COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Just ordered the game for £29.99, I think thats a fair price considering I'm desperate for a decent pick up and play FPS game. I never played MW2 (I actully stuck with the boycott, the devs realy screwed MW2 so I just refused to buy it, thats not to say I never played the singleplayer though, I just never bought it), so I hope my CoD4 skills should be sufficient for me to just jump into MP without much issue.
Had some great fun on TFU server tonight!
Got called a hacker twice, i was thanking them until the second guy got kinda abusive. I don't understand people who just start accusing others of cheating. It used to happen all the time to people back in my CS days. Why can't people just record it and decide?
All the Hax and ocuk players are going to have a good few games on the [HaX] Clanserver anyone fancey joining us?
What frustrates me most about cod games is potentially there the best game and idea but they always screw something up big time. They seem to try and make it more hollywood and bling blign ratherthan game play and fun. Cod 2 was a lot of fun maps baisc but still a lot of fun and they put work into the actual gameplay and multiplayer and realism. the new games are jut how over the top they can make it and add stupid ffrustrating things like comando, painkiller and all sorts of thing like this now in blackops, lots of lag, bunny noobs and all other problems.
Had some great fun on TFU server tonight!
Got called a hacker twice, i was thanking them until the second guy got kinda abusive. I don't understand people who just start accusing others of cheating. It used to happen all the time to people back in my CS days. Why can't people just record it and decide?

Yes why do something that takes a considerable amount of time and effort and makes no difference at all :rolleyes:
Just had a good run on zombies, the first map. Lasted 26 waves. from wave 20 onwards there was only 3 of us, one guy quit.

Im now ranked on highscore about 750 i think, not bad :)
Jeez the single player on this game as absolutely awfull. You have NPC's who always get in the way and take the best cover spots.

In all my years of gaming this has to be the worst.

At the moment i have to clear out a room and then move on to progress the level yet my NPC'S dont seem to want to join me so i get killed and have to do it all over again.

Why is it that games these days always foist NPC's on you all the time ? I prefer to go solo.
Just played on the [HaX] Server!


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