I felt the same way after playing it for a few hours last night. The continuous stop 'n start way they did the missions started to grate on me after a while when combined with being herded through so quickly that i barely had time to stop to admire the backdrops or even scope out where most of the enemy were.
I was going to say that games like Fallout are spoiling us but that's not the case at all, it's about time we get a game with Bethsedas talent for letting you explore and games like CoD, BF's etc multiplayer expertise. It's times like this that i yearn a little for a really good mmofps even though i know they don't work very well.
on some missions you can just sprint to the checkpoints and ignore the people shooting at you entirely..
its just a bunch of triggers , the bit at the start where they try to make it seem like your in control of the car is just as bad, press the mouse button let go , oh look the cars still moving, then there the bits where your carrying a body but you cant move anyway but "forward"
which i think happens twice in the game
its not a game , it doesnt feel like your playing and its not much fun