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Check Your 4090's 12vhpwr Connectors To Make Sure They are in Pristine Condition

Exactly this ....^

The cards seem great it's just everything around them is the issue and the AIBS that have seriously bad coil whine on some models. For a product being sold now at £2k+ no matter what AIB or model because of the retailer gouging and then they expect you to buy a cable to use it in a safe manner because supplied adapter cable is a danger and horrible to cable manage and use.

I can see 4090s sitting in stock at many places right now because no one wants to pay £2k+ for a msrp of £1700 (when the pound crashed and now back up but asking more) in this time, even the retailers that had them at MSRP are now gouging so they can sit with them at these silly prices until they bring them back to the official MSRP. Also I'm in two minds to just wait for the 4090ti or even the 5090 and hope they may come with more VRAM than 24GB too.

Then you have retailers also sat on stock hoping the prices go up and up so they can gouge them higher, I know of a retailer that has stock and not selling them, it's become a game of poker between retailers not a real market, then you have nvidia doing same with the FE drip feeding them and pretending out of stock but sending invites to buy them... Meeeh the whole industry is disgusting and the people that pay them and their customers are the ones getting screwed, when reality is they should be making sure not to upset their life line their customers.

Last time I needed new gpus because was on 980ti, this time I can wait till they behave like normal retailers and companies that sell products.. My money is waiting but only till they behave and price these products at what they are really worth, not numbers pulled out of thin air and creating fake shortages now too. Really one word for it all "SCAM".

Now this...if true...

Not just the 4090's but the 4080s that are being stock piled for next months launch as well.

If this is a port problem as well them all the RTX 4090 shipments may have to be stopped and the 4080 delayed, this could be one of the worst Tech recalls seen, and cause irrepairable harm to Nvidias reputation.
Could this be the main reason EVGA pulled out of the GPU market, as they had prototype 4090's already made and rtested, as they saw this coming and could not bear the cost of a recall, compared say to the likes of Asus, Gigabyte and MSI.

What though of the smaller AIBs, like Zotac, Galax, Inno3D, etc, for if this is as big as it appears to be, with the CEO of Nvidia, personally involved, with chips/boards they bought may not be able to sell, will they be able to survive, or will they follow EVGA and cut there losses.

Whatever happens AMD is probably going to be the only real winner, and I can see there new marketing, Buy an RX 7000 card it wont burn the house down.
One the replies was this :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
This is the price of being an early adopter

We are customers that pay for their products not Beta testers for these companies and now Beta testing if we can manage to build a pc with their products and not burn the house down ?

@chaparral I read some really "funny" replies on Reddit and social media the people protecting Nvidia about this power adapter issue and some were like it's just something that happens with any product (any product get recalled or a safety message is sent out by the company that makes the product, Nvidia has done nether so far), wow really... I bet you these same people if they got a product that burned their homes down or injured or killed a member of their family they would be singing a very different tune as loud as they can. The issue here is not space invaders (2080ti) or the capacitor scandal (30 series) but a product that can kill you if you are not aware of the issues with their adaptor or the socket on the gpu, but people are playing it off as it's nothing it's ok... Shocked by some of the replies and the ignorance of society if this is how the average person thinks.

If I had a product in my home that I knew had an issue that could kill me or my family it would be removed or put in a safe state (turned off) till more evidence is produced and wouldn't play Russian roulette with it.

The people that purchased these cards should be the ones crying what the hell is going on and are we at risk, but then you have some even on this forum playing naa we are jealous that's why because we don't own one.. :cry::rolleyes: How childish really. The ones upset about this issue are clearly the adults and live in the real world and actually care if people may get hurt or killed.
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We are customers that pay for their products not Beta testers for these companies and now Beta testing if we can manage to build a pc with their products and not burn the house down ?
Oops i looked to quick and thought it said adapter and not adopter

So i took that comment as what the actual adapters were saying :cry: if you get what i mean
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If Igorslab is right then any decent PSU brand like Corsair with their custom direct PSU to 12VHPWR cable or CableMod's custom replacement should be immune to this problem
Thanks - helpful. Though Corsair's is out of stock and the CableMod one doesn't launch for another few days. This is not a good situation for a safety critical fault.

I see the Corsair one only need two 8-pins connected. Is that right?

These marks are riddled on the wire jackets and remind me of solder iron burns. When the point of the solder iron slips off the wire into the jacket creating melted spots and holes.
Who did they hire to do this? LOL
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These marks are riddled on the wire jackets and remind me of solder iron burns. When the point of the solder iron slips off the wire into the jacket creating melted spots and holes.
Who did they hire to do this? LOL

$10 says it's payback for the US government killing off the Chinese semi conductor industry and banning sales of high end GPUs to them
yea and he since did a video where he tried to get a cable to melt and it wouldn't so who cares....

The people who think it's an issue are clearly jealous of anyone who owns a 4090

Or more likely some coping from someone who paid £1700 for a top-notch card but also got mugged off with a cheapo connector. So far you've blamed the user for not having large enough cases, idiots mixing with electricity, and the media, but funnily enough no blame can be attached to Saint Nvidia...

It's none of those things it's cheap out by Nvidia to save a few bucks and fail in their product testing and engineering, Jayz was warned that there would be problem and when he asked Nvidia about them, his concerns were hand-waved away and he was told "don't worry, it just works". :)

Now Cablemods are having to do Nv's job for them and users are having to source and buy a proper solution.
I'm surprised AMD hasn't posted a meme or joke about it on Twitter yet, they're normally very fast to make fun of Nvidia for stuff like this
I'm surprised AMD hasn't posted a meme or joke about it on Twitter yet, they're normally very fast to make fun of Nvidia for stuff like this
Oh they are out there.

There are other forums, reddit posts making the rounds. I am not going to post the others do to "taste". Not sure where they are coming from but they are out there.
There is a lot of parody going on about this.

And, I've noticed quite a few posting they've cancelled/returned their 4090's. This is a serious issue and no amount of "performance" seems to offset a safe environment.
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What though of the smaller AIBs, like Zotac, Galax, Inno3D, etc, for if this is as big as it appears to be, with the CEO of Nvidia, personally involved, with chips/boards they bought may not be able to sell, will they be able to survive, or will they follow EVGA and cut there losses.
Galax is a massive company. Or party of.

Palit Microsystems runs two major brands, Palit, and Gainward, which target different global markets, and other brands like Daytona, Galaxy (GALAX), Vivkoo, Yuan, KFA2 and XpertVision. It also contract-manufactures graphics cards for other companies.
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