Agree 100%. I was the biggest football fan in the world as a kid but I can safely say that I've not been influenced by any action from any footballer, certainly not one off the pitch, in regards to becoming the person I am. In fact a recently retired Liverpool player got up to no good at a Liverpool Christmas party when I was fairly young, which made pretty big news and I was completely oblivious to it until recently. Kids that are at impressionable ages won't have a clue about what Evans (or whoever else) has done off the pitch and the ones that are older and do know, it's the responsibility of their parents to ensure their child doesn't grow up to act in a similar way.
It's my parents and other family and friends that's have influenced me, not any footballer or celebrity. It's just a cop out used to excuse bad parenting.
As for the original question. I can't decide. To be honest I don't know enough about what's he's been accused of doing to pass too much judgement but the headline charge of rape I think is deplorable and deserves any punishment that that comes. The flip side to that is that he's always maintained his innocence and no matter how unlikely it may be, to further punish him for something he might not have been guilty of would be wrong. Again, without knowing more details about what happened it's difficult to say.
I will say one thing though and that, as has been said already, the single reason he's not found a new club yet has been because of the media attention. There are countless examples of where other players have walked back into clubs after committing crimes because there hasn't been the publicity as there has in this case. Football clubs and their sponsors have little morals, they only care when the medial jump on their backs.