COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

Wasn't gona post this up, but HaX Curpa asked me to.

Basically i put a jammer down and went prone, as far as i was concerned nobody could see, then a nade came randomly thro the window and killed me.... thought "ok random nade, great" asked Curpra "WTF how did you know iwas there.....?" reply instantly was "Motion mine" .... If he said random nade, hacker pro etc fair enough, but a quick reaction got me spooked..... I had a jammer down which ment there was no way he could have seen me thro motion mine ???? (am i wrong??) So video would prove it?

Will no doubt get ripped appart for this video but from my point the quick reaction answer seemed off so did a video as to why......

Not going to drop any1 in it but i've had a few steam messages to say something's not right when on the HaX server... but Meh what do i know, mega noob COD player here!

(Excuse the music ;)

The 2 new patches have made the game a hell of a lot better. Still you get some stuttering and they still need to fix the spawns the lag on the kill cams at the end they need to put stopping power back in. Most guns feel underpowered a lot of the time. So often you rape someone with tons of bullets for them to turn and kill you with a few shots.
The patch seems to have improved my framerate with an nvidia card, I can have shadows on again now. It still isn't perfect but it does seem better. (I mean, the framerate is good, around 60-90, but still doesn't quite have the smoothness of MW2)

What isn't fixed yet: the final killcam slideshow, the server browser and the grey playercards.

What does everyone else think?
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I have not tried the new patch but with my new graphics card a 470 I was getting between 30-90 fps which in my eyes is poor. I also get a lot more freezes in game that with my old card and the freezes are longer.
I was quite getting into a CTF game then then boom, complete freeze/lock up and now when I go back in the server list isn't responding.:(
So now i have incredible looping sound issues :( i really dont knwo what the hell is going on.. I mentioned it on a server and 3 people instantly said they do too.

It causes incredible stutter on my system, im really unsure where to start...

Reinstall DirectX ? Reinstall XFI card drivers? (PITA) it was actually working 75% ok before the patch now its truly unplayable.
So now i have incredible looping sound issues :( i really dont knwo what the hell is going on.. I mentioned it on a server and 3 people instantly said they do too.

It causes incredible stutter on my system, im really unsure where to start...

Reinstall DirectX ? Reinstall XFI card drivers? (PITA) it was actually working 75% ok before the patch now its truly unplayable.

Try changing sound acceleration in dxdiag maybe? Dunno if that would make any difference.
thanks will look into it, old skool fix :)

Actually you know i have no clue if this can be done in win7

ive looked in dxdiag and there is no options.
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His fault for not shooting lower, i dont think the perk is op. It takes time for your pistol to come out when you go down.

Lol have to say i really hate the tiger camo though. 9\10 people who have camo seem to use that one, it looks terrible imo.
It's bad that he doesnt realise he isn't aiming properly. Nab!

Tiger Camo reminds me of Ali G, I think its funny.

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