Cities: Skylines

Hi, what's the best deal for getting this game? Google has revealed CD Keys who are selling Deluxe Edition for £15.90. I have only ever used Steam though. Are CD Keys ok to use? Will I be able to incorporate it into my Steam library? Guess this is a noobish question - been away from PC gaming for a long time!
Lawls - ALMOST like a real photo?...

lol the fact it's downsized from a massive resolution makes it look almost like the game :D

If a digital image can capture realistic colours why can't games?

they are all using the same fake gamut levels?

My stupid city seems to be stuck around 23k pop lol
there's 2k unfilled jobs and over 1k unfilled housing and massive amounts of housing that could be built but no one wants to move in even though everyone is happy.
average land value £35, no real traffic issues yet, really good coverage of services :@
Maybe they want better transport though and I'm only using the metro
I guess as my pop has became more educated they are demanding office jobs but that crap takes so much space for so few jobs it makes me rage.

I might just start again when I finish work stuff :| but I know I'll never be happy with the road layouts, the game needs road tunnels

Actually I might just do an elevated high way system, I can probably get better connections and a neater look
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Hi, what's the best deal for getting this game? Google has revealed CD Keys who are selling Deluxe Edition for £15.90. I have only ever used Steam though. Are CD Keys ok to use? Will I be able to incorporate it into my Steam library? Guess this is a noobish question - been away from PC gaming for a long time!

They email you the key which you activate in Steam :) It's then just a normal Steam game. Think I paid £12-£13 so doesn't sound too far off. Very good value for the size of the game.
Anyone have tips to increase demand more ? It's so slow over 70 k now.

I usually have 2 or 3 neighborhoods ''layed out'' but still awaiting growth.
More than +300 pop growth looks nearly impossible to get! Even if you have loads of residential, commercial, industrial and office space free.
Hmm, think I'm going to start over soon... I kept my first city going a while so I could see how some of the later-unlocked features worked, but there are just too many things I wish I'd planned ahead better for...

I may also try and find a more interesting map - seems to be more of a struggle to build a more realistic interesting city on a big flat map (which ultimately most of the default ones are)... With more limited space and hills etc. I feel like you'd naturally have to break from a grid-like layout and put in more curvy roads etc. Currently when faced with another big open grass area to build in I find trying to put random curves in feels so awkward
Anyone have tips to increase demand more ? It's so slow over 70 k now.

I usually have 2 or 3 neighborhoods ''layed out'' but still awaiting growth.
More than +300 pop growth looks nearly impossible to get! Even if you have loads of residential, commercial, industrial and office space free.

When this happens I run the game at top speed for about a hour.
While its running I keep on top of any house keeping that needs to be done like removing burnt and abandoned buildings.

Also make sure you have everything covered when it comes to all the services.
I often click on all of the icons from electricity to Parks & Plazas to make sure every part of the city is well covered.

I had a blip at about 70k and lots more above I think I added more buses and metro stations that's makes them happy.
Think I'm done with my first city, finished space elavator.

Some points I hope will improve:

- Pump water use, I played around with dams, and ended up with a dry river because I was pumping up so much water in some places.
- Size, I am now at the max play size, and it's to small, bigger bigger bigger :d, screw people with rubbish cpu's, just give people who do have a decent pc a bigger map/city
- Overall demand ( for everything) is to low, +350 ish growth is the max I've been able to hold for a longer period of time.
- More residential&commercial traffic, slightly less industrial ( though not essential, latero n I managed by building more rail cargo stations)
- Could use many more (growable) buildings for vareity, but that's what modders are for :).
- Where are wide motorways like this:

I want to be able to build 2x6 lane motorways
- I'd like more ability to influence the turning lanes to fine tune intersections
- I'd like the ability to pop train stations on rails directly ( instead of on the roads)

You could also lower the Taxes or adding a school next to your houses will give them a lvl up and a baby boom.
I've had taxes as low as 5% at one moment, didn't help to much...

All residential areas always had ( from the moment I had unlocked them) all school ( elementary, high school, uni/college) coverage...

Going to pick a more interesting map next time, with more water sources and more height differences, I want a massive dam :p.

Start is a tad slow, but once you can build high density stuff, the cash flow skyrockets and you can max the growth out for the rest of the game!


More traffic pics:

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I hadn't got around to reading the requirements for unlocking all the buildings until now, some of them are just stupid, why have it so you have to be rubbish to unlock some of them, having a really high crime rate for example.
I hadn't got around to reading the requirements for unlocking all the buildings until now, some of them are just stupid, why have it so you have to be rubbish to unlock some of them, having a really high crime rate for example.

they are pretty easy, the hardest one is 20 weeks at 4% tax across the board. And by hard I mean time consuming lol
I guess they're not hard, but I feel you should be rewarded for doing good not bad. I'd have to ruin my current city to get the crime rate one.
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