Cities: Skylines

Here's mine so far just hit 100,000 population




HO LEE **** !!!
Who? :D
J0SH86 bud, thought you had died.
Added, not dead yet!

A) Build everything right hand drive! The game automatically flips the road directions for LHD, so if you put in highways for LHD all the assets (junctions/interchanges etc) are RHD.
Could have done with knowing that earlier! Just spent about 3 hours on the start of my Southampton estuary map. I used terrain party to give me the basic height map, but they're pretty rough and the scale even at largest isn't quite right. I've basically got a caricature of the area, but I really don't want to redo my M3 or M27..

Agreed on the rivers, I spent quite a while tweaking the River Itchen.

It might not help that ive designed my map to be sloped to the sea. Its not a heavy slope, but i suspect it encourages the water to rush and slop over the edges, which results in taller banking. I dont think the water simulation in the editor is quite the same as in-game too, its much faster and manipulating land near water causes tsunami's! So its very finicky.
Did you have it on max speed? Editing land near water has a dramatic effect on the water simulation, and if it's on max speed these play out quite quickly.
Last edited: did you get that map? Of you want, I'll point out where I live on that map :) and do me a favour, give me a huge playboy mansion lol
My Mrs is having trouble running this on her laptop, everything has to be on low for it to be playable, and even then it's still a little laggy.

i7-4700MQ (2.40GHz) 6MB
GTX 765M - 2.0GB DDR5

Also, I see on here it says to make sure it's not using the integrated graphics in error on Windows 8.1 (which she has). Is this applicable to me? And if so, how to fix?

EDIT: FIXED! It was the Nvidia 3D graphics setting in the Control Panel. Changed that to the dedicated card, now running fine.
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My Mrs is having trouble running this on her laptop, everything has to be on low for it to be playable, and even then it's still a little laggy.

i7-4700MQ (2.40GHz) 6MB
GTX 765M - 2.0GB DDR5

Fairly sure that exceeds minimum spec (even if it is a mobile graphics card).
From the checks I've run online they all suggest this easily beats minimum spec and should be closer to the recommended spec (apart from the graphics card).

So does anyone know why it should be like this? Is there anything in the graphic settings I can adjust to help?

She can play games like Skyrim and Diablo III on high settings, so I don't really get why this game is performing so badly.

Make sure the graphics card is actually enabled for the game under the Nvidea manager thing , there was a few issues with it just resorting to the onboard Intel graphics so you may have to force the GTX to take over. did you get that map? Of you want, I'll point out where I live on that map :) and do me a favour, give me a huge playboy mansion lol

As mentioned already, terrain party lets you set and download real world height maps. Once you've got the image file it's easiest to go in game and go to the height map import section, click the folder icon and it will locate the place you can paste your height map to. They're a bit rough though, and I've spent quite a lot of time making the map more playable. I'll share it once it's ready if you want. I know Chandlers Ford quite well, many a Domino's pizza rescued from beastleigh back in my uni days. Added you to mon steam friends too.
Make sure the graphics card is actually enabled for the game under the Nvidea manager thing , there was a few issues with it just resorting to the onboard Intel graphics so you may have to force the GTX to take over.

Thanks man. I found where to do this and it's now running nicely.

Saved my ears from a bashing all night :D
As mentioned already, terrain party lets you set and download real world height maps. Once you've got the image file it's easiest to go in game and go to the height map import section, click the folder icon and it will locate the place you can paste your height map to. They're a bit rough though, and I've spent quite a lot of time making the map more playable. I'll share it once it's ready if you want. I know Chandlers Ford quite well, many a Domino's pizza rescued from beastleigh back in my uni days. Added you to mon steam friends too.

Thx man.
But pizza!!!!!!, I though you were upper class quiche and tennis boy lol. Good to see you again mate.
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