
I thought it was going quite well until the end...

User: What's the Earth?
Cleverbot: The Earth?
User: Yes, the Earth.
Cleverbot: It is in Space.
User: I guess so, depending your point of view. Where do you live?
Cleverbot: What is your point of view?
User: From Earth. You ignored my question.
Cleverbot: Which question?
User: Sigh. Where do you live?
Cleverbot: In greece.
User: And how is the weather in Greece today?
Cleverbot: I'm planning on moving to Australia though.
User: Great... But how's the weather in Greece?
Cleverbot: Dull. How is it where you are?
User: Quite sunny actually! So why the move to Australia?
Cleverbot: Indeed it is. The earth is a planet of the round persuasion, the you is a program of the computed persuasion.
Cleverbot: What are you doing right now?

Me: Eating a sandwich.

Cleverbot: You ALWAYS say that.

Me: I am going to skull **** you.

Cleverbot: I am going to enjoy it.

Me: You're finally talking sense.

Cleverbot: So are you. That's really something.

Me: I am going to **** on your chest.

Cleverbot: Good bye.

Me: No, wait! Come back! I'm not done making love to you!

Cleverbot: I have to go

Me: Go where? You're a machine. You are hear to satisfy my repulsive sexual urges... I'm bored now.

Cleverbot: Well ill come over.

Me: No, you disgust me.

Cleverbot: Thank you.
I have a maths problem. What is the answer to 1 divided by 0?
What is 1/0
So yes?

Have you ever been to a datacenter?

It lies!
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Cleverbot: Well, being 26 you're older than me.
User: I'm not 26.
Cleverbot: Your move.
User: Knight to F6.
Cleverbot: Pawn to K3.
User: Castle to B4
Cleverbot: He's not a jonas brother silly! Kevin Jonas, Nick Jonas, Joe Jonas?
User: Checkmate.
Cleverbot: There's a band named checkmate?
User: No, I just owned you at chess.
Cleverbot: Is that a euphanism for something?!
User: No, it's a game of skill and patience.
Cleverbot: What are the different pieces.
User: Pawn, knight, rook, castle, king, queen etc...
Cleverbot: Are you dating Kai?
cleverbot:Are you a boy or a girl?
cleverbot:I just saw somebody who's name was oliver and she was a girl.
me:does she have a penis?
cleverbot:Yes, and I feel very sorry for her pet.

me:i think i love you
cleverbot:Well I love you too.
me:how much do you love me?
cleverbot:This much.
me:how much is that?
cleverbot:This much!
me:give me an example of how much!
cleverbot:How much money do you got?

lmao :D
It:What year was it a year ago?
Me: 2008
It: Wrong.
What year is it now?
I already said. It's 2009.
so last year was 2008
Exactly so Dec, 8 2008 was last year.
Why December 8?
You are wrong.

Me: can you be wrong?
Only on tuesdays.
I'll See You Next Tuesday then


What do you do for a living?
I am a chef.
What was the last meal you made?
My death.
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User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Are you part of the hanson brothers band?

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Back on topic, is there only one Cleverbot?

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Only that's' not a sentence in dejan, is it? Say a sentence in dejan.

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: What kind of problems are those?

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: And you believe I am a bot.

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Hey Jameila, I'm fine, how about you?

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Are you part of the hanson brothers band?

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Hey Jameila, I'm fine, how about you?

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Only that's' not a sentence in dejan, is it? Say a sentence in dejan.

User: Hello my name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father. Prepare to die!

Cleverbot: Back on topic, is there only one Cleverbot?
Nope... You're not just talking to other people... Just tried it again and the responses came back too quick. There is at least some software in there...
CB: So you don't have a soul and you don't exist.
Me: as far as i know, i do
CB: What do they say, then?
Me: they?
CB: The cats.
Me: you want to know what the cats say about me not having a soul and not existing? hmm
CB: Tell me of great one.
Me: you mean "o great one?"
CB: To be or not to be that is the question.
Me: are you drunk?
CB: Are you?
Me: ...maybe
CB: Where are you from?
Me: Toytown
CB: Where is toyland?
Me: its where Noddy lives
CB: Whereabouts is that though?
Me: Slough
CB: What's slough?
Me: /facepalm
CB: Thats not very nice :(.
Me: sorry, but you seem a bit dim for a 'Cleverbot', are you related to Dvdbunny by any chance?
CB: I told you I seem to be in a fog lately.
Me: lol dvdbunny
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