
Me: Hello Eggface.
cleverbot: Hello hello
Me: Shut up Eggface.
cleverbot: Say that in French.
Me: Fermez Eggface
cleverbot: Pourquoi ?
Me: Get lost Eggface
cleverbot: I am lost, charlie.

It's odd. :p
I got the feeling it did that every few times, rather than each and every time.

Would make sence anyways,

Eventualy people in here are going to get each others answer, Pending on how busy it is.

Obviously the net is huge but get the idea it will happen

It is the only logical thing that can happen! Looking at it and being on it so long I notice people are asking me questions like Im the bot, So its evident im speaking to random people
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Im just constantly posting

This is not a bot I am a human on here messing about like you. All thats happening is we are all speaking to Random People every time we answer

I will do that as well, let me know if you get my message! :D

i just posted that and it replied with "you are speaking with me"
DavieCramb01 is that you?!
cleverbot:Are you a boy or a girl?
cleverbot:I just saw somebody who's name was oliver and she was a girl.
me:does she have a penis?
cleverbot:Yes, and I feel very sorry for her pet.

me:i think i love you
cleverbot:Well I love you too.
me:how much do you love me?
cleverbot:This much.
me:how much is that?
cleverbot:This much!
me:give me an example of how much!
cleverbot:How much money do you got?
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User: I'm going to punch you in the ovaries.

Cleverbot: I'll dodge your punches, because I'm just ninja like that.

User: Oh really? I'm a pirate ninja.

Cleverbot: What is Chino?

User: Your mother.

Cleverbot: Indeed.
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