charles and camilla attacked

15 Jul 2009
is there a country where everyone gets paid the same amount and treated with respect no matter what the age? i want to visit it sometime
12 Jul 2007
University is a choice not a right. Even after the fee increase you can still Choose to go, however you'd better be damn sure you're serious about it (it's a lot of potential debt) which should cut down on the amount of students who may currently treat Uni as a bit of a Skive.

However, I'm a mid 30's bloke who is sick of hearing moaning teenagers saying "It's sooooo unfair" like Neil in the Young Ones. I have a full time job and if I want to study for a degree I'll use the OU, just like they will still be able to.
30 Nov 2008
is there a country where everyone gets paid the same amount and treated with respect no matter what the age? i want to visit it sometime

No, a communist country is the nearest thing to that but then if protestors tried the recent crap in their they'd dispaer off to a concetration camp.

Human Nature means where selfish, we only think of others when faced with the idea that we may have to rely on on others to survie. The nhs is seen as a clear example of this everyone pays into the pot for that one time when they need it.

If you want to see a totally unfair education system try the yanks, this system completey bankrupts its users. Forcing american graduates to work jobs with the fear of loosing everything if the job drys up.

no body should be more important than others
The nothing would happen ever. We need a hierarchy to work, their is no organism in the world that doesn't have a hierarchy and students need to understand that they are at the bottom with the unemployed and that they nly rise when they are fully qualified and paying taxes. Its a bitch but its a fact of life.

Try breaking the US President's window and seeing how many questions are asked before you're shot in the face.
I'd rather lunge wildly at the pope tbh much cooler tbh.
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15 Jul 2009
No, a communist country is the nearest thing to that but then if protestors tried the recent crap in their they'd dispaer off to a concetration camp.

Human Nature means where selfish, we only think of others when faced with the idea that we may have to rely on on others to survie. The nhs is seen as a clear example of this everyone pays into the pot for that one time when they need it.

If you want to see a totally unfair education system try the yanks, this system completey bankrupts its users. Forcing american graduates to work jobs with the fear of loosing everything if the job drys up.

i think we should take communism into consideration then, expecially with everyone moaning about pricing - how footballers get too much ect ect... atleast its fair that way.. doesnt china do this?..
i know this is offtopic but yeah my 2cents
30 Nov 2008
i think we should take communism into consideration then, expecially with everyone moaning about pricing - how footballers get too much ect ect... atleast its fair that way.. doesnt china do this?..
i know this is offtopic but yeah my 2cents

Yes china does have communism/ capitalism when it suits them:rolleyes:

But most communist countries have a rather shabby history on the human rights front.
18 Oct 2002
is there a country where everyone gets paid the same amount and treated with respect no matter what the age? i want to visit it sometime

North Korea? For varying definitions of the word 'respect'?

Not quite sure how to respond to that as we deal with things quite differently in the UK

My point was that a window isn't just a window. British or otherwise.

i think we should take communism into consideration then, expecially with everyone moaning about pricing - how footballers get too much ect ect... atleast its fair that way.. doesnt china do this?..
i know this is offtopic but yeah my 2cents

You're rapidly turning into an annoying cliché. Next you'll be telling us John Lennon was a visionary.
15 Jul 2009
Sorry, we've already got one irrational person who holds similar views on here. With you as well you'll be dramatically over-represented compared to the real world...

can you not talk to me like a piece of **** please? what makes you think your better than me? Ever think to care what other people think?
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