Chasing Horizons

Danm54 - Nope! Ahahahaha! ;D But then the lanes I have been going on are SUPER muddy and our tyres are the original so pants.

Bad excuse as Sam manages to stay up right ;D

Just uploaded a new vid... and have another coming tonight / tomorrow which is just basically me falling off the bike every few seconds ;) Always worth a laugh!

Some more updates for you!

Lady love bits causing delays!

Sam and I have had a bit of a set back but nothing we cannot get past! From a recent smear test... (why do they call it this?! They should make it sound more fluffy! Foof test. That'd be better!)... I had some results back flagging up some cellular changes. Due to the level of change it is looking like I will have to have a minor op which despite being a day in-and-out experience will mean we cannot travel for 4-6 weeks after (it invalidates our travel health insurance)! This then easily drifts past our leaving date of the 20th August 2012!

Despite this being a bit of a pain in the nether regions (excuse the pun), we're glad it's something that has been spotted now and can be easily resolved! It just means a little bit of fudging with routes and leaving dates!

For all ladies out there may I big up foof checks once in a while in case things like this do crop up! Please please make sure you or your partners make these appointments... as manky as they are it's always an excuse for a glass/bottle of wine and some pampering afterwards and saves on any problems at a later date!

New Route:
Right. So due to the above our route is needing a little bit of a rework. If we were to leave in September / October time to Canada and then Alaska we’re looking at minus 20’s if not colder (it’s already snowing apparently in Alaska! Haha!). Naturally this means it will be at the most barely passable on bikes!

With a good excuse for a bottle of wine and some good om nom food Sam and I sat down with our world map and various annual climate charts and had a ponder. We’re now thinking if it is… worse case scenario… November / December time East and West is out… but Australia and Asia isn’t! Our current musings (only rough estimations on worse case scenarios!):

November / December : Australia
December / January / February / March: Australia and Asia island hopping (perhaps Japan)
April / May: New Zealand
June / July / Mid August: Alaska / Canada – Toronto / Back via top end of America
August / September / October: West Coast America / Central America
November / December / January: West Coast South America to tip then to Buenos Aires
February / March: South Africa
April / May / June: East Coast of Africa
July / August: Middle East and Europe
September: Europe - Home

If anyone has any ideas or thinks of a different route (which includes South America and Africa as it’s where our charities have projects) for a start date of November / December then let us know your thoughts! ?

Bike News:

Things are going stupendously with the bikes! With a big thanks to Fowlers Sams KTM has been replaced with a new one which means no more throttle body popping off! We are upgrading the bikes in the next few weeks which is super exciting we're just awaiting some quotes and time scales!

Riding wise, we are certainly getting much practice in! As above we had a day with Wheeldon Off Road school who not only helped tweak Sams riding but managed to get me going sideways and catching air! The basics are slowly sinking in and even though lately a few Green Laning expeditions have meant I have felt the need to hug the Earth a fair few times after sliding through mud, grass and ruts, we are loving every moment of it!

Events and Fun:

As it's now looking like we'll be kicking around for a few extra months it means we can attend more events and do promotional work all round! Let us know if there's anything we can join in and help out with!
Hey hey people!

Wee update from us here in... kinda sunny UK!


Good news AHOY! After a few more meetings with the Docs we finally had a letter come through confirming that I have the all clear and do not require an op! Despite the fact it was only a minor op I was still not looking forward to the potential of it so am SUPER happy at this news!! I’m still sad we had to delay things because of all the above shenanigans but it’s best to be safe than sorry. Big thank you to my lovely hubby to be for being super supportive :)

Bad news though... we need to have pretty much every jab going for where we’re heading!! BOO HISS! Lists to be posted on the webby soon :)


After talking through various routes and looking closely at time scales, our route has changed for the last time! We’ve decided to chase the weather... always a plan batman!

So leaving around 20th - 24th November (date to be confirmed in next 2 weeks!) here goes:


EUROPE (November 2012)


NORTH AFRICA (December 2013)


EAST AFRICA (January - March 2013)


SOUTHERN AFRICA (March - May 2013)


NORTH AMERICA (May - September 2013)


CENTRAL AMERICA (September - October 2013)


SOUTH AMERICA (October 2013 - January 2014)


Depending on monies and times, we are then considering routing back through Australia, Asia, Middle East, Europe and Home!

Training and Riding:
I recently had the absolute pleasure to do some more off road training with Black Desert in Wales (Tamsin and Craig). There’s a video coming soon of this and a write up... (lots of falling off, skidding, laughing and general fun!) I will post back when it’s up!


Tamsin Demonstrating AWESOME riding skills!

Kitting out the bikes:
Having spent months researching kits and tanks and upgrades for the bikes we finally found a kit that ticked all those boxes and made Sam go weak in the knees! In 2 weeks time we’re heading out to Switzerland to have both our bikes (KTM 690 Enduro R 2012) decked out with the below kits from KTM Basel:


BEAUTIES! Watch out on our website / facebook and here for updates on how it goes :)

Sorting out Visas and Documents:
Good grief, nothings simple when it comes to the world of paperwork! It’s almost been a full time job juggling it all with forms coming out of my ears for Carnets, Vaccinations, Visas, Duplicate Passports, House Sale etc!
So far, so good! For details on what Visas you need for North and East Africa, prices and how to obtain them then take a look at our recent post here.

