COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I take it the general opinion is still not to buy this just yet? I have my last exam tomorrow and I was going to treat myself if I passed. I'm mainly interested in the MP though, which sounds like it still has major issues. Has the server rate fix not improved things?
I think the problem with the game is not many people understand the idtech3 engine... assuming its not server side threading issues/inbuilt performance issues then getting the servers hosted on adequate hardware with the right settings and forcing the correct client minimum rates it should all clear up.
Just me that's loving this then?

Lack of chicken snipers hiding a mile away, COD with servers and much more balanced killstreaks....

I like it but I find it more fiddly to play than MW2 and a bit too easy to get kills, rarely need to aim just point in vague direction and shoot = kill.
I'm struggling to find a rifle i like. I liked the famas scar and acr in mw2. just bought famas and fn fal and not really getting on with either. I'm also not sure what the difference is between the red dot scope and the new scope (not acog) anyone know?
Anyone else had their audio die? It's the only major problem i'm having atm. My audio literally totally cuts out, I have to C+A+D to quit because at this point quitting normally doesn't work and have to reboot to get stuff working again.
Just bought a server.

Can't find it in the server browser yet though, they've limited the amount of servers viewable because of the amount of traffic they're getting :o
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