charles and camilla attacked

15 Jul 2009
Do governments not realise we'll be voting against them in 5 years just because of this?? God knows what leaders we would end up with, with labour, conservities and lib dems gone.
30 Nov 2008
Do governments not realise we'll be voting against them in 5 years just because of this?? God knows what leaders we would end up with, with labour, conservities and lib dems gone.

My gawd cos everyone in that age bracket goes to uni!!!!

Oh wait its only a small percentage of people that will be fresh out of university, everyone else seems to be lifing in some form of reality that actually has a clue.
15 Jul 2009
Anyone watching the student union prat on bbc two atmoment trying to pass the blame onto the police, se wont answer the simple question of "why would peacefull protestors bring snookerballs to a protest?"

It quiet funny watching her squirm..

So when your old and need a pension can we quote why should the young pay for you to live?

no i think pensions are a stupid idea, i'd rather use my own savings than some other poor persons hard work...
15 Jul 2009
My gawd cos everyone in that age bracket goes to uni!!!!

Oh wait its only a small percentage of people that will be fresh out of university, everyone else seems to be lifing in some form of reality that actually has a clue.

well im sure students would preswuade their parents and friends?? and im sure people ages 20-30 would vote the same as them due to the generation?? duh.
30 Nov 2008
no i think pensions are a stupid idea, i'd rather use my own savings than some other poor persons hard work...

well, under that mindset if your not willing to share the burden why should the state pay for your education?

It isnt a one way street. Oh and good luck saving up enough cash over your life time for retirement with out a pension scheme

i'm talking about the student population here.. which last time i looked was quite a lot of the cake

it really, really is not, far more people vote than have ever entered a university. Also a lot of people actually get a grip on reality when they leave university and see that the world owes them jack.
13 Sep 2009
Maidstone, Kent
I must protest GD!
My blood boils when all the media, police and news coverage blames the students!
I'm Glad the students are rebeling towards this act of "LIES" of what Nick Clegg said he would diminish...
Why on Earth would a government put the burden of the UK's **** Economy on students who HAVE NOT HAD A SAY IN THIS WHAT SO EVER?
OLD MEN WHO THINK THEY KNOW IT ALL: oh hehe we in a problem here... OH I KNOW lets make our young generation fix it cause we cannot BE BOTHERED!
Students: We want a chance at life like everyone else WHY SHOULD WE HAVE TO REPAY WHAT YOU DID!

You know what **** off students dont deserve this... if anything they should Force all the millionaires to pay off most the debt... Oh wait I FORGOT THE GOVERNMENT IS TOO ****ING SCARED........
I dont give a flying toss if this gets deleted or i get banned its a freedom of speach... Something this country seems to have a lot off... its a shame its only one minded.

I agree with you in that our country is run by out-of-touch people who couldn't care less about the people, only votes- and students can't vote. To completely ruin the future of so many people without giving them a say is disgusting. However, you simply cannot justify what they are doing- vandalising monuments of Britain's greatest men such as Nelson and Churchill, and setting fire to the tree given to us by Norway for our help during WWII. It is unacceptable what they are doing- I'm angry, we all are- but a peaceful protest may well have worked, now it's been ruined. We can't 'bring down the government' or take parliament by force, it's a ridiculous statement. It could have worked, but then idiots ruined our only chances.

If they got the Army in and shot every cowardly ******* wearing a balaclava who were clearly intending to be violent or illegal and shot them- the protests may have worked and there would be a lot less idiots in the world.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
well im sure students would preswuade their parents and friends?? and im sure people ages 20-30 would vote the same as them due to the generation?? duh.

Well no, many studens do not have a problem with it and even less parents do. Why are you making it out to be a massice majority who agai
nst this when that isn't the case.
15 Jul 2009
well, under that mindset if your not willing to share the burden why should the state pay for your education?

