Civilization VI

^^^ Me too and pre-loading now at around 7GB.

But it then went on to show 3.9GB - I reckon it might decompress or something to the 7GB+ when it is released to play.
Bit worried noe. Lot of people saying the ai is really average the same as civ 5.

That's disappointing
Bit worried noe. Lot of people saying the ai is really average the same as civ 5.

Has anyone got their hands on a version with higher difficulties or is this based on the Prince difficulty only build that a lot of YouTubers have been given?
Has anyone got their hands on a version with higher difficulties or is this based on the Prince difficulty only build that a lot of YouTubers have been given?

I think it's mostly from the AI live stream they showed off last night and an article GQ posted about the AI. Some of the decisions the AI made were... well, bad. Such as the AI still settles in stupid places (those random cities in ice lands purely for 1 tile with a resource), or it'll build too many of a unit or just builds the incorrect units, or becomes a bit skiddish in war. On the flip side Firaxis did say they weren't using the latest build in their demo although they were playing on King. As for GQ they are/were using the same build as everyone else on Prince.

For what's been shown though I'm not expecting leaps and bounds from Civ 5 in terms of how good the AI is and I'm expecting it to be either be a little improvement or pretty much the same. It was all I was ever realistically expecting in terms of the AI given how Civ V and BE were, and that it'll eventually be fixed with mods like Civ V had with Communitas and CPP. I'm not saying that's a good thing though; if it's left to modders again to fix the AI issues then it's horrible for Firaxis.
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It will be a shame if the AI isn't much improved, but I still think the game looks great overall so am really looking forward to it.

I guess it's something they can improve post launch, Civ 5 certainly needed a lot of work after it was launched and this appears more solid overall.

It's odd though, to have done the live stream you'd think they had a lot of confidence in the AI, hopefully they'll take any negative feedback onboard and work on it.
Watched last night until turn 200.
What happened to the continent Greece was on? The presenters ignored more or less the Civ even if it was steam rolling tech.

It advanced to Industrial 30 turns before the Aztecs and the rest, however it was missed and they claimed "oo aztecs advanced first to industrial".
I'd just like the AI to make sensible decisions with the one-unit-per-tile stuff. Civ V felt like they hadn't taught the AI how to play the new rules. Really good AI is, and always has been hard, doubly so for a deep and complex game like Civ. I want AI that is interesting, and game design that provides challenge more than I want the AI to necessarily be that good at the game.

Actually, it'd help a lot if they weakened the one-unit-per-tile so that'd different Civs could have their units in the same title except when at war.
I'm hoping that the casus belli and hidden agenda's that all leaders have will give the AI enough scope to do more than spam settlers to land grab or wage unwinnable wars.
Got my keys from kinguin.
No work tomorrow and a weekend....
Epic civ.

Awww ....I've still not got mine or the missus key from Kinguin yet.

Lucky you with the weekend ! I get to play tomorrow evening then work is shipping me off to Malaysia for 2 weeks on hiss !!
I'm hoping that the casus belli and hidden agenda's that all leaders have will give the AI enough scope to do more than spam settlers to land grab or wage unwinnable wars.

Yeah. If you watch the second part of the AI Battle last night, you will see that.
Beeline to the best available victory with secondary one in the back.
Eg the Aztecs while during the first half of the game wage war to almost everyone they kept making wonders conquering land that filled the requirements for more wonders. They ignore cities that had no value to make wonder. (eg the Brazilian capital)
While England went straight ahead to tech victory ignoring more or less the wars around them.
well the chess and GO people knows what a good AI is like, they always loose.
if you have too good an AI, you cant win ever.
Not sure that be fun to play with.
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