Stop saying it's a rig issue, it's not.
There are probably several different causes contributing to the problem.
I reckon one of them is a backend issue with either the Steam servers or whatever servers Treyarch are using to log stats.
It's the sort of thing you can't test easily before launch. The same problem happened with Bad Company 2 and their login/stat servers.
I worked on an Xbox game once that had a similar problem. It worked fine in internal testing, both on LAN and via the internet. However when it was released there was tremendous lag if more than two people tried to play in the same game.
We'd done all we could to test the game with thousands of game sessions, but in the wild it was just broken due to an unknown factor.
I went on the Xbox forums to apologise and to get some technical info so I could pass it onto the programmers, and then found out just how nasty gamers can get, even if you're doing your best to help them. A few got so annoyed despite my apology and request for help, and they tried to work out exactly where I lived (not hard because I used my real name as I was representing my employer) and started to make threats.
In the end the company closed down shortly afterwards, so they never got the patch that I was trying to sort out for them anyway.
Even though I feel sympathy for Treyarch because of the vitriol on the forums and because of my personal experience in a similar situation I think Treyarch and Activision's handling of the black ops problem is disgraceful, as they've not even publicly apologised or offered any proper feedback about the issue; especially as PC gamers can't get a refund or trade in their game because it's locked to a Steam account.