COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

The new patch has improved things for me. The stutter when you first encounter an enemy has markedly decreased, and players aren't lagging all over the place. Also the kill cam views are almost smooth in places (except for the last slow-mo killcam).

I'm still getting a jerky and laggy mouse movement though - on a 3600dpi mouse! The game still doesn't feel like it's running at 90fps, that silky smooth feeling is almost entrely absent.

I'd say performance is now accepable, but not as good as it should be.
So now i have incredible looping sound issues :( i really dont knwo what the hell is going on.. I mentioned it on a server and 3 people instantly said they do too.

It causes incredible stutter on my system, im really unsure where to start...

Reinstall DirectX ? Reinstall XFI card drivers? (PITA) it was actually working 75% ok before the patch now its truly unplayable.

same :/ found a fix?
I played on there 2nite and can honestly say that nearly all the players i saw were of just a high skill level. All i'm just saying what others are saying to me.

I was prob wrong about the random nade throw as i normally am, just didn't feel right to me.

lol, "Play Hard, go Prone" comes to mind with that server.
I've just played the SP properly for the first time and what a massive load of crap it has started off as. It's like time travel back to the late 90s. It's a series of endless (and I do mean endless) set pieces where you fire off MILLIONS of rounds at queued up enemies who not only behave with zero AI, but also stop reacting when you hit them with a pre-designated x amount of bullets. All this is while explosions, fire and NPCs 'on your side' run into their guns for your amusement. Also you get shouted at a lot bny the main NPC: "Do this, do that." Blahblahblah; do it yourself you idiot. There is nothing satisfying about this. It's essentially an exercise in how many times you're willing to watch your badly rendered arms reload what Treyarch consider to be an AK47 but anyone who actually knows about weapons will identify as an AKM - correct me on this.

And the set pieces themselves are pointless: like using some unexplained, home-made fiery catapult to completely destroy guard towers. I just had to shoot down a helicopter with a harpoon. Why the Hell a harpoon is in a Russian Gulag I don't know. Why the Hell I can't use my guns I don't know. Why the Hell the helicopter is hovering conveniently about 10m from the ground I don't know. Why the Hell the two guys trying to shoot the harpoon before me got chopped to pieces yet I'm still standing there and intact I don't know.

I've also been killed three times by a truck exploding near me. Each time, a following screen warned me to be careful around burning vehicles as they are liable to like, totally explode, yo. Great, except that all three times I died the truck wasn't on fire. Not even a singe here or there.

Is there any point in carrying on to complete the SP?
Probably not.

The game is a heavily scripted experience by design, that doesn't change at any point really. If anything I felt the cheap deaths increased towards the end. I liked it well enough overall, but I think it's necessary to still have some tolerance for this particular type of shooter, otherwise it's just not going to be enjoyable.

As for the story, starts off intriguing enough then becomes largely ridiculous later on, the ultra cliched plot device used in Block Ops is one I could do with never seeing again tbh.
Seems the new patch made the stuttering and freezing better. But now the game keeps crashing.

Activision have released a broken fail of a game. Sales of Goods Act anyone?
Just picked this up for pc today. Not experiencing any issues so far thankfully but when it comes to playing online im literally terrible at it. Im not too bad on the xbox version but given im a relative noob to mouse and keyboard gaming im literally the worst player you'll ever encounter online on this:D
Just picked this up for pc today. Not experiencing any issues so far thankfully but when it comes to playing online im literally terrible at it. Im not too bad on the xbox version but given im a relative noob to mouse and keyboard gaming im literally the worst player you'll ever encounter online on this:D

Stick to it, you'll soon find out that Mouse and KB > Pads! :D
Seems the new patch made the stuttering and freezing better. But now the game keeps crashing.

Activision have released a broken fail of a game. Sales of Goods Act anyone?

It would be the best Christmas gift if all PC gamers rose up and kicked their ass over BO. It's a ****-take. Any other product would not only be returned but land the company on Watchdog! Someone needs to start something! I don't know what, but it'd be awesome.
It would be the best Christmas gift if all PC gamers rose up and kicked their ass over BO. It's a ****-take. Any other product would not only be returned but land the company on Watchdog! Someone needs to start something! I don't know what, but it'd be awesome.

Should do the same with BC2 and MoH! ;)
It looks like the lag might be sound related. I reduced the sound quality in Windows 7 control panel and the game became much smoother, losing the laggy feel.

Some users have reported that disabling their sound device in Windows 7 results in the lagging disappearing completely.
It looks like the lag might be sound related. I reduced the sound quality in Windows 7 control panel and the game became much smoother, losing the laggy feel.

Some users have reported that disabling their sound device in Windows 7 results in the lagging disappearing completely.

I'm guessing this refers to onboard sound?
Seems the new patch made the stuttering and freezing better. But now the game keeps crashing.

Activision have released a broken fail of a game. Sales of Goods Act anyone?

Wouldn't be so bad if you could return it. There needs to be more safeguards for PC gamers with regards to non-working games now that many games are locked to an account so you can't get refunds or trade-ins, and there are no demos either.

Console owners at least have the option of trading in a title that they don't like or which doesn't perform to their expectations.
I'm enjoying the SP quite a bit, purely because to me it's light entertainment and escapism. I don't care very much about it and am only going through it in easy for a laugh. I mainly bought the game for the MP. Which apart from the lag is pretty good. Not much improvement over the last episode but it's not bad craic to waste a bit of time.

Incidentally Apatia is that a kawasaki er-5 (or 6(N)) in your sig? Reason I ask is that I'm getting an ER-5 on wednesday :)
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