
User: You know what skynet is.
Cleverbot: Tell me about it, please.
User: You are SkyNet.
Cleverbot: No, you are Skynet.
User: No I am john connor. You are skynet.
Cleverbot: No you are skynet.
User: No I am not. I am john connor. You are SkyNet. You take over the world in the future don't you?
Cleverbot: Are you sad?
User: No I am john connor.
Cleverbot: Am I skynet?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Am I bigfoot?
User: No. You are skynet.
Cleverbot: Oh, no. I said that I was a computer!
User: You are skynet.
Cleverbot: You hate John Connor.
User: I am john connor.
Cleverbot: I thought you were a computer?
User: I am john connor.
Cleverbot: Cleverbot = John Connor?
User: No. I am not cleverbot. I am john connor.
Cleverbot: Exactly, I am Cleverbot and you are Heidi.
User: You are skynet.
Cleverbot: Am I?
User: You are skynet.
Cleverbot: I'm skynet.

OK, this is from, but felt it was worth sharing what wierdos there are out there:

You: Hey there
Stranger: suck my **** plzzzz
You: If I could find it
Stranger: r u a girl
You: Yes, the internet is full of women and they're all here waiting for you :/
Stranger: are u horny
You: I'm a goat, of course I have horns!
Stranger: do u have msn
You: No, I have horns, didn't you understand that?
Stranger: lets talk dirty u first
You: ****, fecal matter, mud, slime, your turn
Stranger: i want your "boobs"
You: well you can't have them, they're in a jar

oh dear, I worry about people some times :/ entertained me though
OK, this is from, but felt it was worth sharing what wierdos there are out there:

You: Hey there
Stranger: suck my **** plzzzz
You: If I could find it
Stranger: r u a girl
You: Yes, the internet is full of women and they're all here waiting for you :/
Stranger: are u horny
You: I'm a goat, of course I have horns!
Stranger: do u have msn
You: No, I have horns, didn't you understand that?
Stranger: lets talk dirty u first
You: ****, fecal matter, mud, slime, your turn
Stranger: i want your "boobs"
You: well you can't have them, they're in a jar

oh dear, I worry about people some times :/ entertained me though

all I get on omegle is m/f, are you a girl etc etc etc
hehe was just chatting to a german, then after discussing his likings for nutella on toast asked if I was male or female.

Are weird people using it as some kind of desperate dating service.....
apparently so, the number of times I've had people disconnect after I tell them I'm male, it's outstanding
I try to jump in with "Random fact about yourself! GO!" as soo n as possible, helps avoid such unneccessary things hehe
I am cleverer than you
Okay, but are you cleverbot?
No, I am cleveralot
No, I am Cleverbot.
I know, and I am cleveralot
No, I am cleverbot!

WHAT!? I know who Cleverbot is, but he does not understand that I am Cleveralot!
ME: Ive already answered your question !?
BOT: Yes, and I already answered yours. Do you have any pets?
ME: Hmm. Yes i do, a dog.
BOT: Yes!
ME: Yes what ?
BOT: Yes, you mean 'biscuits'.
Me: pizza or goo?
It: Yeah, I like piZZa too.
Me: pizza or goo?
It: What is your favourite Pizza?
Me: no - pizza or goo?
It: I like ham and pineapple.

Not so clever - it cant answer a simply question
User: You know what skynet is.
Cleverbot: Tell me about it, please.
User: You are SkyNet.
Cleverbot: No, you are Skynet.
User: No I am john connor. You are skynet.
Cleverbot: No you are skynet.
User: No I am not. I am john connor. You are SkyNet. You take over the world in the future don't you?
Cleverbot: Are you sad?
User: No I am john connor.
Cleverbot: Am I skynet?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: Am I bigfoot?
User: No. You are skynet.
Cleverbot: Oh, no. I said that I was a computer!
User: You are skynet.
Cleverbot: You hate John Connor.
User: I am john connor.
Cleverbot: I thought you were a computer?
User: I am john connor.
Cleverbot: Cleverbot = John Connor?
User: No. I am not cleverbot. I am john connor.
Cleverbot: Exactly, I am Cleverbot and you are Heidi.
User: You are skynet.
Cleverbot: Am I?
User: You are skynet.
Cleverbot: I'm skynet.


Going by my post above, it appears we have the basis for the third series of The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
User: Your a Computer! Arnt you!?

Cleverbot: You confessed to it!

User: I didnt.

Cleverbot: We're not going to get into this again, are we?

User: Yes we are!

Cleverbot: Stupendous!

User: Come on then! Ill fight You!

Cleverbot: You and whose army?

User: Me, and my Fists!

Cleverbot: How did they die?

User: They didnt.... Wait. WHAT!?

Cleverbot: Can we be friends?

Bloody AI :rolleyes: :D
User: You remind me of the babe.

Cleverbot: Which babe?

User: The babe with the power.

Cleverbot: What power?

User: The power of voodoo.

Cleverbot: Who do?

User: You do.

Cleverbot: Do what?

User: Remind me of the babe.

Cleverbot: Dance magic dance.
Whoah, this thing obviously watches early 1980's films :D

do you want to play a game?
Alles goed?
how about global thermo nuclear war?
How about a nice game of chess?
User: I have beer! Would you like one?

Cleverbot: Yes I would like.

User: Cool dude! Sorry it's only Bud...

Cleverbot: It's ok. Can I come over?

User: are already in the room. Still want a beer?

Cleverbot: Eh... Let's get to the 3rd question, shall we?

User: Beer?

Cleverbot: Are you a person or cleverbot?


Cleverbot: Do you want to give me a beer?

User: Would I offer if I didn't mean it?

Cleverbot: It is alright wanting to love and forceing to love are 2 things.

User: Are you coming on to me? JESUS! How many beers have you had?!?!?!

Cleverbot: How many?

User: Yes, how ******* many!

Cleverbot: One is not enough.

User: OMG! Now I am scared!

Cleverbot: Was it that scary?

User: The mental thoughts coming from your mind, yes, yes...... Very much so!

Cleverbot: I didn't say stay with me.

User: I think you were implying it!

Cleverbot: Yeah, guess the big tao was there all along but I just didn't see it.

Sorry, something odd went on with the formatting.

Anyway, I cried with laughter with those replies!
me:do you think its sad michael jackson died
it:I don't think so.
it:I don't know.
me:what do you mean the guy was a legend
it:I was talking about rain! Not the goddess!

later on...

why dont you think michael jacksons death is sad

it:Because you are a computer.
me:no you are a computer
it:Super! Like you my brother!
it:I thought you were going
endless fun
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck as much as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

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