Civilization V

£10 less, includes Babylon, and I didnt care about the figurines.

Also the boxed CE will likely end up at a bargain price later on as they usually do, I can buy it then and sell the key, I've done that a few times before.

I would like the artbook myself actually!

As you say, lets see what happens.

Who knows maybe they'll release yet another "Complete Civ" compilation, to add to the many copies of previous Civs I already have lol.
I was wondering, does anyone know of some less than savvy retailers stocking this game tommorrow? As usual game releases occur on mondays?

If I got hold of the game tommorrow would I be able to play it?
I was wondering, does anyone know of some less than savvy retailers stocking this game tommorrow? As usual game releases occur on mondays?

If I got hold of the game tommorrow would I be able to play it?

Um... good question. Im guessing not though cause this has to run through steam? Not sure.

I was wondering, does anyone know of some less than savvy retailers stocking this game tommorrow? As usual game releases occur on mondays?

If I got hold of the game tommorrow would I be able to play it?

You wouldn't because it's a Steamworks game and has to be unlocked by them.
Walmart in the US have already been selling it early but they can't play it.
I was wondering, does anyone know of some less than savvy retailers stocking this game tommorrow? As usual game releases occur on mondays?

If I got hold of the game tommorrow would I be able to play it?

No, it cant be played until friday as it it is locked on steam. The Europe release day is the 24th.

The best hope we have for paying early is if the proxy thing works.

I've done a lot more research into it, and it seems that as long as you dont buy the games outside of your region using a proxy, which classes as payment fraud and gets your account banned, you can still log into to steam and play games you've already bought legitimately through a proxy as this doesnt fall under either 'fraudulent credit card use', or 'hacking steam':

But other people said that the game sold in Europe will have different keys, so they still wont unlock on tuesday even with a proxy.
Question to everyone who is eagerly awaiting this game.

What's the first Civilization your going to play as and why?
If the game is going to come with a Earth map then probably as France or Germany - some civilization on continental Europe anyway.

If not, then Rome. In fact, I might play as Rome on the Earth map. Rome is cool.
What's the first Civilization your going to play as and why?


- I love ranged combat in most strategy games, and Longbowmans are awesome
- In Civ IV, I mainly played as Hannibal on water maps with GLH, and am pro at great merchant and naval tactics.

England UA - Sun Never Sets - +2 movement for all Naval Units. UUs = Longbowman and Ship of The Line.


Tactics for England

- Great Lighthouse is YOUR wonder. It will help to vastly improve your navy even more, adding +1 movement and +1 sight for all naval units.

- Commerce social policy tree is the most important for England. The key bonuses are +25% gold in your capital, another +1 move and +1 sight for naval units, and +3 production for coastal cities.

- Great Merchant Economy -

(Adapting from my Civ IV tactic with Hannibal - This was just hax in Civ IV because each GM gave +1 food and +6 gold when settled in your capital. After you popped and settled a bunch of GMs, you would end up with a tonne of surplus food and capacity to run lots of Merchant specialists giving you a super food and gold city).

In Civ V, great merchants will be very different. They can no longer be settled, and have two functions - construct a customs house on a tile for +4 gold, or create a trade mission to a city state for a huge gold boost. To synergise with commerce's +25% gold in the capital, you should surround London with custom houses, and also add a market, bank, and stock exchange as soon as they become available.


How do you get Great Merchants?

Build a Market, Bank and Stock Exchange in London, run as many Merchant Specialists as you can.

The Great Lighthouse starts you off towards your Great Merchant economy by giving you +1 GM point. Big Ben reduces hurry costs in cities by 25%, and produces +2 GM points. The Pentagon reduces upgrade costs by 50% and provides another +2 GM points. These are your three crucial wonders to guarantee naval superiority and to generate lots of Great Merchant points for your economy (cheaper rush buys and upgrades ***!!!). However, Big Ben and Pentagon are later game wonders, so you will want to build other wonders to boost GM points in London:

Colossus: Another ancient era wonder that gives +1 GM point, and +1 gold per water tile. While this doesnt seem as powerful as other wonders, it helps lots when implemented into a GM economy. The extra gold from water tiles along with a lighthouse helps towards paying maintenence costs early on, and the extra GM point will add towards your GM farm.

Notre Dame: +5 happiness and +1 GM point. Happiness is the backbone of your economy in Civ V. Adding Notre Dame to your GM farm in London will not only provide you with more GM points, but also increase happiness across your empire. Prioritize this wonder very highly.

Eiffel Tower - +8 happiness, and +2 GM points. This is Notre Dame on Steroids. BUILD IT in your GM farm!!!!!

United Nations - +2 GM points, enables diplomatic victory. This is the last GM wonder, so you may as try to build it as well, though you might not be going for a diplo win so its not too important.

Dont forget to add National Epic to your GM farm to add +25% towards Great Merchant spawn rates.



You have two significant advantages as England. Obviously, your navy is just completely Imba, especially with the Great Lighthouse (if you dont get the great lighthouse built as England, /quit and start again). Build ships, make sure to get the navigation bonus, and use them as your main defence and attack force throughout the game.

