Soho, which probably wasn't viable with a convoy and again may have not been easy to reach with the protests.

The failing is that they should have gone in undercover vehicles or assessed that they should have not gone at all or waited.
25 Jul 2003
Disgusting behaviour, really not doing their protest any favours.

I'm surprised at the light response from the Police to be quite honest, I'd have thought they would have waded in to protect the Royal car.
18 Oct 2002
[TW]Fox;17967686 said:
Absolute rubbish. This is the problem - people like you, and those protestors, have not even bothered to find out what the intentions are.

You will pay NOT A PENNY to obtain your education at the point of delivery. NOTHING. NIL. NADA, ZILCH.

You will go on paying NOT A PENNY until after you graduate *and* obtain a job paying at least £21,000 a year.

I have recently stopped being a student. I have a student loan. I am now paying it off through my salary and I don't have a problem with it at all. It was my education, I should pay for it.

The plans do not stop ANYONE from going to Uni. At all.

just this. total scum for doing it....

one pictured ****ing up against Churchill's statue and another desecrating the cenotaph....

they need to get over themselves and grow up.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
It is so amazing that the students managed to take a situation where many felt at least some sympathy towards their objections, and turn it into such dislike.

Great own goal there people.
1 Aug 2005
It is so amazing that the students managed to take a situation where many felt at least some sympathy towards their objections, and turn it into such dislike.

Great own goal there people.

Indeed. I can't think anyone outside their peers has any sympathy for them now.
20 Oct 2006
Well they've certainly done that and flushed their cause down the pan.

Yes but no where near compared to how France riots go down. Fuel bombs, people tooled up.

I bet Prince William is shook, thinking to himself these little buggers are going to **** up my wedding.

I mean they wanted to attack his dad yesterday and they defaced Winston Churchill statue, so patriotism is unknown to these guys, especially that brown fella saying he is going to sell drugs because he wont get EMA. How about you get a job like the rest of us.
13 Feb 2003
I'm getting a bit sick of the word 'Kettling' being banded about.

It seems that protesters always blame it as the reason for violence. However, in this case, there was violence before they were kettled and could still leave the other side of Parliament Square.

Also, what were the Police supposed to do?
Allowing people to go off and do what they want would only have resulted in damage all across London, which is what they did last time. I'd wager the damage on Oxford Street would have been much worse.

I know a lot of the peaceful protesters are complaining about this, but at the end of the day, if you go to a large protest which has a track record of ending in violence and disorder, you can't expect to go to such a demonstration and just be able to nip off whenever you like.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Next what?

Anti-democratic riot by anti-tory thugs who forget that Labour broke two pledges when they introduced and then raised tuition fees, spent all the money, took us to war twice, trashed civil liberties, made the social divide worse, increased state dependency and added some 5000 new laws during their time in office...

For some reason, in the eyes of irrational people, the Tories are still the nasty party and there are some that will circle-jerk oppose anything that they come up with, even when it's better, fairer and more progressive than what Labour left...
14 Jan 2008
For me i have mixed feelings on this i originally had sympathy with students even though i understood the system didn't penalise future students as much as THEY think it does but that it would put some off. But then a friend showed me how many courses there are now at six different uni's and the solution became a little clearer for me. We really need to cut back the number of courses to the type that actually will allow those taking them to become good earner's in the future we offer too many courses in obscure things and then wonder why uni's are struggling. Also when i was growing up i always viewed uni as the place for the brightest and best in the country to further their knowledge and go on to be a positive benefit for the country it wasn't a right you had and it wasn't something for the majority.

As a former armed forces member my other feelings are that we have gotten way too soft in this country in the way we allow certain groups to behave when they have a problem. When i was in the service if you had approached a royal car in that way i would have raised my rifle, issued a warning and if you didn't clear off fired a warning shot and the next wouldn't have been either a warning or missed. As for the morons hanging off the cenotaph the anger in me is so high words cannot describe it as they clearly have no clue what that monument is or who it is representing and that it has nothing to do with politics. Churchill's statue another fine example of the idiocy that is all too common amongst some of our younger members of society.

Of course the police will be criticised they always are, they are a true example of damned if you do and damned if you don't they can never win and the only thing that amazes me with our police is that many bother to show up for duty on days they know there will be a protest. For me personally i feel the police were way too restrained they should have gone in hard and fast early on and never have allowed it to get as bad as it did. But they cannot anymore because we have become a country where lawyers and rights rule and anyone can do what the hell they want in large enough groups and walk away from it pretty much. Those arrested will probably not face any real punishment and will be more cocky then they were yesterday hard as that might be for some of them.

We all of us have things that mean enough to us to fight for it but most of us also have the intelligence to understand that there is a means and way of fighting your cause that promotes it and benefits it and this isn't it. Right now students and those in London yesterday were a minority of the total number of students in this country that does have to be remembered, but their cause is dead and they have become by the actions of a few despised by much of society today.

Future of our country by christ i hope not because if that is an example of our future we have more problems then any financial trouble.
13 Feb 2003
BBC News Channel is showing some kind of student panel that is holding a press conference now and saying that they next demonstration will be Monday and they can't guarantee there won't be more trouble.

The one guy is blaming the Police for everything and claiming students were all attacked, which is why people bought flares. They then tried to dodge the point when a journalist asked whether throwing bits of breeze block from head height was acceptable at anyone.

The President of one of the London Unis just made a fool of herself by referring to the 'Slums of London' guy above, saying that these were poor people who came to protest, who weren't masked, who are no troublemakers etc.... errr..... right!
18 Oct 2002
Plus its my understanding that its the uni's who'll decide if they charge upto £9000, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that'll be the more posher uni's.

Still at the end of the day, dis-facing the churchill monument and claiming on the cenotaph is beyond a joke, not to mention attack our future kings in his car!?

1 Aug 2005
Anti-democratic riot by anti-tory thugs who forget that Labour broke two pledges when they introduced and then raised tuition fees, spent all the money, took us to war twice, trashed civil liberties, made the social divide worse, increased state dependency and added some 5000 new laws during their time in office...

For some reason, in the eyes of irrational people, the Tories are still the nasty party and there are some that will circle-jerk oppose anything that they come up with, even when it's better, fairer and more progressive than what Labour left...

But there's no point anymore. This is just rioting for rioting's sake.
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