Zero growth = unhappy empireI don't get this, my city is producing 13 food, i have 5 citizens. So 2 food for each citizen = 10 which means i should have 3 food left over to grow, but i don't ? it's at 0+, even when i switch the tiles round so i get 15 food it still says 0
Because you have unhappiness in your empire... which means cities will not grow.Yeh but why is it at 0 growth, i should be growing at 2 per turn?
I don't get this, my city is producing 13 food, i have 5 citizens. So 2 food for each citizen = 10 which means i should have 3 food left over to grow, but i don't ? it's at 0+, even when i switch the tiles round so i get 15 food it still says 0
I don't understand something in Smogsy's picture. Berlin and Florence. Are they city states? The border looks like a city state border but they are linked... which makes me think that a broken line means something else than city state?
Tbh the whole city state thing just makes me think its a perfect opportunity for someone to create Ankh-Morpork
*Lord Vetinari has assassinated Lady Elizabeth* She just wouldn't stop asking for a pact of secrecy...
Anyone else with 8800GTX's getting poor performance? I know its an old card but.
I'm basically running everything on low to get a good frame rate. 1900x1200 Res.