charles and camilla attacked

5 Jun 2010
I understand what you are trying to say, but some people go to uni for the experience other than the degree itself, and for people university has been the best time of their lifes.
so i guess its up to the person, but i for one want to go to uni not just for a degree but also the lifestyle which some people might find stupid but in a lot of cases thats why people go.
you simply cant get that to the same extent if you work labour or whatever you want to call it

Are you suggesting that the state should fund lifestyle choices, essentially the taxpayer?
22 Feb 2008
maybe they would pay cause they get their money back eitherway? and they would have gain more people with degrees? ( i know theres too many but its not their decision to make who goes where and what )

You have a hell of a lot of growing up to do, my friend. One day, you'll think back to your mindset right now and cringe. Mark my words.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
People feel they have to go to university because virtually all employers demand university graduates even if they don't really need one.
this is nt the case, it is just feed to people as being true.
There's actually a surprising number of apprenticeships it's just finding out about them.
21 Nov 2008
I understand what you are trying to say, but some people go to uni for the experience other than the degree itself, and for people university has been the best time of their lifes.
so i guess its up to the person, but i for one want to go to uni not just for a degree but also the lifestyle which some people might find stupid but in a lot of cases thats why people go.
you simply cant get that to the same extent if you work labour or whatever you want to call it

But as Fox keeps pointing out... if you earn less than 21k(?) you won't have to pay it back. so those people going for the 'uni life' will probably be able to continue going
22 Feb 2008
you simply cant get that to the same extent if you work labour or whatever you want to call it

Wait a you're saying you just cant have the "Uni Experience(tm)" if you're forced to work and fund yourself while there?

Reality alert, kid: 90% of us worked our own asses off through Uni. Not just on studying, but on part-time jobs to pay the bills. Wake up.
15 Jul 2009
No it isn't. A university is primarily a centre for academic research. The needs/wants/desires/experiences of undergraduates is entirely secondary to this. Universities bother training undergraduates to make more people who can do more research.

And no-one's yet pointed out a single example of a scenario where someone couldn't afford the fees.

Shouting 'It's not fair' (a) betrays the fact that you don't get the bigger picture about education funding and public spending in general, and (b) makes you sound like a spoiled child.

i'm sorry but you sound like a child assuming someones persona without actually knowing them... i can afford it with ease not because of my parents but because i have a job i go to school, i even have a free time hobby which generates me money... my mind is focused on the people who cannot or are getting put off by it.
1. It isn't fair... would you make you child pay for something that is your fault? i hope the answer is no.
2. would you lie to your child and take him/her to an icecream van and say "lol im not buying you one" as soon as you get there? NO
3. Lib dems said they would crap tuition fees.. and oh LOOK over half the party want to rise it...
4. Get the picture what i see?
15 Jul 2009
Wait a you're saying you just cant have the "Uni Experience(tm)" if you're forced to work and fund yourself while there?

Reality alert, kid: 90% of us worked our own asses off through Uni. Not just on studying, but on part-time jobs to pay the bills. Wake up.

i think you should wake up... please tell me how you can be an engineer, plumber or electricionist FULL Time and go to uni??...
15 Jul 2009
i'm out i cant talk to people like you guys, who have the thought where you think its right to make the younger generations pay for your mistakes its unreal... sort it out yourselfs, you voted for the governments, governments got you in dept, you deal with it, dont burdon us... and im sure we will be in the same situation one day but by god i will have the balls to admit i voted wrong and i will fix it... its disgustion how the majority of you think its fair...
16 Jul 2008
i think you should wake up... please tell me how you can be an engineer, plumber or electricionist FULL Time and go to uni??...

Most of us did some sort of low level part time job. I worked in a warehouse. I know people who worked behind bars and waited tables. It's not glamorous but you take what you can get.
15 Jul 2009
Most of us did some sort of low level part time job. I worked in a warehouse. I know people who worked behind bars and waited tables. It's not glamorous but you take what you can get.

sorry if you miss understood i ment jobs that pay 30+ k a year to live a family of off
22 Feb 2008
i think you should wake up... please tell me how you can be an engineer, plumber or electricionist FULL Time and go to uni??...