The only trouble we’re having is acquiring one for Libya... after calling through to their embassy I managed to be directed to a mobile number for details on how to obtain a Visa but unfortunately it’s always an answer phone message. I have a couple of friends looking things up for me so when I know more I will post!

Carnet wise it’s all a bit of a battle. Originally we were going to go through the insurance route as we were renting out our house and didn’t have a large enough deposit to put down to cover Egypts 800% carnet rates!! Now that we’re selling the house we can save a few bob by obtaining a carnet on a bank guarantee... but my good grief what a pain in the backside is it to get one! The RAC Carnet people are superb... but the banks are a nightmare! Trying to explain Carnets over the phone and also bank guarantees (which I have done before and been put through to the right department) I have had so many varied responses but mostly “We don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve asked my supervisor and they don’t know, the screen isn’t showing anything so I guess we don’t do that service”!!

ArrGgh! I’ve managed to finally have some success though by going straight to my bank manager although I am still awaiting details on monthly costs! Currently with HSBC and normally they’re fantastic but right now... they’re being ditsy as can be!
Hey people

Bit of an update! We were supposed to head out to KTM Basel this week to have our bikes kitted but there’s been some minor delays with some parts so we’re hanging fire until next week! Eeee excited! We posted an update on the other thread in ocuk (linky here) so do pop along there to see the pics of the bikes but for a sneaky view, here's one:



We both have had a pretty awesome couple of weeks! We popped off roading with some friends in North Wales (JABA Mundus!) and my good grief it was a giggle! I managed to hug a tree several times (some hilarious footage to come) and also had a fight with some big rocks! Fortunately this was at the end of the day and I came away laughing but with a rather swollen hand which made me sound like I had tourettes due to the colourful words which would spontaneously spill out of my mouth when changing gear on the way home!


Empty my boots of a river...

The result of a fight with a rock!

Due to an injury as a kid I have no sensation in my thumb so just to double check all was well we did pop to the hospital to have it checked over and they said it was potentially a fractured scaphoid!! BOO HISS! I’ve since been back though for another xray and WOOHOO, they discharged me plasterless! A couple of weeks and I’ll be back on the bike fine!

I’ve been swotting up some more on visas and what... especially since all the commotion in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt and Sudan. We’re keeping a close eye on it all and playing it by ear... rumour has it though it’s all calming a fair bit! Fingers crossed eh!

Also been learning how to change tyres... ahoy noobiness!

Other than that, all is mega!

Thanks again for all your support and follows, not too long now til we’re off! Wheee!
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Great thread. Sorry to hear about the off.

Is it just me or does anyone else thing that a road bike would be better suited to the task. I know you can tour on anything, so I guess it's totally a moot point, but most your riding is going to be done on tarmacked roads were you'd want road tyres and a weather/wind protection, more comfortable riding position.

Obviously some of the roads on your Africa leg will be gravel, and small parts of South America, but mostly it should be tarmac.
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Great thread. Sorry to hear about the off.

Is it just me or does anyone else thing that a road bike would be better suited to the task. I know you can tour on anything, so I guess it's totally a moot point, but most your riding is going to be done on tarmacked roads were you'd want road tyres and a weather/wind protection, more comfortable riding position.

Obviously some of the roads on your Africa leg will be gravel, and small parts of South America, but mostly it should be tarmac.

Not really, the adventure bikes are dual purpose so can be used on and off road, they have quite an upright position so won't be too hard on the wrists, tyres can be changed to suit. I think you are greatly overestimating the quality of roads in Africa. Gravel with huge pot holes would be a good road, a bad road would be sticky mud - impassible for something without knobblies and decent sus travel. South America and Alaska will be mostly bad roads also, and I would have thought and a single decent pothole could put a road bike out of action for a decent time if it put a hole in the sump or something, not to mention the shocks will get ruined quickly on bumpy roads and it will be forever bottoming out.
And then you have the storage and fuel capacity of the off road bikes which the road bikes don't have.

so yeah, they need adventure bikes.
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Fair enough. I've been watching too much Nick Sanders lol. Of course he had a crew. Whatever you travel (seen people do it on club 90s - not for the faint hearted) on it sounds like you will have an awesome trip.

Englishpremier... funnily enough, most of our trip will be off road or dirt tracks (it's what we're aiming to do!)! As Hamish has pointed out, despite the Chinese moving in and tarmacing up a fair whack of Africa, these routes have been done quickly and in the conditions and from heavy use of trucks it tends to be safer riding off them than on them with all the massive pot holes and what!

Even from Canada to Mexico we've found a trail completely off road! Wheeee! So road bikes would be a bit sucky :D

Griffo - super want to do Russia! We are looking at popping from South America across to Oz, Asia, Middle East, Russia, Europe, UK but it depends on moolah and time! We've said otherwise that Russia and Mongolia will be another trip we do in the future :)
Old thread revival :p

Just came across this, it was linked to from BLD Motorcycle Group on my facebook page....

one and the same surely ??


I was looking forward to an update on this :)

After a bit more digging/reading, it appears that this is just a coincidence in the name/adventure and it doesn't appear to be the same Pheebs
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Was just about to say its not them.
Wrong name for a start, been following with great interest on Facebook.
Amazing adventure.

And some very scary points as well, mainly at borders.
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