Cities: Skylines

Anyone know how to fix the draw distance or get German road textures to render ''further'' instead of the ugly stock roads.

I use roads united 2.0 + german road pack, but anything further back are the ugly stock textures:

I've circled where the road textures go ugly.

Or can anyone recommend a good road mod that fixes the fugly stock rubbish with German/Dutch/French road markings?

I play at 3840x2160 at 43 inch, so the ''crossover'' is very obvious and annoying.
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AFAIK That is a very different standalone game and nothing to do with Cities. They are just advertising it through this game with a discount.
If you do buy it then prepare for a zillion DLC's, of course you don't have to buy them.
Picked the New Player Bundle up a few days ago in the last round of sales. Looking forward to getting round to playing it :)

This comes with Snowfall and Natural Disasters DLC.

Are any of the other DLC worth buying or add key features?
Are people lowering graphical settings to play this?

I have GTX 1070, 3570k at 4.2, 16GB and it’s not smooth at max settings with virtually no AA especially as city gets bigger.

Do I need a new CPU?
What screen res? I've been maxing it with a 7980 and an i7 4820k, not even overclocked, this is at 1080p and 1440p, I even stream it over Steam to my Surface, runs pretty smooth on the host PC though! Only 8gig ram too.
10pm: I just need to sort this traffic bottleneck and Then I'll go to bed.

Door bursts open: "Dev get in here it's bloody 3am!"

Ha yeah!

My cities look truly awful, I've somehow managed to make the traffic as bad as it is in sheffield. If only I could put potholes in.....
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