This weekend I've been installing the rather nice NZXT 5 channel fan controller.
After I've finished the install I'll be giving it the "man on the street review" treatment, but so far I've been impressed with it.
There are however a lot of wires, but hey it's a fan controller, there's going to be a lot of wires. For a moment I thought about braiding them, but then decided as they are never going to be seen I was perhaps going a bit far.
Actually it was Mrs Dubs who drew that particular line in the sand. I made the mistake of asking her whether she thought I should braid the cables from the controller. She looked at me with that special look only women can give (when do they learn how to do that?), you know the one that says "No" and "imbecile" all at the same time. She then continued to say that "Yes" she had said I could use the Kitchen table for the build, she would like it back some time this year. I guess she just doesn't feel as passionately about cable braiding as I do (strange that, I'd always assumed she felt the same way as me...oh well)
Ok back to the plot and the fan controller install. Well half install as I can't start tidying wires until everything is wired up as I'll only have to re loom.
The fan controller has the ability to control each fan manually, as individual fans or as a group of 5. It can also work in auto mode where you set a temp threshold and link it to a fan speed. for each of the 5 fan channels there is a corresponding temp sensor, although these don't necessarily have to be installed with the fans.
As my fans are for the large part installed in pairs I only need one sensor for each set, so I've elected to use the spare sensors to monitor other temps in the case.
I've installed the fans as follows.
Channel 1 and 2 Top rad fans
Channel 3 and 4 Bottom case fans
Channel 5 Front case fan.
The sensors are set out as follows
Channel 1 Attached to rad at very top of case
Channel 2 Inside void in top of case away from any heat source to give ambient temp
Channel 3 Between fans 3 and 4 at bottom of case
Channel 4 Attached to HDD
Channel 5 Not attached to anything yet but may put it on rear of CPU area.