Civilization VI

Talk about a big change of graphics style. Well, as long as it's better than the mess BE was, then I'll be happy to grab it. Even better if it was better than V, or even IV, IV was the best :p.
I love Civ 5 and have put many hours in, but if they do the same as they did with that I won't be rushing to give them my money this time. Basically release average game and then gradually release expansions until it's eventually good. I'll wait until the complete edition is a tenner...

Not that keen on the graphics style though not a deal breaker.
£50 on steam... ouch. I will still buy it (through a key site though)

Spent far too many hours on Civ (still play the origional on my amiga)
The biggest change discards a rule introduced in Civilization V: one unit per tile. While you could technically place military units together with civilian ones, you will now be able to combine many units for combat bonuses or protection reasons. This will get rid of some serious pain points from earlier games, but also introduce new tactical elements.

Seriously? I felt this made Civ 5 much more tactical...


Ah seems this was incorrect!

Correction: This article has been modified since publishing to better explain the way unit combination will work in Civilization VI. It previously stated that having more that one unit per tile was new to the series. While unit combination is a new feature addition to the Civilization series, prior to Civilization V, multiple units could be stacked on a single tile. The two features are very different, but the original statement was nonetheless incorrect, and we apologize for the error.

Actually I don't exactly understand what the difference is!
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I actually first heard about this on the grapevine in Nov 2015, so I knew it was on its way.

What I didnt know though, was what it was going to look like, hmmm...not too sure about those graphics

Looks like cartoony civ 5, with elements or 2 and 3. This time around.... Still looks Hex....

No game play just 2 screenshots... :P

I know i will buy it regardless so roll on October.

Not too chuffed for the cartoony :/ style
Liking the look of this so far. Yeah the graphics aren't really in line with the Civ franchise, but the gameplay changes they've teased sound really promising.
I actually first heard about this on the grapevine in Nov 2015, so I knew it was on its way.

What I didnt know though, was what it was going to look like, hmmm...not too sure about those graphics

I don't think anyone would have been going out on a limb starting that rumour! :D
Not keen on the visuals, looks a bit PS3/XB360. Let's hope Civ 7 doesn't end up looking like Godus. That said some of what's been said about the gameplay does intrigue me.

I do like the idea of making technology a bit more relevant to how your empire is set up and how you can attack markets etc.
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