charles and camilla attacked

16 Apr 2010
im sorry but how can you all talk like this? can you not see that people who can just about afford uni now will never be able to go and get job they want? and have the eduction that they want? or are you all on you're elitist high horses?
20 Oct 2006
well nice to see how many people here have had to work for everything and not have it spoon feed by mummy and daddy loljk your all a bunch of tory c**nt's who don't understand a fair few things.
1. why take money away from people who work hard as hell (ema, people who work in the public sector) they work for it and old harry from Oxfordshire got daddy to pay for private school and tutors and then eton and Cambridge, where as old joe worked his ass of to get into a grammar school and uni but cant go to uni because of the prices which suit harry because he has been fed with a diamond spoon.
2. words speak for something actions speck for so much more for example every time a country's political system has been changed it been through violent revolution.
3. nick clegg full on promised that he would never raise fee's ahh sorry you won't get that okay let me come up with a better example daddy gets you the new blackberry instead of the iphone that kind of disappointment.
4. the police weren't the nicest charging them with horses where they? but hey karma ensued and one broke both legs and one broke his neck.

lastly next time your out buying a bottle of wine for £200 or a shirt for £150 remember some people have to work ridiculously hard for that money a week and not get it at a whim from daddy. its easy for you to say its terrible violence but you wont be impacted like most people who work hard but will struggle to get to uni and get a good job because only rich kids are allowed those now.

I don't know what to say after a tirade of BS. You don't make any sense or valid points.
3 May 2004
You dont have to goto uni to be successful or to make money in life, I didn't, yet i still make more money than many of my friends who did go, and i made it while they were getting wasted every other night living off overdrafts. Only more recently have they started to catch up but most have had jobs unrelated to their degrees or poor jobs in general

If you cant afford to go you should reconsider your options, if your not clever enough or simply want the student life then thats another matter

If you do go you should be prepared to pay when you reap the benefits of your education
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5 Jun 2010
im sorry but how can you all talk like this? can you not see that people who can just about afford uni now will never be able to go and get job they want? and have the eduction that they want? or are you all on you're elitist high horses?

Elitist high horse? I remember my mother eating boiled onions because we were so poor, so don't level that at everyone.
16 Apr 2010
really French Russian revolution completely peaceful? and didn't they change anything? and it is true ema is getting cut mate also jobs in the public sector so that 2 points right soo far. nick clegg did make that promise and the police did charge with horses did they not? and people do work harder and get half as much as people who have never worked? yup all right to be fair... or havnt you ever seen someone work 9-5 for 1k month but be happy with that?
21 Nov 2008
Students are supposed to be clever yes?

Students arrange mass protests in london, shocked when protests get hijacked by trouble making tools?

Surely a case for less students, as the fewer there are the less likely we are to see such blatent displays of breathtaking stupidity as they have shown here in thinking that such a protest would EVER be peacefull.

Students in brain dead, no experience of the real world shocker.

They're probably more shocked how people assume they're all students and generalise all students because of it.
20 Oct 2006
really French Russian revolution completely peaceful? and didn't they change anything? and it is true ema is getting cut mate also jobs in the public sector so that 2 points right soo far. nick clegg did make that promise and the police did charge with horses did they not? and people do work harder and get half as much as people who have never worked? yup all right to be fair... or havnt you ever seen someone work 9-5 for 1k month but be happy with that?

Please use Microsoft Office or some type of grammar checking program for your future posts.



11 Jul 2009
West Kingsdown, Kent.
im sorry but how can you all talk like this? can you not see that people who can just about afford uni now will never be able to go and get job they want? and have the eduction that they want? or are you all on you're elitist high horses?

Sounds about right to me, hard life son aint it.

As for the protesters what we need there is the army not the police and a media ban.
31 May 2009
oh because a fair few schools told them to go and protest because secondary school leads to uni and if they can't go to uni it slightly defeats the point.

Are you certain of this, or making it up?
I ask specifically, as schools are legally obligated not to release their students, especially those under 16 years of age without parental conscent.
This would require passing the schools board, and then release forms to be signed by the parents.
The schools can't simply tell them to go, or in fact allow them to go, without prior authorisation from the parents.

So are you making it up, or know firsthand of schools 'who told them to go'?
3 May 2004
It doesnt matter what Clegg promised, he didnt win and now he's not going to jeopardise the coalition or the closest his party will ever come to a taste of power for this
20 Oct 2006
Are you certain of this, or making it up?
I ask specifically, as schools are legally obligated not to release their students, especially those under 16 years of age without parental conscent.
This would require passing the schools board, and then release forms to be signed by the parents.
The schools can't simply tell them to go, or in fact allow them to go, without prior authorisation from the parents.

So are you making it up, or know firsthand of schools 'who told them to go'?

If you believe him you need to be admitted to whatever hospital he attends for his check-ups.
30 Sep 2009
lastly next time your out buying a bottle of wine for £200 or a shirt for £150 remember some people have to work ridiculously hard for that money a week.

never tell another person how to spend their money. they earnt it, they spend it, simple. and just how much do you think the retailer and producers of said products make? it's giving back in a good way.



11 Jul 2009
West Kingsdown, Kent.
LOL, Why is life so hard ? why cant I get everything handed to me like all these rich folk.

Because apparently rich people don't work for their money.

You know to this day i wake up amazed at the line of people dropping money at my gates, then there's the plane that keeps dropping money in me field, lifes just been one long cake walk.

Then i woke up from that dream and spent 20 years knocking my ****** out getting a few quid, a concept some of these whining ****ers should embrace.
17 Aug 2005
nikolii comes across as ill informed as most of the people I have heard who are upset with the raise in tutiton fee's.

The downside you have to pay more for you education, lets remember its upto 9k and only some uni's will be able to charge that.

Plus side you pay less each month, will be earning 6k more a year before payments are paid back.

It will weed out the amount of people who go with no real idea of what they want to do an just drift through.

Imagine if it was free, how many people would use it as an excuse to do nothing! Shouldn't need to foot the bill for them.

9K is high but think long term.

O and about them getting these people in tax havens, im pretty sure they have plans for this to happen.

Requesting information from over seas banks and clawing some of the tax back.
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