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Check Your 4090's 12vhpwr Connectors To Make Sure They are in Pristine Condition

yea and he since did a video where he tried to get a cable to melt and it wouldn't so who cares....

The people who think it's an issue are clearly jealous of anyone who owns a 4090

Oh yeah thats definitely it! It's such a non issue nvidia are looking into it and are contacting people who have posted about it. But for sure, it's all about the Jelly at not handing over £1700 for a gpu. I'm so jealous i didn't get the opportunity to do that, i woulda given them £1800 just for the "privilege" and let Jensen come plough the Missus for a few hours.
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yea and he since did a video where he tried to get a cable to melt and it wouldn't so who cares....

The people who think it's an issue are clearly jealous of anyone who owns a 4090

I am not at all jealous of anyone who owns a 4090. If I wanted to buy one I have the money to do so.

We should not be having a multi page thread about this. The power connector and its safety on a £1600 component should be beyond reproach.
All the RTX 4000 series will use the nerw 12v connector so it will be interesting to see if this issue follows on to the 4080 and 4070, for if it is improper pin connatct due to bennding the adapter, then it will crop up on the lower power cards, especially from AIBs who have highrr power draw, but in the end the mere perception will cause the most problems for Nvidia.
With AMD continuing to use the standard 6+2 connector, on the RX 7000 cards, it asks the question, if the PCIe 12v connector and its power adapter cable is as safe as the manufacturers say, why have AMD opted not to use it?

In the end this may prove nothing more than a new standards teething problems, and the Corsair 12v PSU cable, seems to be safe, but perception is everything and if you are going to spend hundreds of pounds on a new GPU, you want to feel it will not catch fire or see the power cable/socket melt, and given Nvidia already reported this problem to PCI-Sig, and then went ahead with using the standard, will not help them as many will see it as Nvidia not caring about the consumer.

In the end, Nvidia, regardless of how good the RTX 4000 series is, they have not had the best of launches, it is undeniable the 4090 is the best card you can buy, and it has sold well, and has an excellent performance uplift over previous generations, at present, but the launch felt underwhelming compared to previous lauches, and combined with the pricing for the 4080 16GB, and the disater that was the 4080 12GB (a 4070 if you were being charitable), as well as creating another shortage problem, this time not Crypto mioners, but beating the new US tech emabrgo, to sell there AI enterprise cards to China, before the emabrgo is in place, will only sour even more people on Nvidia, and this can be seen in the higher than normal anticipation for AMD GPUs.

In the end, AMD this year, only has to come close to the performance of the, RTX 4000 series, and offer a sub-£1000, high end cards, 7800XTX/7800XT, and get a jump on the mid range, with a 7700XTX/XT, and Nvidia could be in trouble, another Ryzen moment, but all we can do is hope, and wait until 3rd November.
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All the RTX 4000 series will use the nerw 12v connector so it will be interesting to see if this issue follows on to the 4080 and 4070, for if it is improper pin connatct due to bennding the adapter, then it will crop up on the lower power cards, especially from AIBs who have highrr power draw, but in the end the mere perception will cause the most problems for Nvidia.
With AMD continuing to use the standard 6+2 connector, on the RX 7000 cards, it asks the question, if the PCIe 12v connector and its power adapter cable is as safe as the manufacturers say, why have AMD opted not to use it?

In the end this may prove nothing more than a new standards teething problems, and the Corsair 12v PSU cable, seems to be safe, but percption is everything and if you are going to spend hundreds of pounds on a new GPU, you want to feel it will not catch fire or see the power cable/socket melt, and given Nvidia already reported this problem to PCI-Sig, and then went ahead with using the standard, will not help them as many will see it as Nvidia not caring about the consumer.

In the end, Nvidia, regardless of how good the RTX 4000 series is, have not had the best of launches, it is undeniable the 4090 is the best card you can buy, and has an excellent performance uplift over previous generations, at present, but the launch felt underwhelming compared to previous lauches, and combined with the pricing for the 4080 16GB, and the disater that was the 4080 12GB (a 4070 if you were being charitable), has only soured many on Nvidia. In the end AMD this year only has to come close to the performance of, RTX 4000 series, and offer a sub-£1000, high end cards, 78XTX and 7800XT, and get a jump on the miod range, with a 7700XTX/XT, and Nvidia could be in trouble, but all we can do is hope, untiol 3rd November.
waiting for 3080 msrp price on new amd card then il sack nvidia off and go there :D
We should not be having a multi page thread about this. The power connector and its safety on a £1600 component should be beyond reproach.
3 people out of how many hundreds of thousands of sold GPUs.

ofcourse nvidia is going to be in contact with the people who it happened to, it's totally normal
I do wonder if those faulty adapters contribute to the coil whine people are having.
Another thing, Jay was able to get better OC using the cable mod vs the adapter. Interesting...
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yea and he since did a video where he tried to get a cable to melt and it wouldn't so who cares....

The people who think it's an issue are clearly jealous of anyone who owns a 4090

Maybe also 4090 owners are a little butthurt they purchased a fire hazard or a potential one that may end up being recalled ? Or just trolling ;).

On a serious note the issue is important and needs looking into thoroughly as no one wants to put themselves or their family in the way of harm and a product that may catch fire (under conditions unknown yet really, bending cable yes.. more to it) or cause serious injury or even death needs looking into. No one cares if anyone owns a 4090 and if they do well they need to get a life and focus on more important things in it. If a product used for gaming is all they care about there is no help then for them.

