Chinese cars

Sales of pure EV (not hybrid) will accelerate faster now in China due to new rules. From last month, all cars in China that use fuel now have to do an additional annual test in which they check that the operation of the vehicle is working as it did when it was new, if the vehicle fails the test, the owner is told to repair and come back, if the vehicle fails the test 3 times, the vehicle is seized by the state and gets destroyed for scrap metal. Due to the vehicle needing to work without any issue, minor things like a door window motor not working will cause a fail, or air conditioning not working will cause a fail etc and also any and all error codes stored in the ECU also = test fail..
Ah yes, this is classic China. Forcing economic growth by essentially steeling people’s property, thereby making people to buy another. Nothing to do with safety, never has, which is laughable considering the countries track record.

They did it this year for any electric driven bike because of increasing pressure from the CCP to boost region growth. The country is getting increasingly desperate for ideas.

Scooters, tiny vans, motorcycles, setting up roadblocks. Hilarious videos of riders dodging people in hi-vis jackets.

You could have course claim it back by travelling to the rural edges, pay fine specifically designed to be larger than the e-bike value. Huge huge fields of rotting e-bikes of all shapes and sizes just leaking into the ground. Though I did hear a lot were given away to poor farmers and such (probably some bribe or two involved).

Of course no consultation, no warning about “in 2027 these bikes will be banned”, nope, just one day you wake up to it.

Now it would appear they’re trying to do the same thing actual cars, just incredible really.
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