COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Finally, played on the TFU today.

My first connect wasn`t too successful as I kept respawning without weapons/perks which made the game uhm...interesting:D (still had the knife though)

Played a few rounds after reconnect without problems. Great server, bit hard though too many skilled players.
just had a really good evening on the TFU server

thanks for the great games guys - especially Naffa - just seemed to keep running into him!

enjoyed this one the most :D

Yeah, was an awesome night, got to be at least 15 rounds played?
had a few games on tfu last night, always good fun on there! gota put a shout out for [OCuK] THORPID? that man is quick, gf :D

might actually get onto the TFU server tonight for some games, see how i fair ;)
cannon fodder here we come!
Day 2, had my first game of Hardcore last night - surely this is the way the game was meant to be played? It was just so much better in so many ways. And it doesn't take half a clip to get a kill. More tense too and ultimately more exciting. It was disappointing to go back to a normal game after HC.
In previous versions of CoD (prior to MW2 in fact) the normal mode didn't need nearly as much effort to kill as it does now. I don't know why they saw fit to nerf the weapon damage so much.
pcdev pcdev
Trying to roll out another patch before the weekend. CPU optimizations and Zombie matchmaking fix included. QA starts in the AM. Stay tuned.

Just hit level 50, not sure if I should prestige or not :|

And that last game, 42-7 or something :D

Prestige it doesn't take long.

Seems every server I go in outside my normal server I get

"What prestige are you?"
"mmmm, maybe legit?"

Starting to get a little annoying -.-
I thought this version of the game was meant to do away with chimps running around at retarded speeds getting easy knife kills? Its getting annoying as hell unloading a few rounds into someone who seems to have a rocket lodged up his arse only to get knifed and according to the massively bugged pos killcam i never fired a single shot. Yet another left over from the original cod.... :rolleyes:

Agreed, this was probably the thing that annoyed me most last night. Even when I got off a few shots and heard at least two of them hit, knife cheetah would kill me, sometimes with stabs from way too far away. I might start doing it myself just to highlight how stupid it is so they might nerf it. It really does feel very silly.
There seems to be a bug with the care packages sometimes which I never experienced on MW2. I've noticed it on Nuketown, I don't know if it happens on other maps. Sometimes I will place the flare, I can see the flare on the ground smoking so I know where I put it, but the care package will land way off the map in an inaccessible position. And I don't mean it lands in roughly the right place but bounces off a roof or something, I mean the chopper doesn't even hover overhead, it drops it somewhere entirely different. Is quite rare but has happened a few times and it's weird.
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There seems to be a bug with the care packages sometimes which I never experienced on MW2. I've noticed it on Nuketown, I don't know if it happens on other maps. Sometimes I will place the flare, I can see the flare on the ground smoking so I know where I put it, but the care package will land way off the map in an inaccessible position.

And sometimes it lands on your head making you into a pancake :(
I enjoyed my games on the TFU server but just cant really get away with non hardcore. Anyone here got a good HC server worth playing on? Need to get some decent servers added to my faviroutes.
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