Hope this matter with these cables or the gpus themselves gets resolved quickly and we can all get back to winding each other up about if 10GB VRAM IS ENOUGH :cry: ;), you know the more important issues....
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may catch fire? the ignition point of plastic seems to be a minimum of 350c

even if your case is made of paper it would take over 200c before it ignites.

I'd imagine your PSU would trip long before that happens, but ofcourse your pc is probably liquid cooled by petrol and may explode like a gas leak
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may catch fire? the ignition point of plastic seems to be a minimum of 350c

even if your case is made of paper it would take over 200c before it ignites.

I'd imagine your PSU would trip long before that happens, but ofcourse your pc is probably liquid cooled by petrol and may explode like a gas leak

A little reminder of a recent event...

The plastic caught fire there and even dripped plastic on fire.
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3 people out of how many hundreds of thousands of sold GPUs.

ofcourse nvidia is going to be in contact with the people who it happened to, it's totally normal
The problem is that Nvidia themselves were aware of the issue, reporting it to PCI-SIG, and the only step they seem to have taken is add thicker tapeing around the adapters connector. Also its just 3 people we are aware of, who posted online, but how many have not posted there problem online, as most won't, and just raised an RMA to an AIB.

If you look at the CableMod anwser, they added a metal cover to prevent any bending out to 36mm, and will offer a 90 degree connector later, and it has to be asked if a small company like CableMod can see better solutions, why could a global corporation like Nvidia, with some of the best engineers, not come with this solution.


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LOL it lasted 34mins before they locked it. Now how many we don't see because they get removed when we are not watching. They shouldn't be allowed to hide such posts or lock them.
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Igor Labs, excellent as always and from there conclusions, it appears that it is Nvidia's own adapter that is the issue, not the new 12v connecrtion, with 3rd party cables not seeing issues. So the alternative is to spend more money, though if you spent £1600 plus, it probably is not a big problem, but still annoying, to have to buy an alternative adapter cable, like CableMod's, or a cable from your PSU Manufacturer, if they make one, like Corsairs, but if you cannot get one then the only alternative, is to buy a new ATX 3.0 PSU, and these still cost far more than the equivalent ATX 2.0 PSU.

A £1600 4090, or a, £1200 4080, card at these prices should have come with a premium power adapter, after all is a few more pounds for a better connector really worth all this bad publicity.


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LOL it lasted 34mins before they locked it. Now how many we don't see because they get removed when we are not watching. They shouldn't be allowed to hide such posts or lock them.

What's wrong we already explain it yet you keep harping on about a conspiracy
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but how many have not posted there problem online, as most won't,
I'd imagine almost everyone who bought a 4090 knows about the internet.

how many non-gaming enthusiasts do you think managed to buy one from somewhere that actually had stock
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What's wrong we already explain it yet you keep harping on about a conspiracy

There is no conspiracy, just that Nvidia have produced a POS accessary.

The RTX 4090 is a great card and I will be buying several of them or better like an upcoming 4090Ti.

Unfortunately the 16 pin power adaptor they have bundled with the FE cards is a total joke.

Not only because of the flimsy construction of the lead but there are other things they could have done to improve it.

1. increased the length of the lead and had the 4 way split at the end that plugs into the PSU, this would avoid a horrible mess by the card.

2. Retailed the same orientation of the connection as the 3090 used (angled), this would have made cable management easier.

3. As said above the construction of the adaptor is appalling, you only have to look at what 3rd party companies like CableMod have produced to see how to do it better.
There is no conspiracy, just that Nvidia have produced a POS accessary.

The RTX 4090 is a great card and I will be buying several of them or better like an upcoming 4090Ti.

Unfortunately the 16 pin power adaptor they have bundled with the FE cards is a total joke.

Not only because of the flimsy construction of the lead but there are other things they could have done to improve it.

1. increased the length of the lead and had the 4 way split at the end that plugs into the PSU, this would avoid a horrible mess by the card.

2. Retailed the same orientation of the connection as the 3090 used (angled), this would have made cable management easier.

3. As said above the construction of the adaptor is appalling, you only have to look at what 3rd party companies like CableMod have produced to see how to do it better.
Exactly this ....^

The cards seem great it's just everything around them is the issue and the AIBS that have seriously bad coil whine on some models. For a product being sold now at £2k+ no matter what AIB or model because of the retailer gouging and then they expect you to buy a cable to use it in a safe manner because supplied adapter cable is a danger and horrible to cable manage and use.

I can see 4090s sitting in stock at many places right now because no one wants to pay £2k+ for a msrp of £1700 when the pound crashed and now back up but asking more in this time (the prices should be coming down not up due to the £ recovering and still is, even the FE is over priced now as the msrp was set when the £ crashed), even the retailers that had them at MSRP are now gouging so they can sit with them at these silly prices until they bring them back to the official MSRP. Also I'm in two minds to just wait for the 4090ti or even the 5090 and hope they may come with more VRAM than 24GB too.

Then you have retailers also sat on stock hoping the prices go up and up so they can gouge them higher, I know of a retailer that has stock and not selling them, it has become a game of poker between retailers not a real ethical market, then you have nvidia doing same with the FE drip feeding them and pretending out of stock but sending invites to buy them... Meeeh the whole industry is disgusting and the people that pay them and their customers are the ones getting screwed, when reality is they should be making sure not to upset their life line their customers.

Last time I needed new gpus because was on 980ti, this time I can wait till they behave like normal retailers and companies that sell products.. My money is waiting but only till they behave and price these products at what they are really worth, not numbers pulled out of thin air and creating fake shortages now too. Really one word for it all "SCAM".

Now this...if true...

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