Civilization V

Gold producing is quite straightforward, I never was out of gold if I simply prioritized improving tiles like in civ4 and made sure all my cities were connected to the capital by road.

Science is a matter of libraries early on, and a couple of great scientists building a couple of academy's as early as possible. The more you expand the more you research generally though, if you fork out cities and always build a library in them your research will be great.
Sid Meier's Civilization V Update Released
Product Update - Valve
Updates to Sid Meier's Civilization V have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Modding - Installer and permissions fixes. Should address any remaining mod download and install issues.
Full screen crash fix. Game will now restart in Windowed mode if it cannot find a suitable full-screen resolution on first start.
Hall of Fame now records data correctly when using a Windows username with special characters.
Deal expiration fixes.
Fix for Puppet State production exploit.
Misc crash fixes.
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Aghhh.. the update broke so many things!!

Map takes forever to update when you pan around, it seems to go in a scan from bottom to top where the top is placeholder brown tiles and the details get drawn in really slowly, it can take 2-3 seconds to draw the whole screen where it was working fine before the patch.

I've also seen a lot of broken coastal tiles where there are just random land tiles on the coast where there should be sea and the latest problem is floating fish tiles that follow the camera around and one man of war that was doing the same.

Expect another patch tomorrow with luck!
Played 2 games so far before this patch, gave up on both @50-70 turn due to problems, especially major slow down/glitches and the occasional CTD.

Just had a game with the latest patch, tried a small map as anything else seems to get bogged down in the later stages, and after only 9 turns, I got a CTD. Feels like the patch took 1 step forward and 2 step backwards.

On a side note:
Played all the previous civs and loved them, this one has potential but I feel like I am playing and paid for a BETA version of the game. Its not gonna stop me from playing it, once they fix whatever they did with this patch. If the game does not get fixed within a reasonable time frame, fix the things that suppose to work and optimise it (game gets bogged down way too easily, even on high end systems), then my faith in the games industry has dropped to an all time low. I used to buy @15-18 games a year, in the hay day of PC gaming, nowadays its more like 2 or 3 titles per year. Not willing to part with my hard earned money if the standard and quality of games just keeps dropping year after year. What really makes me sad is that even games you think would be a sure winner and a 'safe' bet can be a disappointing broken mess. Sure, patches may come, I am sure it will get better (I bloody hope so), but as a consumer and payer of 'yet another' buggy game at release date, is simply sad and disappointing.


PS. An older friend of mine (who also loves the entire civ series like me) was so very disappointed to learn that Civ V needs steam activation. Reason being, alas he cannot afford internet at home (pensioner) and he cannot justify getting internet installed for just 1 game he loves. I feel for him cause a game which is 95% solo based does not need to be used via steam, I am sure they are missing a very large ex-civ player base that simply will not be able to use Civ V whether they cannot afford internet connection at home (or justify it for a game) or simply do not have access to internet.
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The performance is the same for me after the patch but it hasn't fixed the deal expirations and now i'm reminded after ever turn that my peace treaty has expired.
What do you guys do with your GP?

I have been toying with it and normally just start off a golden age, but after a while get diminishing returns with that.

I tried to start off a Science Academy with my great scientist, but as it turns out I think it's bugged, because the +5 science didn't get added to my science total. Or maybe you have to have a citizen working on the tile where the academy is added for it to work?

THe tile improvements they give are a waste of a GP, their unique ability however is much better, or a golden age.

If you plan on using them for Golden Ages, try to build the Chichen Itza first. With scientists, its a good idea to bulb expensive technologies to get ahead of the AI, two slingshots that are very powerful early on are Civil Service with the Great Library (you can complete Great Library while teching Philosophy, and force end turn with shift - enter until Philosophy is complete to get Civil Service for free), and then Acoustics using two Great Scientists after teching Theology yourself. Accoustics unlocks the renaissance era and with it the Freedom and Rationalism Social trees. People who do this are saving up all their initial policies to pump into freedom, in which 4 of the 5 policies are very powerful (just the middle one in that branch suckes, the ones on the left and right can make you very powerful).
Tbh the whole city state thing just makes me think its a perfect opportunity for someone to create Ankh-Morpork :D

*Lord Vetinari has assassinated Lady Elizabeth* She just wouldn't stop asking for a pact of secrecy...


Dont you mean .... 'LORD' Elizabeth??? :p
I do? Do you know something i don't :eek:

In Civ V, both Elizabeth and Wu Zeitan are given the title of 'Lord' :p

I really cant believe that they didnt even fix that before releasing the game, but the game, civilopedia and manual have an insane amount of blatantly obvious errors that they almost look like they were written by monkeys that have never played Civ before, and then simply spell checked.
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In Civ V, both Elizabeth and Wu Zeitan are given the title of 'Lord' :p

I really cant believe that they didnt even fix that before releasing the game, but the game, civilopedia and manual have an insane amount of blatantly obvious errors that they almost look like they were written by monkeys that have never played Civ before, and then simply spell checked.

I was sure it said Lady in the demo ><

I dunno maybe i just read what i thought it said...
Since the patch my sea units now fire invisible missiles when they bombard coastal settlements and units. I'm sure the cannon balls used to be visible before but now the city just explodes on its own...
Since the patch my sea units now fire invisible missiles when they bombard coastal settlements and units. I'm sure the cannon balls used to be visible before but now the city just explodes on its own..

I'm pretty sure i saw a flicker of a ball last night not sure though will check tonight after work :rolleyes:
In Civ V, both Elizabeth and Wu Zeitan are given the title of 'Lord' :p

I really cant believe that they didnt even fix that before releasing the game, but the game, civilopedia and manual have an insane amount of blatantly obvious errors that they almost look like they were written by monkeys that have never played Civ before, and then simply spell checked.

I'm hoping that someone mods the leaders anyway because I disagree with their choices for the leaders. IMO it should be Henry VIII or Victoria for England, not Elizabeth. Should be Hitler for Germany, not Bismarck. Should be Stalin or Lenin for Russia, not Catherine. Should be Lincoln for US, not Washington. Just my opinion of course, but hopefully someone will create leader mods and I can get them set how I want :)
I think you'd be pushing it with Hitler...for many reasons.

And well... its supposed to be great leaders.

Well thats the thing, you could argue a case that Hitler was a great leader in Germany history. Ok, he did terrible and heinous things, but he also made Germany more powerful and larger than ever in its history. A great leader does not have to be a "good" leader, indeed quite often in history nations greatest leaders have been their most terrible and violent ones. Hell we have Genghis Khan in games.
I think its fairly obvious why they didnt go with Hitler for Germany. Though theres no religion in this game so you couldn't go start a jewish holocaust ;)
I think its fairly obvious why they didnt go with Hitler for Germany.

Not to me, I thought it was supposed to be great leaders of each nation. Then again I'm not someone who follows political correctness so I could possibly see how they didnt include Hitler for fear of upsetting people. Though of course Wu Zetian, Montezuma, Napoleon, Suleiman and Askia werent exactly the nicest of people either :)
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