Civilization V

I picked this up recently - I've had my eye on it for a couple of years but never had the free time to do it justice.

Anyway, I'm "enjoying" it so far, at least what I've been able to see of it - I get very frequent crashes (graphics driver crashes), and it's just too much. The game takes so long to restart and reload that the crashes every 3-5 turns are just too much...

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm getting the "FGXrenderer11" crash that a lot of people seem to be getting... I've read around but I haven't found any concrete solutions. I've tried verifying game cache on Steam, updating / rolling back GPU drivers, completely reinstalling the game. Nothing so far - if anything the crashes are getting ever more frequent.

I want to enjoy the game, but it's just too painful to progress at this rate.
Absolutely loving this! I've had it in my Steam for a year or so now but never got around to trying it, think the last Civ game I played was Civ 2! Started my first game last night and boy did the hours fly by, really something special this! just annoyed it took me so long to actually play it.
Oddly just got back into this same as the above poster! I'm having trouble improving happiness in my empire, I'm often near neutral even after constructing happiness buildings, using the honour policies etc. The AI is always +15-40 when it brings up the rankings, is this an AI cheat or is there something I'm missing?

Also I played with the intent of a domination win (ie annexing city states and eventually other empires) but the other empires just get ****ed off with taking out even a couple of city states and all eventually declare war, which at the start of the game when you want to expand becomes extremely difficult. Do you just have to out-gun them to a point where they're too fearful to start war?
Oddly just got back into this same as the above poster! I'm having trouble improving happiness in my empire, I'm often near neutral even after constructing happiness buildings, using the honour policies etc. The AI is always +15-40 when it brings up the rankings, is this an AI cheat or is there something I'm missing?

Also I played with the intent of a domination win (ie annexing city states and eventually other empires) but the other empires just get ****ed off with taking out even a couple of city states and all eventually declare war, which at the start of the game when you want to expand becomes extremely difficult. Do you just have to out-gun them to a point where they're too fearful to start war?

Happiness is probably the biggest long-term restriction on your empire. It's there to stop you spamming city after city - forcing you to balance your population growth between existing and "new" cities. Every new city gives an extra +3 to unhappiness, and every new citizen gives +1 to unhappiness. The key is therefore to build cities on luxury resources. Every new luxury you build on gives +4 to happiness, so if you build a city next to a new luxury then the city start-up cost comes "for free".

It goes without saying that you should build all the happiness buildings you can in each city, but that isn't necessarily enough to allow unrestricted growth. You can help yourself out by building happiness-based wonders - like Notre Dame (+10), circus maximus (+5) etc. Also, trade luxuries with city states - trade luxuries that you have for ones that you do not. Go for policies that promote happiness (e.g. Liberty) to help yourself out.

Finally - if you're going for a domination victory, then you should probably look to raze cities, or keep them as puppets, rather than annexing them. As for when to attack - well, understandably other nations are going to see you as a threat when you start attacking city states, so wait until you have some kind of superiority in numbers or technology before attacking. Just because you have the military might to take out the city doesn't mean it's a great idea just yet.

And yet - the AI does "cheat" on happiness, even at lower difficulty levels. I think they have alternative restrictions placed on their city expansion.

EDIT --- Does anyone have any idea how to fix the constant-crashing bug?! I really want to get back to playing this awesome game!
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Happiness is probably the biggest long-term restriction on your empire. It's there to stop you spamming city after city - forcing you to balance your population growth between existing and "new" cities. Every new city gives an extra +3 to unhappiness, and every new citizen gives +1 to unhappiness. The key is therefore to build cities on luxury resources. Every new luxury you build on gives +4 to happiness, so if you build a city next to a new luxury then the city start-up cost comes "for free".

It goes without saying that you should build all the happiness buildings you can in each city, but that isn't necessarily enough to allow unrestricted growth. You can help yourself out by building happiness-based wonders - like Notre Dame (+10), circus maximus (+5) etc. Also, trade luxuries with city states - trade luxuries that you have for ones that you do not. Go for policies that promote happiness (e.g. Liberty) to help yourself out.

