charles and camilla attacked

15 Jul 2009
Life isnt fair, after you turn 18 the world owes you jack, and the state only has to amke sure your able to survive. Education required to work is free till you are 18 or direct work based education is free no matter the age. Uni has no corrilation to actually getting a job it is a choosen activity that is a choice not manadtory.

so youre saying because around they should be free? ok, if their free whos gonna pay for the following;
*teaching aids
it ahs to come from somewhere and who better to pay for it than thoses actually using the system, if i used a train i wouldnt expect you to pay for me. Even though it gets me from a - b similiar to a university.

To quote house

Politicians lie its their job when you grow up you'll relise any person in power has a silver tongue. Also last tiem i checked the torys were diplomatically voted in.
hooooooooo ye

and btw i meant with the ice cream bit, how they make you vote for the them but in return give you nothing what you expected.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
It is not a lib dem goverment, it s a coalition. Thatmeans lib dems can't just do what they wanted. Also it is cappedat 9k the true cost is much higher.
10 Dec 2007
South Yorkshire
Im so seriously angry about these people..
i hope the police gave them a serious kicking if they caught them and its not often im on the police side..
wonder how much the honest tax payers will have to fork out to repair that motor :(
22 Feb 2008
hooooooooo ye

and btw i meant with the ice cream bit, how they make you vote for the them but in return give you nothing what you expected.

Man, your immature (not meant as an insult) angst is almost exploding the internet, tbh.

Welcome to politics, kid. It happens. However, the Lib Dems do have a legitimate excuse: they're in a coalition with the (politically stronger) Tories. Clegg CAN'T keep all of the promises he made as he simply isn't calling the shots! He might be in office, sure, but realistically his influence is minimal. Surely you realise that? Do you think he doesn't go to bed each night filled with doubt and regret?

Ah, the ignorance of youth...
16 Jul 2008
Welcome to politics, kid. It happens. However, the Lib Dems do have a legitimate excuse: they're in a coalition with the (politically stronger) Tories. Clegg CAN'T keep all of the promises he made as he simply isn't calling the shots! He might be in office, sure, but realistically his influence is minimal. Surely you realise that? Do you think he doesn't go to bed each night filled with doubt and regret?


Liberal Democrats: Say goodbye to broken promises
22 Feb 2008

Yep, and does make Clegg and the Lib Dems the obvious devils in the current situation. Still, it's not his fault. He simply can't fight the weight of the ruling Tory party.

Perhaps it would have been better for them to bow out than agree to a coalition, but that can't be changed now.

Still, I also remember the last government making a ton of promises that they utterly failed to deliver. Happens every time.
2 Aug 2004
The moon
i'm out i cant talk to people like you guys, who have the thought where you think its right to make the younger generations pay for your mistakes its unreal... sort it out yourselfs, you voted for the governments, governments got you in dept, you deal with it, dont burdon us... and im sure we will be in the same situation one day but by god i will have the balls to admit i voted wrong and i will fix it... its disgustion how the majority of you think its fair...
I know I'm debating against thin air (the fact you've claimed you've left the thread as well as the space between your ears) however what is this 'mistakes the older generation have made' nonsense you keep ranting about regarding University? I think I'm right in saying that in the same period the financial system went to ruin a culture was developed in society where every man and his dog went to university on the cheap (an entirely flawed concept.) You appear to be arguing that this should continue so that everyone can enjoy the same cheap-rate lifestyle choice that everyone enjoyed for 3 years before when it is partially this system that created the deficit in the first place - Therefore meaning the concept of everyman and his dog going to university is actually part of the "older generation" created problem you speak of, yet you want it to continue...Confusing to say the least.
15 Jul 2009
I've been offline all day today (just catching up on 7 pages!) but I saw on the news that the student ****ers were chanting "off with their heads". I agree entirely; off with the students' heads.

Also apparently the armed police were seconds from firing.... should have fired TBH.

From the start of the day they should have been using Rubber Bullets & Tear Gas, and once the royals were attacked they should have switched to Live Ammunition.

Oh the irony...
Did martin luther king tell you nothing?
Off with police heads says the students?? - you really think that will ever happen??
why on earth would the police use live ammunition?
28 Nov 2002
I can imagine it now, some irate so called students getting their brains blown out in front of the nations press for chucking paint and smashing a window of a car carrying jug ears and horse face
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