COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Right, after hours and hours of gameplay i have a few things to say.

I am a MW2 fan and i love this game, so much more fun. Love the massive maps, loads more complex to MW/MW2.
The customisation of classes is pretty sweet, enjoyable and having to spend points/money to upgrade/buy things i find interesting.
Dedicated servers, wow, there's **** loads to choose from! However this being all good, none of the servers i played on had all players below 100ping.... there were no caps on ping on any of them, so there was always some laggy **** ****ing me off! When i'm sat with a ping of 25-50 Grrrrrr RAGE.
As for lag/cpu usage... none.... it runs perfectly!
As for graphics, everything up max (inc extra textures) it looks far better than MW2, just that little bit more detail and lighting they've squeezed out of the engine, i was impressed, DX9 isn't dead!

I got used to the game in an instant, i played a few practice matches and changed my controls. Who need lean? Changed 'Q' to Tactical Grenade and 'E' to Melee and away we go

All in all, for me, i'd give the multiplayer 9/10. Dedicated servers, brilliant maps and character classes, i'm having more fun with it than MW2. But hey, it may be too soon, lets see what happens with this game huh? Maybe things get ugly and i turn back to MW2.
As for single player... i'll get there... it'll be ****e and short so i'm not too bothered, fun though probably.
...i'm getting ******* sick now ... day 3 and i still can't play the game. Single player i get appalling unplayable FPS and Online is just Laggggg .......

Please fully star swearwords
...i'm getting ******* sick now ... day 3 and i still can't play the game. Single player i get appalling unplayable FPS and Online is just Laggggg .......

You should probably sort out whatever the problems are with your rig then as the game works perfectly fine for a lot of people :).

You should also read the rules regarding swearing.
Played for the first time last night, worked like a dream!! (Spec in sig)

No lag what-so-ever, single nor multi-player, With all settings on high (granted only at 1280*1024 which is the highest my monitor can do).

Have to say I've fallen in love with this game, the story is engaging and well written, the multiplayer games are a challenge and really enjoyable :)

Love it!
You should probably sort out whatever the problems are with your rig then as the game works perfectly fine for a lot of people :).

You should also read the rules regarding swearing.

This is just making you sound like a **** to be honest. I have a friend who has the EXACT same rig set up as the chap above. And his copy runs fine. Its not a spec issue.

My rig (3.33ghz dual core 4GB 1066 GTX 280XT) and with EVERYTHING on max i get 60fps (but dips to 20 when lag happens online) and with EVERYTHING on minimum (res included) there is no difference.

Its not Rigs its the game
You should probably sort out whatever the problems are with your rig then as the game works perfectly fine for a lot of people :).

You should also read the rules regarding swearing.

so will I have to sort my rig out also? this game is buggy and laggy as hell, it's not people's rigs it's the game!
This is what I've been waiting for:


For full details see here
Played a bit more today. It IS still lagging and occasionally freezing despite making the config changes mentioned yesterday. So if they hoped changing the server maxrate would solve the problem, they need to keep looking.
Played for the first time last night, worked like a dream!! (Spec in sig)

No lag what-so-ever, single nor multi-player, With all settings on high (granted only at 1280*1024 which is the highest my monitor can do).

Have to say I've fallen in love with this game, the story is engaging and well written, the multiplayer games are a challenge and really enjoyable :)

Love it!

What res now?!*! They got widescreen now mmkaayyy ;)
damn an i7 and you only game at that res :O

get yourself a new monitor man!
i got a dell DT2410 "24 for 200 delivered

1920x1080 @ 60hz the colours and everything looks as good as the big ass sony CRT monitor i had before which did 1600x1200 at 100hz (it was a bloody good crt)
damn an i7 and you only game at that res :O

get yourself a new monitor man!
i got a dell DT2410 "24 for 200 delivered

1920x1080 @ 60hz the colours and everything looks as good as the big ass sony CRT monitor i had before which did 1600x1200 at 100hz (it was a bloody good crt)

120Hz is where it's at :p
For me, it's much better. Fairly playable on some servers. It's intermittant though I have to say.

I just left a bad stuttery game.

Worth another go if any of you quit, but still needs a fix badly.

I played on a server last night that seemed to be much better but still very small stutters and frames drops here and there. I hope they do patch and fix it soon. Although from what ive read (which is a lot) the game is just so broken with terms of code :(
You should probably sort out whatever the problems are with your rig then as the game works perfectly fine for a lot of people :).

You should also read the rules regarding swearing.

I wish people would stop saying it's a rig issue, it's just frustrating now. If you have read up on what's happening you will realise that this has nothing to do with the hardware. My PC is way higher than the recommended specs and it stutters/freezes every couple of minutes, FPS is ok - all settings on high I get around 50-60, all settings on low I get 80-100. Doesn't matter what settings I use, it still stutters/freezes - tried all the fixes people have posted on here and on the Steam forums, nothing has helped so far, only minor FPS increases.

Stop saying it's a rig issue, it's not.
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