COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Something i wish they would put back in cod is when you say get to 10 you get an onscreen promp about it. so when you get too every 10 you get a prompt.
Multiplayer is a bit laggy but playable - nowhere near the smoothness of COD4. Single player is laggy for me too. Silly when everything else on my PC runs so smoothly.

I'll probably hold off on playing it until there are some proper fixes.
Using the netgraph I'm seeing almost every server does not have enough bandwidth - which means either the host links are saturated/insufficent or they are all running with the default(5000)/too low max rate settings :( which is not contributing to smooth gameplay.

Yeah, it's a joke, the server provider cannot cope with anywhere near the traffic and demand that they should be able too. It'ss ridiculous anyway, why monopolize the server market? I see literally no benefit to only having 1 server provider who cannot cope. If servers were done in the traditional way, which worked, servers would have enough bandwidth and admins could change the server config themselves, fixing the problem. As it is, they cannot, and lag problems remain.

This situation with 1 server provider is hardly any better than MW2 IWnet rubbish, FFS Treyarch open it up to other providers.
Anyone not on an ATI card and has constant stuttering ?

When i played it tonight i noticed the stuttering, it is constant, i played it through my speakers and even the sound stutters. I am downloading latest graphics drivers and will try change graphics settings to see if that resolves it.
Do share ;)

Personally I am loving the galil, and now raping with the bolt action sniper and acog.

Look at it this way, if admins kick people that are dominating, that server isn't going to be very busy eventually.

My set up is AK47 (Not ak47u) with silencer, crossbow, ghost, steady aim and ninja.

May try warlord and have a scope on the AK47 instead of steady aim, but unsure.
Zombie mode was insane & that top down game was cool as well.

Yeah, we wanna do another game, wanna see if we can get 4 this time. I liked both, I preferred the zombie shooter though over the top down 1. I hate those stupid crawling zombies which explode into a gas, fml.
Runs like clockwork here, SP and MP.

Really enjoying both modes although I feel the MW campaigns were better.

Rig is AMD 965 BE, 4GB DDR3 and Xfire 5870's.

Click filters, reset, apply. Works for me everytime.

Also turn off internet connection sharing if you have that enabled... This fixed the issue for me... can now play the game... get the occasional freeze that everyone seems to experience for a second, but other than that am quite happy with the game
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