Chromecast now available in the UK!

I have no interest in sky although if they offered a service where you can buy individual channels I would love to get F1. Won't happen though. They like selling you loads of channels you won't watch.
Just wondering is Allcast worth purchasing? Using the free one atm and seems decent enough. Or is there a free one that's as good?
Does LocalCast allow you to view photos & videos on Google+ as all mine are backed up to it, which I know AllCast does.
Shame that, guess I'll purchase the full Allcast app then. The ability to connect to cloud services is great, a mirror function would be cool. Just need to find a decent app to cast with for iOS as well for the gf's phone.
I love my CC, but don't seem to use it. :(

Same here. I have a full HTPC plugged into the TV so it's kinda redundant. Plex is great on it when it works, I've had the occasional bug with it though, usually when trying to skip forwards/back. Image quality seems better on the HTPC too.

Got it mainly to play around with and then give it to someone else in the family once more apps integrate with it. What I'm really hoping for is a good tool for doing photo slideshows, gallery integration on android and Picasa integration on the desktop would be ideal.

for £25 it's an impulse purchase.
To be honest if you have a HTPC, then Chromecast is kinda useless. A HTPC will offer far better features and quality compared to the limitations of Chromecast.
As above. The only thing I'd use it for is Spotify as it'd be quicker, easier and wouldn't need to have an entire computer on just for music but they don't support it yet :(.
I use mine for Netflix and Google Music primarily, bit of Youtube on the side, I do have a HTPC but it runs Linux so no Netflix.
I have no interest in sky although if they offered a service where you can buy individual channels I would love to get F1

Overplay SmartSNS (£3 p/m) + Zattoo Free Switzerland or Wilmaa Free for SRG SSR channels (RSI La 2, RTS Deux and SRF zwei channels - Swiss rights holder) or RTL (German rights holder)? You can choose the Premium offerings of Zattoo or Wilmaa (£5.50 p/m) if you wish to watch the HD channels.
Hi guys I need one of these to watch Netflix on my tv at the in laws can it be set up without a PC?

If I plug it into the to how can I get it to access the wifi without entering the password?
Or just deactivate password on the wifi if so could I then create a profile so when I switch the password back on it will still connect?

Complicated I know but I don't have a PC or laptop to hand here.

Just want to be able to watch some Netflix movies instead of ftv tripe

Thanks for any help.
Plug in. Use Android or iPhone to setup and add the wifi password (it connects directly to the phone during initial setup). Done.
I bought mine a week ago and love it too. I have a full HTPC on my main TV, but the other TV had a NowTV box which was getting slower and slower with each update, plus has limited functionality.

Mostly using it for Plex, Google Music and Youtube, all of which work flawlessly. Very happy with it.
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