COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Been enjoying this game, level 26 now. I find the graphics are good enough for a fast paced FPS.
(re: turning off utorrent)

you say that, but with EVERY other online game i play, i keep utorrent on, uploading at a lower speed and it doesn't affect my ping or ability to connect to servers.

but with black ops i have to shut it off completely.

got it setup to use the same ports bo uses?
(re: turning off utorrent)

you say that, but with EVERY other online game i play, i keep utorrent on, uploading at a lower speed and it doesn't affect my ping or ability to connect to servers.

but with black ops i have to shut it off completely.

That's ridiculous, surely it's an absolute no-brainer to turn torrents off while playing? If I leave it on, even with a racing game which it shouldn't really matter, I lag all over the place. It isn't an issue turning it off either while playing games, just turn it back on when you're finished playing?
That's ridiculous, surely it's an absolute no-brainer to turn torrents off while playing? If I leave it on, even with a racing game which it shouldn't really matter, I lag all over the place. It isn't an issue turning it off either while playing games, just turn it back on when you're finished playing?

I think that would depend on your connection.
I have a max download of 2.5MB/s and provided I limit my usenet client to 1MB/s, I can keep it open while playing games and not get any lag at all.
Okay, so ping seems a bit better - 30fps so playable. Only rubberbanding and "connection problem" prevents me actually killing anything. Ah BO.... :D
Well imo any1 who only looks at a game for graphics is always going to be disapointed.... every game i have ever played whether it be BF2, WoW or crysis after a while you dont notice the graphics and only care about the game play!!

Game play is what matters so stop going on about GFX!!! I'd soon have a great game with rubbish gfx over a pretty game with rubbish game play!!!

This, after a while unless the graphics are really bad (aka war)people don't even notice them.

I hope they get a patch out soon, but then I also think that my PC struggling a bit with the game ( lag when people get close to me)

I'm still on a E6600 @ 3.0GHZ(air), 512MB GeForce 8800 GTS 512 (EVGA), 4.0GB Dual-Channel DDR2, P5W DH Deluxe, MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
Okay, so ping seems a bit better - 30fps so playable. Only rubberbanding and "connection problem" prevents me actually killing anything. Ah BO.... :D
Definitely playaable, bar the below every few minutes for a few seconds :-/


Then again, not like I paid for the game to work... oh no, wait. :mad:
Originally Posted by barmyllama
Turn numlock off, then bind the num0 key, then turn numlock back on.

When you change anything give it more time to respond. I made the same mistake, if you wait it should start up again.

Cheers Barmyllama, will try that tonight :)

Just in case anybody else had this little issue, Barmyllama's fix worked for me :)
980x + Quadfire 5970's here and the game runs like ****.

Having said that so does Fallout NV (still), Darksiders, F1 2010, all of which ran like crap before patches/driver updates. So it's annoying, but nothing new unfortunately.

Says it all really.
anyone know why i cannot enter my clan tag properly:confused:

etc you cannot use <,./=-[] :eek:

To stop the MW2 'hack' where you could use certain brackets and your name would be blank to other players, which should only be possible by using Coldblooded Pro.

This is ONE good thing Treyarch have done, also removed the ability to use a single dot for your name which achieves a similar effect of making it harder to identify you.
another lock up been playing it throughout the day with no problems at all. Then just this minute i get a lock up and a like distort audio through headphones.

Its now playing on my mind if its my hardware or the game, But ive tested my cpu overclock so much and i know thats stable! So annoying this actually now!
Guys, does anyone know what port the game uses, its the second day that server browser is showing nothing for me, altrough it worked fine the first day :(
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