charles and camilla attacked

24 Nov 2003
Someone sent some VIPs in a highly conspicuous vehicle through a riot? What did they expect would happen exactly?


I dot not condone the actions of anarchist nutters.

But let's look at the evidence. Police and security advisors new weeks ahead of Charles' itinerary, and the recent history of 'student' protests, and changed nothing.

Blaming anarchists for police/security failings is like blaming a cat for chasing a mouse.
24 Nov 2003
Violence never works, threatening and actual violance has never changed peoples mind. Instead violence usually steels the will of thoses the violences is aimed at see ww2 blitz for a clear example of why violence does bugger all.

In short a demographically elected goverment made a call it got passed, the call had to come. The cuts had to be made, if not in low student fees which allow a large section of the work force to get ****ed for 3 years then where? hospitals? pensions? other ammenities actually used by thoses funding the damn things.
And all this b*****ks about grads bringing in most of the money that ive seen sprouting up as some form of excuse, very few graduuates end up in a postiotn that a none graduate could have risen to if they spent the four years working hard.

In actual fact violent protest does sometimes work. And quite recently too.

Poll tax riots. People were generally unhappy with the Poll Tax. But not enough for Maggie Thatcher to do a U-turn. After the riots in central london and Trafalgar Square burning, the Poll Tax was dead.
26 Jun 2010
Of course violence works. Just look how the British government has pandered to Sinn Fein / IRA. All you need to do is riot for 30 years.

Behave, they don't want to pay a few quid a month for 30 years let alone commit to a course of actual action for that long.

In fact I'm surprised many of them could commit more that 30 minutes to the protest frankly.

Saying that, I would be surprised if most committed more than 30 seconds to actually reading the proposal in the first place.
10 Apr 2010

You a cop?

Anyway, yeah, a swift crack right on the top of the head will drop you instantly. Been on the receiving end of it. Knocked me out instantly. Went down like a sack of ****. Also opened my head up. Had to get about 11 or 12 (I think it was that) staples to close it again. Still carry the scar and it makes shaving my head a pain in the ****.
13 Sep 2009
Maidstone, Kent
I feel very strongly against the tuition fee rise as it will seriously mess up my future. However, as long as some people keep acting like that, we're going nowhere. And why should anyone wear balaclavas or cover their faces? If you are taking part in a protest, you are demonstrating that you believe in the cause- they clearly intend to do something illegal.

I am very angry because the acts of nutters have ruined the future for the people who will be deeply effected by it such as me and have sealed both public and politicians opinions. I feel sorry for the people in secondary schools and the peaceful protesters as other decisions could have been made if it wasn't for those retards.
16 Apr 2010
well nice to see how many people here have had to work for everything and not have it spoon feed by mummy and daddy loljk your all a bunch of tory ****'s who don't understand a fair few things.
1. why take money away from people who work hard as hell (ema, people who work in the public sector) they work for it and old harry from Oxfordshire got daddy to pay for private school and tutors and then eton and Cambridge, where as old joe worked his ass of to get into a grammar school and uni but cant go to uni because of the prices which suit harry because he has been fed with a diamond spoon.
2. words speak for something actions speck for so much more for example every time a country's political system has been changed it been through violent revolution.
3. nick clegg full on promised that he would never raise fee's ahh sorry you won't get that okay let me come up with a better example daddy gets you the new blackberry instead of the iphone that kind of disappointment.
4. the police weren't the nicest charging them with horses where they? but hey karma ensued and one broke both legs and one broke his neck.

lastly next time your out buying a bottle of wine for £200 or a shirt for £150 remember some people have to work ridiculously hard for that money a week and not get it at a whim from daddy. its easy for you to say its terrible violence but you wont be impacted like most people who work hard but will struggle to get to uni and get a good job because only rich kids are allowed those now.
5 Jun 2010
I feel very strongly against the tuition fee rise as it will seriously mess up my future. However, as long as some people keep acting like that, we're going nowhere. And why should anyone wear balaclavas or cover their faces? If you are taking part in a protest, you are demonstrating that you believe in the cause- they clearly intend to do something illegal.

I am very angry because the acts of nutters have ruined the future for the people who will be deeply effected by it such as me and have sealed both public and politicians opinions. I feel sorry for the people in secondary schools and the peaceful protesters as other decisions could have been made if it wasn't for those retards.

Do you know how the changes will effect you?
10 Apr 2010
well nice to see how many people here have had to work for everything and not have it spoon feed by mummy and daddy loljk your all a bunch of tory ****'s who don't understand a fair few things.
1. why take money away from people who work hard as hell (ema, people who work in the public sector) they work for it and old harry from Oxfordshire got daddy to pay for private school and tutors and then eton and Cambridge, where as old joe worked his ass of to get into a grammar school and uni but cant go to uni because of the prices which suit harry because he has been fed with a diamond spoon.
2. words speak for something actions speck for so much more for example every time a country's political system has been changed it been through violent revolution.
3. nick clegg full on promised that he would never raise fee's ahh sorry you won't get that okay let me come up with a better example daddy gets you the new blackberry instead of the iphone that kind of disappointment.
4. the police weren't the nicest charging them with horses where they? but hey karma ensued and one broke both legs and one broke his neck.

lastly next time your out buying a bottle of wine for £200 or a shirt for £150 remember some people have to work ridiculously hard for that money a week and not get it at a whim from daddy. its easy for you to say its terrible violence but you wont be impacted like most people who work hard but will struggle to get to uni and get a good job because only rich kids are allowed those now.

Wow. You're a ****ing idiot.
14 Sep 2005
Burnham, Bucks
well nice to see how many people here have had to work for everything and not have it spoon feed by mummy and daddy loljk your all a bunch of tory ****'s who don't understand a fair few things.
1. why take money away from people who work hard as hell (ema, people who work in the public sector) they work for it and old harry from Oxfordshire got daddy to pay for private school and tutors and then eton and Cambridge, where as old joe worked his ass of to get into a grammar school and uni but cant go to uni because of the prices which suit harry because he has been fed with a diamond spoon.
2. words speak for something actions speck for so much more for example every time a country's political system has been changed it been through violent revolution.
3. nick clegg full on promised that he would never raise fee's ahh sorry you won't get that okay let me come up with a better example daddy gets you the new blackberry instead of the iphone that kind of disappointment.
4. the police weren't the nicest charging them with horses where they? but hey karma ensued and one broke both legs and one broke his neck.

lastly next time your out buying a bottle of wine for £200 or a shirt for £150 remember some people have to work ridiculously hard for that money a week and not get it at a whim from daddy. its easy for you to say its terrible violence but you wont be impacted like most people who work hard but will struggle to get to uni and get a good job because only rich kids are allowed those now.

People like you shouldn't be in university, you'd bring the intellect level down immediately and it wouldn't be fair on the other students with you holding them back.

Also please read the rules here and fully star out swearies.
19 Feb 2010
3. nick clegg full on promised that he would never raise fee's ahh sorry you won't get that okay let me come up with a better example daddy gets you the new blackberry instead of the iphone that kind of disappointment.

The Lib Dems knew they wouldn't get into government with a majority so were free to make any ridiculous promises they wanted to, safe, they thought, in the knowledge that they'd never have to deliver them.

And wow, you're bitter!
5 Jun 2010
lastly next time your out buying a bottle of wine for £200 or a shirt for £150 remember some people have to work ridiculously hard for that money a week and not get it at a whim from daddy. its easy for you to say its terrible violence but you wont be impacted like most people who work hard but will struggle to get to uni and get a good job because only rich kids are allowed those now.

Neither of us went to university yet we can afford those very things you seem to have an issue with.
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