COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

You have just sold them a broken product after spending months telling them how great it will be and they best you can do is "oh sorry lols we may fix it at some point".

If you bought a car that wouldn't go over 20 mph if there was more than one person in it would you accept "oh sorry we'll try and fix it" or would you expect your money back?

I just got my refund , result :D:D
yes no frame drop on ati .

as for server list i have loads of low pinging servers :confused:

all american usa aussie servers i guess

Here is mine. With filters: no empty, no full, TDM only, no hardcore (I like HC in COD4, but here like in MW2 it has the lengthy wait to respawn which I can't abide, and no killcams so I'm sticking with the regular gametype). It has found 906 servers which fit the criteria, but only seen fit to show me 60 of them.

thing is it isnt broken theres a few issues as usual with big games everyone pulls every little bug to bits and its magnified by 1000 cause of how many players hav e got the game.

all cods have had bugs since launch !

all battleifeld games have

all moh have.

most games have.

bfbc2 was bug ridden but once it gets old they move onto something else :p

like cod 4 wasnt fully stable till cod 1.3 or 1.4 patch but cause that was a while ago and people have played it flawlessly for ages or years they just remember that. them patches were like feb march or april from a november launch we talking two days :( give it a chance the game is good !

gamers are getting worse at this and its cool to shoot everything down now .

how many are going to post its not working great compared to its working flawlessly ?

if you take out peoples pcs not up to recommended spec (most people)
people with bad connections
people confusing server lag or other players lag which you cant control !

you wouldnt have much moaning.

im not saying the game is flawless and runs perfect in every scenario im saying give it a chance though its been out two days and no games nowdays or for last 4 or 5 years have been absolutley perfect on day of release. if you game regular or have done you all ready no this.
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After upgrading to the latest ATI drivers and restarting my pc the stuttering was reduced substantially but it still stutters occasionally and even if i turn down the graphics settings, does anyone not have the stuttering and is on an ATI card ?

I also upgraded to latest ATI drivers, using an HD4870 card and continue to get lag. I get the same lag in single player as I do in multiplayer so this is not a back end server issue, and it's a bit late in the day for Treyarch to start asking people to send in their DXdiags, this lag issue should have been identified and fixed before releasing the game, it's not just a small glitch either, it's major. Treyarch made record breaking profits for BlackOps, this was supposed to be the game of the year, everyone was pumped-up for it, EPIC FAIL ON RELEASE DAY ...
dirty top right you clicked the box (on pings ) to put pings in priority ? should start from lowest to high then

Yes I know - I did in the first image I posted. Post #2282.

The point is: it is only showing me a small selection of the total servers available. And it picks those from all over the world, so many of them are going to be useless to me aren't they. Following my example of Nuketown, as you can see there are just four servers available to me. It so happens this time, yes there is one in the UK by luck. The others are too far away to be playable.
You have just sold them a broken product after spending months telling them how great it will be and they best you can do is "oh sorry lols we may fix it at some point".

If you bought a car that wouldn't go over 20 mph if there was more than one person in it would you accept "oh sorry we'll try and fix it" or would you expect your money back?

Um, yes, but you don't go back and then threaten to break the dealer's legs when he apologises and tries to sort out the problem either. Generally you give them at least one chance to sort it out.

At least with console games you have the chance of getting a refund. Try getting one for a PC game.
thing is i said to quite a few months ago when spec was announced that there would be some tears .

but.... look when the minimum cpu spec came out 2006 ! its nearly 2011!

where using pcs. even a top pc will only last a couple of years. thats way over due for upgrade. we ask for better games or better this and that and moan if it dont run on said spec they told us about before games release. which is way out of date.

they should have put recommended quadcore at certain speed and about half of the problems would not be even written
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I have an i7 at 4ghz and a GTX 480. The game is seriously smooth exept it would seem for that brief second where you rely on your skill. I don't think it's the servers for me as it does it in single player also. It is incredibly frustrating. Every 20 seconds or so the game freezes for a second.

thing is i said to quite a few months ago when spec was announced that there would be some tears .

but.... look when the minimum cpu spec came out 2006 ! its nearly 2011!

where using pcs. even a top pc will only last a couple of years. thats way over due for upgrade. we ask for better games or better this and that and moan if it dont run on said spec they told us about before games release. which is way out of date.

they should have put recommended quadcore at certain speed and about half of the problems would not be even written

You ain't still going on about PC specs are you
thing is i said to quite a few months ago when spec was announced that there would be some tears .

but.... look when the minimum cpu spec came out 2006 ! its nearly 2011!

where using pcs. even a top pc will only last a couple of years. thats way over due for upgrade. we ask for better games or better this and that and moan if it dont run on said spec they told us about before games release. which is way out of date.

they should have put recommended quadcore at certain speed and about half of the problems would not be even written

For goodness sake. The people with monster rigs are just as frequently affected. Even if they had upped the specs people with i7's and gtx 480's + would still be having the same problem and asking themselves why a game that frankly looks like a game from 2006 with slightly sharper textures runs so terribly.

There is obviously something wrong with this game so lets just chill and wait for a patch.
Well imo any1 who only looks at a game for graphics is always going to be disapointed.... every game i have ever played whether it be BF2, WoW or crysis after a while you dont notice the graphics and only care about the game play!!

Game play is what matters so stop going on about GFX!!! I'd soon have a great game with rubbish gfx over a pretty game with rubbish game play!!!
Well since my main PC (Project: Skint) wont be finished till friday i have been using my old PC, a Dell with Q6600 @2.4 5770 and 3 gigs of 667Mhz RAM and it runs great on most servers theres a little lag now and again especially in the last kill cam for some reason but that doesnt affect me so its all good:D. Cant wait to see how my 470s and i7 can handle it :P
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