Finally - if you're going for a domination victory, then you should probably look to raze cities, or keep them as puppets, rather than annexing them. As for when to attack - well, understandably other nations are going to see you as a threat when you start attacking city states, so wait until you have some kind of superiority in numbers or technology before attacking. Just because you have the military might to take out the city doesn't mean it's a great idea just yet.

And yet - the AI does "cheat" on happiness, even at lower difficulty levels. I think they have alternative restrictions placed on their city expansion.

EDIT --- Does anyone have any idea how to fix the constant-crashing bug?! I really want to get back to playing this awesome game!

Thanks for that, it makes sense really. If it's the render error that you get I heard it was related to new drivers, but I just chose to play the dx 9 version and it's worked fine ever since.
Thanks for that, it makes sense really. If it's the render error that you get I heard it was related to new drivers, but I just chose to play the dx 9 version and it's worked fine ever since.

Yeah - I tried rolling back drivers to no avail. Unfortunately the DX9 version doesn't work at all - I just get a black screen where the world should be rendered.

Everything is fine until I meet another civilisation, then it all goes pear-shaped.

EDIT - looks like I might have found a "fix" - putting the 'leader screen' graphics detail down to minimum, I have just played 40 turns without a crash!
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Duff-Man, I used to get crashes all the time with the leader screens turned on, I had to turn them off as well. That was about 6 months ago? Since I reinstalled the other week it seems ti have fixed itself, either through gfx drivers or a patch to the game itself. But it was annoying, good news is if you're in the same situation as myself, having leader screens turned off solved the crashing issue.
Yeah, it definitely seems to be the leader screen for me :) I did over 100 turns yesterday without a single crash :)

Really getting into the game now - I'm doing a huge map with 12 civilisations. It was hard going during the medieval period... All was going just fine when Alexander and Ghengis Khan suddenly declared war on me, despite the fact that they were at war with each other the turn before! I had to do some quick dodgy deals to sell all my horses and a luxury to grab cash and buy a few units. I lost a city, but got it back a few turns later. Needless to say I crushed my foes soon after, and it seems like I'm free and clear now.

Really love this game now that I can actually play it properly! I've been playing on Prince, but I might up the difficulty a pip or two next time around. It was certainly challenging early on, but now (end of Renaissance period) it feels a bit like I've already won - I have almost twice the points of the next civilisation, and I'm well ahead on research.
Having a great game on huge with 12 civs as well. It's 2042 and with 2 huge continents it's come down to me vs. Russia on one continent (with me winning with air superiority), and Mongolia vs China on the other continent, with Genghis crushing face with twice the points of his foe. The final war for global domination is still yet to begin (playing with space/cultural/time victories off).
For about 6 months I couldn't play the game due the crap coding of there patches, all it took was one patch. There is forums all over showing very annoyed gamers say the same.

I think I need to move up on AI as I generally play safe, get big enough then steam roll them easy. I think I'm on level 3 or 4, I generally find sea power is king due to Nuke subs holding missiles and nukes.

Clean out their navy and the bombard the cities, I usually nuke the capital to knock their economy. But most AI cant run a nation to save their selves lol
Seen missed deals for the Gold edition of the game, but as I own the Game Of The Year edition I wanted to know if I could gift away the duplicate parts.

On steam there is an upgrade to Gold edition that still duplicates some of the DLC. But digital deals have been cheaper for full Gold pack.
Just picked this up today in the offer, gonna lose my life for a fair few hours.

I borrowed my gf's copy a few months ago and played out one game over a 14 hour period. She wasn't happy :P
Civ expansions are never cheap but I doubt it will get lower than £13 for at least a year so I took the plunge and bought it.
Thanks for the heads up on the GMG discount Defiant306, just pre-ordered.

I hope the new expansion won't have bugs like G&Ks did. I couldn't play it for months after release due to Civs developing personality disorders and the game not counting global happiness correctly.
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