It isnt a one way street. Oh and good luck saving up enough cash over your life time for retirement with out a pension scheme

it really, really is not far more people vote that have never entered a university. Also a lot of people actually get a grip on reality when they leave university and see that the world owes them jack.

maybe they would pay cause they get their money back eitherway? and they would have gain more people with degrees? ( i know theres too many but its not their decision to make who goes where and what )
15 Jul 2009
I agree with you in that our country is run by out-of-touch people who couldn't care less about the people, only votes- and students can't vote. To completely ruin the future of so many people without giving them a say is disgusting. However, you simply cannot justify what they are doing- vandalising monuments of Britain's greatest men such as Nelson and Churchill, and setting fire to the tree given to us by Norway for our help during WWII. It is unacceptable what they are doing- I'm angry, we all are- but a peaceful protest may well have worked, now it's been ruined. We can't 'bring down the government' or take parliament by force, it's a ridiculous statement. It could have worked, but then idiots ruined our only chances.

If they got the Army in and shot every cowardly ******* wearing a balaclava who were clearly intending to be violent or illegal and shot them- the protests may have worked and there would be a lot less idiots in the world.
This is what im trying to say, i'm sorry it didnt come out this clear, i for one am against the destruction of historys monuments and i feel bad that it happened, i just hate the fact they triple the fee's which is purely not fair for the kids growing up... university is a life changing experience where you get to make new friends and go out and learn about life... i feel sorry for the people who wont be able to afford this experience but so dearly want it.

I'm sorry for my agressive rant... i just purely dont think its fair.
13 Sep 2009
Maidstone, Kent
This is what im trying to say, i'm sorry it didnt come out this clear, i for one am against the destruction of historys monuments and i feel bad that it happened, i just hate the fact they triple the fee's which is purely not fair for the kids growing up... university is a life changing experience where you get to make new friends and go out and learn about life... i feel sorry for the people who wont be able to afford this experience but so dearly want it.

I'm sorry for my agressive rant... i just purely dont think its fair.

In that case, with you all the way :D
30 Nov 2008
maybe they would pay cause they get their money back eitherway? and they would have gain more people with degrees? ( i know theres too many but its not their decision to make who goes where and what )

You can have the whole countries population with degrees it just devalues the degree, doesnt mean they'll bring money into the country. I life at the edge of a high price propety developement (houses at £300k plus, which is very high for south wales) and guess what the majority of all owners are tradesmen.

I think most graduates have been fed a rather large lie. They all seem to believe that they will ahve a job intheir degree and will be earn £xxK within years.
In the real world companies such as mine do hire graduates but they barely ever raise above than thoses that started as apprentices.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
It's a loan, everyone can afford it. The country can no longer afford to run it as a teenage cresh, simple thing is far far to many people go to uni and there is no need for it.
16 Jul 2008
People feel they have to go to university because virtually all employers demand university graduates even if they don't really need one.

Raising the fees is not the answer. It doesn't address the fact that people are studying mickey mouse subjects, which ridicule the idea of University, and vocational subjects, in which case they'd be much better off with an apprenticeship. Only apprenticeships got shafted a while back and there aren't all that many going.

The whole system is screwed. The new fees won't fix the problems.
18 Oct 2002
university is a life changing experience where you get to make new friends and go out and learn about life...

No it isn't. A university is primarily a centre for academic research. The needs/wants/desires/experiences of undergraduates is entirely secondary to this. Universities bother training undergraduates to make more people who can do more research.

And no-one's yet pointed out a single example of a scenario where someone couldn't afford the fees.

Shouting 'It's not fair' (a) betrays the fact that you don't get the bigger picture about education funding and public spending in general, and (b) makes you sound like a spoiled child.
15 Jul 2009
I understand what you are trying to say, but some people go to uni for the experience other than the degree itself, and for people university has been the best time of their lifes.
so i guess its up to the person, but i for one want to go to uni not just for a degree but also the lifestyle which some people might find stupid but in a lot of cases thats why people go.
you simply cant get that to the same extent if you work labour or whatever you want to call it
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