COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Just experienced the 'lag' thing on two servers. One of which my ping was 300+, and the other it was around 50. Bloody annoying, especially since I was using it for half an hour before that with no issue on another server.
Enjoying the multiplayer, reminds me of CoD4. Had MW2 on 360 so can't compare as I hardly played online.

Haven't had much lag online, and SP has been running fine on 1920x1080 with 4x AA on myAMD Athlon X4 630, 4gb ram and nVidia 8800GT rig. Perhaps I'm one of the lucky ones that haven't got any problems.
I haven't really played online without having the "lag" yet. I kind of just put up with it for a while, but its really annoying me now and I just cant be bothered playing it any more. sadface.
You know what mate I have no clue about this if I'm honest.

I know you get some emblems and perks and stuff once you hit max level and prestige but I'm guessing you loose everything again :(

Which will kind of suck.

I'm only doing it so I can have different color clan tags lol.

Did you lose all the stuff you bought then?

I guess you play a lot of S&D or Demolition?
Well I only played multi for 3 hrs last night. It was ultra smooth for me. there was lag spikes about 4- 6 times in 3 hrs but that was it.

I'm running a ATI 5970.

Ps im running at 1920 x 1200 everything on max

wow your lucky if you are playing it with cat ai. This game needs an ati crossfire profile for my 4870x2.
Spent this afternoon playing through singleplayer.

Its alright, but I feel it tries to cover to many different places. And at times its a bit frantic all you can do is blast your way out. I haven't finished yet but so far the story line is a bit OTT in my opinion. I honestly think previous CoD SPs were all better than this.

And whats the deal with sounds? The M60 sounds like a pea be honest the best sounding gun which actually has some kick back is the magnum/revolver. :o
single player seems so boring at times you fail a mission because "you did not stick with your team"
i was trying to explore the cuban airbase but obviously the game is so much of a corridor you cant even do that....

it just feels boring someone should do a game more like the original "project igi" instead of all this nonsese following a team and having cut scenes every 5 seconds.

fps games with no exploration are becoming boring as hell , how come we had games like halflife with great big maps , corridors all over etc and now we end up with a road you cant deviate from
Runs perfect maxed out here sp n mp i'm not getting any lag but i see some people are having problems they judder around maybe they have low upload amount or something i do get DCed sometimes for no reason with a 30ms ping... im on 50mbit connection and it's fine exspect the Dcs just had 12 kill streak and got DC :(
single player seems so boring at times you fail a mission because "you did not stick with your team"
i was trying to explore the cuban airbase but obviously the game is so much of a corridor you cant even do that....

it just feels boring someone should do a game more like the original "project igi" instead of all this nonsese following a team and having cut scenes every 5 seconds.

fps games with no exploration are becoming boring as hell , how come we had games like halflife with great big maps , corridors all over etc and now we end up with a road you cant deviate from

I felt the same way after playing it for a few hours last night. The continuous stop 'n start way they did the missions started to grate on me after a while when combined with being herded through so quickly that i barely had time to stop to admire the backdrops or even scope out where most of the enemy were.

I was going to say that games like Fallout are spoiling us but that's not the case at all, it's about time we get a game with Bethsedas talent for letting you explore and games like CoD, BF's etc multiplayer expertise. It's times like this that i yearn a little for a really good mmofps even though i know they don't work very well.
Runs perfect maxed out here sp n mp i'm not getting any lag but i see some people are having problems they judder around maybe they have low upload amount or something i do get DCed sometimes for no reason with a 30ms ping... im on 50mbit connection and it's fine exspect the Dcs just had 12 kill streak and got DC :(

You might appear to be juddering around, to them ;)
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