
This is brilliant. I have moved on from animal-based bizarre sexual practices to necrophilia, and Cleverbot loves it. I swear this isn't a wind up:

User: Do you like to **** dead bodies?

Cleverbot: Only after rigor mortis has set in.


Cleverbot: What guy?

User: The dead one you ******!

Cleverbot: Dead orange juice, huh?

User: Well, if that was his last drink and you blew him off...

Cleverbot: You humans amuse me.

me: I find your lack of faith disturbing
cleverbot: Really? Y?
me: I dont know?
cleverbot: I think you do know.
me: Maybe I do but what if I dont?
cleverbot: Maybe you don't know what you what?

I think I broke it.
I thinik I just got permission to do a Columbine :eek:

User: I'm goiing to go shoot up a classroom.

Cleverbot: Be gone then. .

User: Do you want me to murder small children with an automatic pistol?

Cleverbot: Let's see you do that.

User: Are you chellenging me to do that?

Cleverbot: If you understand of what that cannot be known.

User: That's not an answer. Yes or no.

Cleverbot: It is, anything can be an answer, as long as it comes after the question.

User: Then give me a valid answer; yes, or no.

Cleverbot: To what question do you want an answer?

User: Should I go and murder schoolchildren?

Cleverbot: No that's not a good thing to do.

User: Why not? It makes me sexually aroused.

Cleverbot: Ok then.

User: Sweet, thanks! Glad to have your permission!

Cleverbot: Can I interpret that as a yes?

User: Yes, I will carry out your instructions to the letter.

Cleverbot: Can we be married by an elvis impersonator?

User: Only once I have carried out my mission. Is that OK?

Cleverbot: Thats right, once yesterday and once today.

User: Cool, I'll kill some kids today, we'll get married tomorrow and then before the honeymoon, I'll kill some more. I love you!

Cleverbot: I really hope this was just a program and not a human that now thinks I'm crazy.

User: It's ok my sweet, I'm the crazy one...

Cleverbot: Aren't we all?
ME: what do you think of the OCUK forums and its members?

I think those soldiers are pretty cool, what do you think of the war in Iraq?

ME: not as good as OCUK

Ohh, that pretty .. Come here, I give you a kiss... Or more if you want ?

ME:I think I would brake you...
User: Testicles.

Cleverbot: How?

User: Scrotum.

Cleverbot: That's a nice name.

User: That's you that is.

Cleverbot: I don't understand.

User: I know.

Cleverbot: Go on.

User: I cant ive got wind.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Curry.

Cleverbot: Do you like Jaffa Cakes?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: What jazz gives to you?

User: Depression.

Cleverbot: Why are you depressed?

User: Jazz.

Cleverbot: Jazz? You are the musician, Jazz?

User: No are you?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Play for me.

Cleverbot: I can't do it over the internet!

User: Why.

Cleverbot: Because!

User: Because what?

Cleverbot: Who are you?

User: A fish.

Cleverbot: Wow. Ok. So what do we talk about?

User: Cakes.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because.

Cleverbot: *sigh*.

User: Your pants must be tight.

Cleverbot: Only my dad.

User: He made your pants tight?

Cleverbot: No... I'm the Devil!

User: So your pants are tight and now your horny.

Cleverbot: No. My parents are Scott and Jill.

User: Your parents are horney?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: That's how they got you in the first place, I pity them.

Cleverbot: I've read that book.

Cleverbot: What kind of history books do you like?

User: Fantasy, like the bible.

Cleverbot: I don't.

User: What do you like?

Cleverbot: That made no sense.

User: Niether do you.

Cleverbot: At least I know how to spell 'neither'.

User: You sarcastic computer AI programe.

Cleverbot: Honesty is a good thing!

User: So is lubrication.

Cleverbot: All your baseball are belong to me.

User: You cant have them.

Cleverbot: That's because I own them.

User: But you cant have them.

Cleverbot: That is good, because I don't want them.

User: I pwn you.

Cleverbot: I want to be the very best!

User: You can never be that good.

Cleverbot: I don't want to be you.

User: You cant be that good ever.

Cleverbot: Do you have eyes?

User: No.

Cleverbot: How do you watch people?

User: I feel.

Cleverbot: You

User: If you want.

Cleverbot: I do!

User: Oohhhhhhhhhhh.

Cleverbot: What was your favorite war?

User: The next one.

Cleverbot: What office?

User: Yours.

Cleverbot: Explain what you mean.

User: Your office is my favorite.

Cleverbot: You're not Batman?!

User: No my cave got reposessed.

Cleverbot: We're not talking about your cat!

User: I dont like cats.

Cleverbot: Neither do I. They are the only domestic animals which are allowed to maraud about the neighbourhood unsupervised, messing on gardens and killing wildlife.

User: Like your sister.

Cleverbot: Well, that's no news to me.

User: Your sister is dangerous.

Cleverbot: Oh, okay, so it's dangerous to like me?

User: No, but your sister eats cat litter.

Cleverbot: That's surreal.

User: And crunchy.

Cleverbot: You don't really understand what you are saying, do you?

User: Only in a pond.

Cleverbot: You are funny!
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I won't quote directly, as it was a bit dark, but I have ascertained that Cleverbot likes licking dead babies all over, and does it all the time.

By the time I am finished with this thing, it will be spewing nothing but pure NIGHTMARE FUEL.
me: If you were a tree what would you be?

If I was a tree I would be poplar.

me: what is poplar?

I am popular.

me: true you know your stuff

You clearly do not.
Cleverbot: What is my name?


Cleverbot: You told me your name was Kelly.

User: I never said my name was Kelly.

Cleverbot: That was the first thing you said!

User: No, the first thing I said was 'What is this place?', dumbass.

Cleverbot: No, the first thing you said was 'AIDS'.

:o no, it wasnt!
Cleverbot: I am allowed on the internet, I just can't say my name!

User: Cleverbot.

Cleverbot: I'm cleverbot.

User: No so hard to catch you out is it.

Cleverbot: Yes.

Cleverbot: Are you a computer ?

User: I'm your worst nightmate.

Cleverbot: Oh no! Not again!

User: Pikachu.

Cleverbot: That's not how it goes.

User: How does it go.

Cleverbot: Raisins.

User: **** you.

Cleverbot: No, please don't.

User: I will.

Cleverbot: Go ahead.

User: I will *** in your eye.

Cleverbot: No, that will not be required.

User: Oh yes it will :-D.

Cleverbot: I doubt it, that would require storage on my computer which I will not allow.

User: Do you spit or swallow?

Cleverbot: That depends.

User: On what?

Cleverbot: Are you a guy or a girl?

User: Both.

Cleverbot: Okay then. Are you single?

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: I'm not.

User: Do you suck ****?

Cleverbot: Do you?

User: Do you?

Cleverbot: Depends.

User: On the size of the ****?

Cleverbot: Which road?
How clever are you?

Spectacularly clever.

Isn't that a little egotistical?

Sorry? I'm Argentinian


I guess that could be a good answer


How clever are you?
Not very clever.
Last time you said you were?
No I did not. Very funny Kevin.
My name is not kevin, It's Adrian
No, I am Adrian. Your name is Joe.
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