But what do you do if you get attacked on land? Easy answer - LONGBOWMEN!!! Prioritize getting to whichever tech unlocks these and spam them. They are the most powerful ranged units in the game with 12 ranged strength and 3 range. Plus you can upgrade them to get an extra attack per turn, and an extra point of range allowing them to shoot up to 4 hexes away. No one else will have this much ranged power until artillery, so use them well.

How do you to make Longbowmen better? Be sure to take social policies that boost combat and defense within your borders. Have some Pikemen on the edges of your borders at strategic choke points with longbows behind them. Build the Great Wall in a city other than London (probably in City 2). This will slow enemy units down by 1 movement point in your territory. LAter on add Himeji Castle (+25% combat in your borders) and Kremlin (+50% city defence) to this city too to vastly boost your defence and combat within your borders. All your land strategies should reain fuly within your own borders where you are strong. Never march units outside your borders as England, your UA will handle that much better (more on this further down).

Turtle with your longbows. Hide behind your pikemen and shoot the enemy units. Every turn as they advance, do not attack them first, move your units back one tile and then fire. Most enemy units will only be able to move 1 tile per turn in your borders. If they get mounted units in, thats what your pikemen are for. With the 1 UPT and hex grid, you should be able to shield your longbows well with pikemen.

How do you attack enemies and capture cities? NOT VIA LAND!!!. Your opponent will have coastal cities, or cities near enough to the coast, and you have a superfast navy that can also bombard land tiles. Your navies movement bonus also applies to embarked units. While your enemies are busy attacking you by land and being thwarted by your great wall and longbows, you send a bunch of ships and amphibious units along the coast to their cities. Both your extra moves and sight over water will easily allow you to outmaneuver the pitiful enemy fleets, and you can strike them down easily if they are too close. Never march by land, your navy will be 3x faster (Embarked units have 2 base movement, +2 from Sun Never Sets, +1 from great lighthouse, and +1 from the commerce policy for 6 moves per turn!). Bombard and blockade away, and then land your embarked units and keep them supported with ranged attacks from your ships.

Turtle on land, death by sea. lots of gold from Great Merchants for rush buying and upgrades.
^^ I see where your coming from but iv got a feeling some of your plans wont work in the 5 rule set (as in it'll be very powerful in 4 but the change to hex tiles and one unit per square will make turteling harder, and the resources to support a large army will be hard to control...)

And on the same note im interested in being the Persians just for a 50% longer golden age, nothing beat my spam to calender to build the mausoleum and hammer golden ages to get ahead in 4....

Despite all the general dislike of being the French (hated them in 3 and Louis was a bit broken before bts) they look like they'll be really good this time too
Erm no, turtling was impossible under Civ IV and is not a borrowed tactic from that game, it is a new tactic for Civ V.

Turtling in Civ V is very easy with the hex grid and 1UPT, just as Greg did while playing as Japan agains France in the livestream.

Also, Pikemen and Longbows dont require any resources, you can build as many as you want and turtle behind the great wall easily. Cities also bombard enemy units, and you get large defence bonuses inside your own borders.

Melee units have access to survivalism promotions - Survivalism I gives a faster healing rate, II gives +50% defence, and III gives another +50% defense and healing while moving. You can also build forts, and use great generals which give +25 combat bonus to nearby armies. There is also a social policy that gives you +15% bonus when your armies are next to each other, and other policies that boost defense inside your borders. The Great Wall / Himeji Castle and Kremlin also give huge bonuses to defense inside your borders.
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I really like the look of these games, so I got Civ 4 the other day....All I can say is dear god I suck. I need to grasp how combat works before I even think about getting 5 I think!
I really like the look of these games, so I got Civ 4 the other day....All I can say is dear god I suck. I need to grasp how combat works before I even think about getting 5 I think!

Don't worry about that, it's going to be COMPLETELY different in 5. So anything you learn in 4 will be pretty much irrelevent except for knowing which types of unit are good for attack/defence/scouting etc.
okay it's time to order this game but which flippin version !!!!

D2D for the deluxe £39 gives ;- **which you get via Steam**
  • FREE Premium DLC FREE Premium DLC Get the first Double Civilization and Scenario Pack for FREE when available "*Availability currently set to late 2010. Date subject to change."
Digital Deluxe Edition includes:

  • bonus_civ5dde_thumb.png
    Bonus Babylon Civilization Bonus Babylon Civilization
    with leader "Nebuchadnezzar II"
  • bonus_civ5dde_thumb.png
    Behind the Scenes at Firaxis Behind the Scenes at Firaxis with Civilization V video feature
  • bonus_civ5dde_thumb.png
    Game Soundtrack Game Soundtrack
Steam deluxe £39 gives ;-
Pre-Purchase Civilization V - Deluxe Edition

Pre-Purchase now to receive the Cradle of Civilization Map Pack: Mesopotamia
- Plus also get the bonus Babylon Civilization with leader "Nebuchadnezzar II"
- Behind the Scenes at Firaxis with Civ V video feature
- Game Soundtrack
now obviously it's the same package but the D2D ''FREE Premium DLC FREE Premium DLC Get the first Double Civilization and Scenario Pack for FREE when available "*Availability currently set to late 2010. Date subject to change." seems to swing it dont you think ?? i'm hovering over the Buy from D2D personally ...
Hmm 233 page manual available as PDF download now, but will a printed version be included. Nice to have a game coming out with a 'proper' manual again though. Also nice to be able to read the manual fully before getting the game.
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