Played for 7hrs so far. Just on Campaign. Not sure how much there is left to do, but I imagine it cant be too much more.
I have been a vocal critic of the CoD franchise for a long time. I decided to try AW because I had read more positive things about it.
So far my thoughts are similar to what they have always been. The gameplay is same old same old. It is basic run and gun, on rails do X now, then do Y, kill all the bad guys, destroy Z then watch cutscene. There is nothing new or innovative about the campaign at all. Likewise it exhibits the usual restrictions on how you tackle a mission. You have no freedom to pick a loadout or exo suit, you have no freedom to use a drone, or cloak. You are led by the hand through every level making it simply feel like a mindless point and click affair with the occasional quick time moments where you die if you dont press space quick enough.
The story is predicatable, but I have to say it is presented well. You definitiely feel the cinematic value of this game, even if everything else is sub par.
Mechanically the game disappoints on many levels. When I compare this game to the likes od Deus Ex: HR where a player has a goal but can get there how he chooses, it further highlights how restrictive the AW campaign is. In a modern day FPS shooter I just can't accept this way of gaming is acceptable or necessary.
The game looks very pretty, and you can marvel at some of the imagery you see, but graphics do not make a good game. They never have and never will. This is clearly something that the CoD franchise has not realised.
That said, it is like playing a part in a movie. The story flows nicely, even if it is predicatable and the quality of the sound, voice acting and overall presentation is excellent. The gameplay, though, is simple and a little bit boring (if I'm being totally honest).
This game could have been amazing if they didn't do the equivalent of stick you in a tube and close the door behind you. There is only one way to go.
I took a punt on this game hoping for better. Basically it is no different form MW/MW2 or the other CoD titles. It is basically the exact same gameplay but with a different story. I think that is woeful considering they have had so many years to bring this franchise forwards.
It really is a rinse and repeat affair.
I am battling through it, but I cannot say there has been anything in this title so far that has made me think wow, other than perhaps it is very pretty in places. I cannot deny that some of the graphics in this game are brilliant. The level designs are also detailed and brilliant, in so much that they really capture the sense of life and use of a real environment. But it would be nice if there was more freedom to approach objectives how you want and not be led step by step by an NPC.
I cannot say I have not enjoyed this game. But I also cannot say that I have enjoyed it more than I would any other new FPS title. The strength of the directing, the sound and the rich environments save it from utter medioctiry.
It is a shame as there is a lot of potential in games these days. But they have clearly followed the CoD formula to the letter, and I guess if that is what fans want why shouldn't they? For me, though, it just further reinforces my view that CoD is lazy and has not moved forwards in years, other than to show off ever more pretty graphics.
I predict I will finish campaign tonight and will give my final verdict then. Until then, I have a few more screenshots from yesterday evenings play. They could contain spoilers, so I have put them in spoiler tags for those who do not wish to see them.