COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

I am getting the stutter, the fixes here helped a bit though it is still persistant in all areas of the game. Even sp and menu's!
I am running a E8400 @ 4.2ghz, with 4gb RAM and a heavily overclocked 5850. Windows 7 64bit.
I'm enjoying it BUT twice now i have lost a couple of ranks for some unknown reason to me i.e. i'd get to lvl 15 log off then come back again later to find i am back to lvl 11. Anyone else get this?
I'm enjoying it BUT twice now i have lost a couple of ranks for some unknown reason to me i.e. i'd get to lvl 15 log off then come back again later to find i am back to lvl 11. Anyone else get this?

No and I would be annoyed if I did especially later on when it takes longer to level up.

MW2 had bugs like that (which luckily haven't affected me yet) so it's worrying if Black Ops has that too.

It may be Steam cloud related, but if for some reason your connection to Steam was broken it shouldn't matter because it should still write the latest profile data to your hard drive, and then upload it next time Steam connects.
I'm enjoying it BUT twice now i have lost a couple of ranks for some unknown reason to me i.e. i'd get to lvl 15 log off then come back again later to find i am back to lvl 11. Anyone else get this?

Yep this happened to me, i got to 45 took me ages and now im back down to 40. Cheers for that one black ops :D

I do like this game its max'd out with everything turned on, ive capped my fps to 125fps and it stays at that constantly some dips now and again.

BUT i have had like 3-4 locks up were i have had to restart the pc :(
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Well.. it seems random and nothing we can do about it. I'll take some little comfort that i'm no the only one affected and will plough on :D
Completely unplayable for me since the Tuesday when I installed it with Steam, which btw way is a fantastic way to install games I must say, I can see why everyone was so protective of it earlier in the thread :/

It stutters in every screen for me menus/SP/MP everything!

The single player starts off well when you're sat in the chair getting bitched and then it crashes at random points soon after.

I'll leave it a few days and then come back to it I think :(
Single player is running very well for me @1920x1200,4xAA and max AF,framerate is very smooth with none of the stuttering others have described. specs are [email protected],GTX 280,4gig DDR2 6400,Creative XFI-Titanium,Nvidia gpu drivers are 258.96's.

Finding the single player to be pretty good,a step up from the MW2 sp imo,very much sticking to the linearity and scripted events of the COD series but i'm finding it to be an adrenaline infused and enjoyable experience! Graphics look great to me for the most part,some low texturing in some areas for sure but all in all I think it's a very good looking game.

As far as Multiplayer is concerned i'm not really the best judge as my internet connection isn't the best and so I generally play online games with quite high pings,that being said I've managed o.k in MW2,Medal Of Honor and BFBC2 and haven't suffered the stuttering and lag spikes that Black Ops MP is displaying.

I just hope they sort out the lag problem soon as the Multiplayer seems promising,imo it falls somewhere between COD 4 and MW2, most of the maps seem more expansive and detailed than MW2's ultra arcade style layout.
i've found that turning off utorrent helps with my connecting to server problems.

however, anyone managed to get into an online zombie game yet? even when every player readys up, it always disconnects. i've tried 7 or 8 times to no avail.
Is anyone finding that all the weapons (of each category) are pretty much the same? In MW2 MP each weapon had it's own idiosyncracies but here a FAMAS perfroms about the same as a Galil and an Enfield and a...
Yep this happened to me, i got to 45 took me ages and now im back down to 40. Cheers for that one black ops :D

I do like this game its max'd out with everything turned on, ive capped my fps to 125fps and it stays at that constantly some dips now and again. (

I really dont need to know that your capping your fps to 125! Mines running at about 40fps with minimal settings:( and it still dips down to 15-20 every now and then.
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