What? Are you actually reading anyone's posts or living on the same planet?

You do understand the concept of Student Loans, yes?

Obviously not, so I'll enlighten you:

A Student Loan is taken out each semester by the student. Majority of the loan goes on fees. The rest, for rent and living costs. For most, the leftovers for living aren't enough. So it becomes a necessity to get a PART TIME job to make up the extra.

There's the "Uni Experience(tm)" that the majority of us went through. Obviously nothing like what you're expecting, and it won't change one iota due to the increased fees.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Paying for mistakes? They're paying fot their further education which 60+% of them don't need.
i'm out i cant talk to people like you guys, who have the thought where you think its right to make the younger generations pay for your mistakes its unreal... sort it out yourselfs, you voted for the governments, governments got you in dept, you deal with it, dont burdon us... and im sure we will be in the same situation one day but by god i will have the balls to admit i voted wrong and i will fix it... its disgustion how the majority of you think its fair...
30 Nov 2008
1. It isn't fair... would you make you child pay for something that is your fault? i hope the answer is no.
Life isnt fair, after you turn 18 the world owes you jack, and the state only has to amke sure your able to survive. Education required to work is free till you are 18 or direct work based education is free no matter the age. Uni has no corrilation to actually getting a job it is a choosen activity that is a choice not manadtory.
2. would you lie to your child and take him/her to an icecream van and say "lol im not buying you one" as soon as you get there?
so youre saying because around they should be free? ok, if their free whos gonna pay for the following;
*teaching aids
it ahs to come from somewhere and who better to pay for it than thoses actually using the system, if i used a train i wouldnt expect you to pay for me. Even though it gets me from a - b similiar to a university.
3. Lib dems said they would crap tuition fees.. and oh LOOK over half the party want to rise it...
To quote house
House said:
Everybody lies!!
Politicians lie its their job when you grow up you'll relise any person in power has a silver tongue. Also last tiem i checked the torys were diplomatically voted in.

i think you should wake up... please tell me how you can be an engineer, plumber or electricionist FULL Time and go to uni??...

Um you have heard of open uni or studying from home right? also to be an engineer you dont have to have a degree just revelent experiance in that subject area. Also the amount a plumber or electrician earns why would they want to go to university??
One of the lads i used to work with has specilised into fire alarms/ burglar alarms for industrial and commerical properties and is getting paid £24 p/h (lucky bugger tbh)
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18 Oct 2002
i'm sorry but you sound like a child assuming someones persona without actually knowing them... i can afford it with ease not because of my parents but because i have a job i go to school, i even have a free time hobby which generates me money... my mind is focused on the people who cannot or are getting put off by it.

How charitable of you. My mind is focussed on making my tax pounds go as far as possible. Higher education, at the moment, doesn't come anywhere near the top of the list.

1. It isn't fair... would you make you child pay for something that is your fault? i hope the answer is no.

I don't have children. However, I can spell. Amazing what they teach you at university.

2. would you lie to your child and take him/her to an icecream van and say "lol im not buying you one" as soon as you get there? NO

I'm starting to think you're on drugs. How on earth does that make any sense?

3. Lib dems said they would crap tuition fees.. and oh LOOK over half the party want to rise it...

And? They're not in government, they're in coalition. They've made concessions, just as the tories have. They've also managed to get a bunch of stuff on the table that wouldn't have happened in a million years under a tory majority.

4. Get the picture what i see?

Not even close. You're going to have to work on your articulation and communications skills.
14 Dec 2005
I've been offline all day today (just catching up on 7 pages!) but I saw on the news that the student ****ers were chanting "off with their heads". I agree entirely; off with the students' heads.

Also apparently the armed police were seconds from firing.... should have fired TBH.

From the start of the day they should have been using Rubber Bullets & Tear Gas, and once the royals were attacked they should have switched to Live Ammunition.
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