China bans hip hop culture

Lol this is hilarious. Ban hip hop but smash dogs over their heads in the middle of the street inflicting pain and stress until the dog is dead, then cook it up and eat it.

Charming Country.
Got dragged along to a metal concert once and don't recall seeing a single black person. Case in point I believe. Also, black people have a natural enmity to mosh pits. I think the evidence is clear on this one.

A natural enmity to mosh pits, what? What else can you tell us about black people?

So we should ban hip hop and not films because listeners of hip hop are not aware that killing people is bad?

What about rock and metal, most of it is about sex, drugs, violence or whatever. You think we should ban that?

Lol this is hilarious. Ban hip hop but smash dogs over their heads in the middle of the street inflicting pain and stress until the dog is dead, then cook it up and eat it.

Charming Country.

Which part upsets you the most:

The fact they are Chinese, the fact that some of them eat dogs or is it the place that they decide to kill the animals?

To be honest the standard for keeping animals for slaughter are pretty bad in the vast majority of countries. I have no issues with eating dog meat just because it is dog.
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The Chinese are on to something.

Statistically if you listen to R&B and (c)rap music you are stupid. The Chinese just don't want their nation being dumbed down like the West or else the population will spend it's days entirely on the internet trying to virtue signal and playing identity politics rather than getting the proverbial done.
I don't like R&B but I understand some may like it. However I really hate the gangsta rap that's somebody talking like they are bored over a crap repetitive baseline. Usually 'Rap' about money, women, drugs, crime or a combination.
The Chinese are on to something.

Statistically if you listen to R&B and (c)rap music you are stupid. The Chinese just don't want their nation being dumbed down like the West or else the population will spend it's days entirely on the internet trying to virtue signal and playing identity politics rather than getting the proverbial done.

A. Beyonce is not R&B or rap, pure pop yo.
B. Just because many stupid people listen to rap, that doesn't mean rap makes you stupid. All stupid people breathe air, ergo breathing air makes you stupid by that logic.
C. Easy as one, two three.
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