Cities: Skylines

The traffic is a nightmare for me, traffic queuing for miles, used the traffic manager and used the points to organise lanes, still can't get working traffic!!!!
Spent a while trying to sort mine. Getting there. Pedestrian cross overs helped a lot at junctions

I like to use those cross overs but to make sure that none of the Cims use the original ones which are still there I then disable their function. If you do not traffic doesn't keep pausing as they approach them and the odd Cim will also not use them.....


^^^^ I like walkways :)
I like to use those cross overs but to make sure that none of the Cims use the original ones which are still there I then disable their function. If you do not traffic doesn't keep pausing as they approach them and the odd Cim will also not use them.....


^^^^ I like walkways :)

How do I stop them crossing?

it is one of the features of the TMPE mod.

check the screenie above and you can see the default option for the crossings is set to on.

Thanks, I'll give it a try, my traffic jams are immense, imagine a traffic jam from Eccles to Oldham and back, no joke that's how long they are!
Thanks, I'll give it a try, my traffic jams are immense, imagine a traffic jam from Eccles to Oldham and back, no joke that's how long they are!

90% of this game seems to be traffic management...! Not that it is bad but trying to draw parallels with real life just messes it up more.
I'm not good at all but I do try and remember to try and provide the Cims what they want more local and this less travelling needed. So jobs etc is always close to where they live.
Public transport is very very useful, I increased my bus capacity from 30 to 180. And YES that is realistic as I have seen Google images of them hanging off buses on the outside :D The public transport system seems to be carrying around 12k plus a week out of 160k, so not too bad.
Buses connect with Metro, or Trams to take the Cims to a central hub and Metro or trains, blimp,ferries ormonorail take them to work or sightseeing etc.
They always take the shortest journey to work, not always the fastest.
I try and not bunch up junctions too often, too much stop and starts.

I even built a transport hub....

which works well with tourists and Cims using the public transport.

I can get messed up with industry tho.
90% of this game seems to be traffic management...! Not that it is bad but trying to draw parallels with real life just messes it up more.
I'm not good at all but I do try and remember to try and provide the Cims what they want more local and this less travelling needed. So jobs etc is always close to where they live.
Public transport is very very useful, I increased my bus capacity from 30 to 180. And YES that is realistic as I have seen Google images of them hanging off buses on the outside :D The public transport system seems to be carrying around 12k plus a week out of 160k, so not too bad.
Buses connect with Metro, or Trams to take the Cims to a central hub and Metro or trains, blimp,ferries ormonorail take them to work or sightseeing etc.
They always take the shortest journey to work, not always the fastest.
I try and not bunch up junctions too often, too much stop and starts.

I even built a transport hub....

which works well with tourists and Cims using the public transport.

I can get messed up with industry tho.

That's pretty cool, got some futuristic looking stuff there, also trams on a three lane road don't think I seen those yet.
That's pretty cool, got some futuristic looking stuff there, also trams on a three lane road don't think I seen those yet.

BadPeanut is the person who makes some great roads, take a look under his collections....

wait until you try his 12 lane roads...!

The futuristic stuff are part of the games unique buildings and monuments. Like the fusion power station, just one needed for the whole city. The others have amazing capabilities as well. A different one will do away with all education buildings and another all medical centres. There are others also.

How far are most cims going to walk to a bus stop/to wotk etc?

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They are made up manually by you from under the landscaping tool. You will see the of them

To place them as I have done I needed
Move it mod, to raise and list and move the path by selecting the node when active.
Fine Road Anarchy, place them onto pavements etc
No pillars mod, to allow them to ectend over the roads without pillars which would otherwise prevent them being placed.
Not really related to the above but I also have the Extra landscaping tools mod.
Might as well tag the beautification mod to go with that.
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I've recently got this and loving like it. Nice chilled out game you can relax with.
My cities look a total mess though :)
Just learning what every thing does at the moment with no real planning, just expanding as needed.

What are the must have mods from the work shop?
I tried using the mods Vimes suggested, certainly helps the road flow especially roundabouts, to be honest I think the key is roundabouts with the crossings disabled and no traffic lights. I'm going to give up on resolving the congestion of the main part of my city and resort to referring to it as the "old city", my more up to date parts have a grid network of larger 3-4 lane roads and in each square between these roads is smaller 2 lane roads then again between these even smaller squares the small single roads some one way and these form the basis for the districts, seems to work and where the larger roads meet, always including roundabouts really helps. I love the mod that makes roads like rollercoasters but it really does help get rid of silly limitations that prevent sculpting the city.

I'm slowly edging towards 40,000 inhabitants, I don't have much public transport, I have a metro and a railway but they're not very well utilised, again, implementing this in when structuring the network before zoning seems the best way because if not just involves demolishing lots of buildings and wasting money as well as loosing a huge amount of population.
All these mods are so overwhelming! I've been looking at roundabouts, blimey making those are complex! and all the different mods I think I have about 20, can someone compile a list of the good mods, like ones for sculpting roads, line drawings, props and everything needed to properly make a good city, should have it all in front page would be super duper helpful my mind went BOOM last night as I wanted to sleep!
All these mods are so overwhelming! I've been looking at roundabouts, blimey making those are complex! and all the different mods I think I have about 20, can someone compile a list of the good mods, like ones for sculpting roads, line drawings, props and everything needed to properly make a good city, should have it all in front page would be super duper helpful my mind went BOOM last night as I wanted to sleep!

Take your pick they are pretty much the essential mods you'll find useful, then it's a case of searching the workshop for all the assets you might want
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