Cities: Skylines

You can still get a full refund from Nuuvem, their policy is that you can get a refund as long as you've not clicked to view the key, and as we've not even been given a key, a refund shouldnt be an issue at all.

Once i hear from Moo i'll post here. I've asked him to chase down whoever is responsible for these sort of things, because his comment had always been 'as far as i know its not region locked', so we need something concrete from Paradox, not guesswork. So it might not be as quick as he'd normally be on something, because he's got to find someone who'd know 100%.

Edit: Also, if he comes back saying its region free (i'd seen a Russian site selling a steam gift which 100% was locked to those areas) then i'll ask for assurances that if its not, they'll replace it within 24hrs. Not ideal, tbh for the same price (but dropping to standard edition) i'd rather lose the deluxe items and not spend Tuesday waiting for a response. If we got the keys before release that'd help too.

Sorry if I'm a little thick on this but where would I do that. I would prefer to weight the odds on my side and getting a day 1 working option.
TotalyMoo said:
The reason I claimed they're legal to buy from the US is because I reckon they are, at least that's what sales told me.

I talked to Sales again and they say Nuuvem aren't going to have any region locked keys for Cities: Skylines. Maybe for future products but not Skylines. I guess their own region restrictions are in preparation for eventually having SA locked keys.

So I guess your guess is right. People that bought prior to their region lock should not be worried that their keys are faulty.

Honestly I'm in a grey area when it comes to buying outside your region. Personally I just want people to get the best deal available to them.

Ive just noticed from posting this, that i'd mis-read his comment.
I saw "they say Nuuvem aren't going to have any region locked keys for Cities: Skylines"
and my head read "arent going to have global keys"

So it seems things should be perfectly fine, however what this does mean is that Nuuvem is no longer a viable option, unless you want to VPN, and frankly i dont think its worth it.

I also noticed that their listing it at R$ 72.99, whereas i paid R$ 64.99 (£15.53), so they've bumped the price up a little more than 10%, although thats for the Deluxe.

So GMG would be the best option for uber cheap pricing, and theres zero uncertainty there.
Sorry if I'm a little thick on this but where would I do that. I would prefer to weight the odds on my side and getting a day 1 working option.

Havent got a clue, its not helped by it being in Portuguese.

Im having a look now, i know i found that info from their support pages for refunds. I suspect you'd just have to contact support and ask them for a refund on that item.

Looks like the best bet would be:
Assunto: duvidas (= "doubts")

Then leave them a message. I have contacted them before for something, and they've replied back in English.

Yeah, found an old support ticket i'd sent:

Can you tell me if purchasing BF4 Premium will work on an English (UK/EU)
Origin account?

Pode dizer comprando BF4 Premium funcionará num English ( UK/EU ) Origem
conta? (hopefully that makes sense!!)


Hi Paul,

BF4 is only available for purchase in South America. You'll not be able to purchase this game from Nuuvem if you are outside this region.

So i suspect if you get in touch they'll be able to communicate perfectly fine. Their general rule for refunds is that you havent seen the key, and as we dont have one there really shouldnt be a problem. Infact, looking at the email they replied 1h (+2m) later too.
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Thanks for taking a look :)

It might well be best to just sit it out and wait. Either I get the game on day one for less than £12 or I might have an issue.

We shall see.
Theres a rather nice looking city here: (video, not stream)

Seems like its only 3 tiles, but they're pretty well packed and decent sized high-risers in there. Theres grids, but at the same time theres some nice shapes and variation. The cities feel like cities, spreading from a central point, rather than just square grids.

6min in he does a little tour through his city. I think he said he'd put 12hrs into it when the video started. The in-game sound is a little loud when he zooms in, but its still nice to see.
Just pre ordered on GmG with the 20% discount code from Ocuk. Game looks fantastic I was a little disappointed with sim city now I am glad Cities Skylines has come along.

Have you guys got a link to Quills YouTube channel?
I presume you've found it by now, if not:

I watched 7h of the livestream last night, and then his 3 'Tutorial & Guide' videos showing the map editor, asset editor, and various road features this morning, and the first 1.5 lets plays too. If anyone hasnt seen it, the map editor video is worth seeing, if only to jump to the water feature aspect. CO have been making a big deal about their water simulation, seemed clever but with a heavy handed dose of PR. Watching it in action though, specifically the 'water source' rather than the water/sea level, its absolutely fantastic. Just watching it fill and flow down the dry river bed is impressive, watching it create a waterfall, that you've created, rather than it being some canned asset effect... i'd say CO havent done it justice!
9m30 for the first bit, 14m00 for the waterfall if you just want those bits. There was some nice new bits in there too, but for the most part it a lot like every other map editor tool so large portions feel a little meh. Worth £16 for the waterfall though IMO.
Wow, really impressed with the water. As you say, the rest of the map editor is fairly standard, but its been done nicely and looks easy to use.
Going to spend my day at work watching some of quills videos.

The game is looking pretty good and the devs seem to be involved with the community which is nice.

A defo purchase for me, just going to wait until the end of the month incase people find anything game breaking etc.
Just pre ordered on GmG with the 20% discount code from Ocuk. Game looks fantastic I was a little disappointed with sim city now I am glad Cities Skylines has come along.

Have you guys got a link to Quills YouTube channel?

How did you manage to do this? Doesn't allow me to use any vouchers :(
Going to spend my day at work watching some of quills videos.

The game is looking pretty good and the devs seem to be involved with the community which is nice.

A defo purchase for me, just going to wait until the end of the month incase people find anything game breaking etc.

From what we've already seen from streamers, it looks well worth the £16 you can get it at right now.
2 nice interchanges here:

I like the first one, having a roundabout in there means someone could enter the highway on one side, then use the roundabout to go back, allowing you to create access onto 1 direction of the highway and avoid needing a junction or overpass lane. Whether it works as it should is another matter.
The 2nd looks like a nice & tidy 4-way junction, probably works better for volume areas.

Im quite looking forward to trying to make these little pieces, its probably something best done in the sandbox with unlimited money & everything unlocked, letting you throw traffic at it, and if it seems to be working then recreate it in the asset creator from a screenshot. You can do all the neat & organised stuff in the creator, but without traffic to assess it with you're just building something pretty.
2 nice interchanges here:
Im quite looking forward to trying to make these little pieces, its probably something best done in the sandbox with unlimited money & everything unlocked, letting you throw traffic at it, and if it seems to be working then recreate it in the asset creator from a screenshot. You can do all the neat & organised stuff in the creator, but without traffic to assess it with you're just building something pretty.

That's exactly what I was thinking.
Its an afternoon one, whenever Steam get themselves out of bed :(

This Paradox stream is quality, making a 1x1 park. Shifty looking park bench behind a 'Go nuts donuts' billboard, smoke billowing out, and an underground access door. At one point the door was an AC unit, if both were there it'd be passable as a Breaking Bad park :D

Really impressed with the asset editor, so many little items, i can see there being absolutely tons of really nice user created parks. Parks and highway junctions.
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