COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC


Yeah i agree Rav

Im not going to start turning all kinds of system settings down and trawaling through console commands just to get a game to work, why should I

This game is borked, doenst look like they can fix it and doesnt even look like they know whats causing it, Just went in after the newest patch and there is lag all over the place, so thats their 3rd attempt failed, If max packets and stuff helps why no do it in the patch so everyone is on an even playing field,

At the moment all you can do is stop pre ordering games and wait a few days after the release before you buy, as you said there is no protection, especially from steam games
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I havnt had a problem with the game, no stuttering or crashing in either SP or MP, i wasnt going to get it because of all the problems people in this thread were having, but i decided against my better judgement and got it anyway and luckily all works fine.

I turned off shadows because someone recomended it, i dont miss them so i never bothered turning them back on to see if that would make my game lag.

Only thing i dont like is that the server list says im pinging 20 to a server then when i join it, it says my ping is 50 ish.
I havnt had a problem with the game, no stuttering or crashing in either SP or MP, i wasnt going to get it because of all the problems people in this thread were having, but i decided against my better judgement and got it anyway and luckily all works fine.

I turned off shadows because someone recomended it, i dont miss them so i never bothered turning them back on to see if that would make my game lag.

Only thing i dont like is that the server list says im pinging 20 to a server then when i join it, it says my ping is 50 ish.

Your actual game ping is roughly double the server list ping, don't ask why cos I have no idea.

I ping 15 - 20ms on the server list, in game it's always 30-40. I wouldn't worry too much.
Your actual game ping is roughly double the server list ping, don't ask why cos I have no idea.

I ping 15 - 20ms on the server list, in game it's always 30-40. I wouldn't worry too much.

Yea im not too worried about it, im even one of the lower pings in most games i play in with 50.

Still, would be nice to have an accurate number in the server list, as if its 75 ping on the server list i would think i could play there, but if i go in game and have 150+ id just leave.
For those who have prestiged, are there any prestige challenges to complete?

In MW2 there is a whole page of them but in Black Ops I can't see it.



Black Ops:

So unless it is somewhere else, they seem to give you less reward for prestige mode this time.
At the moment all you can do is stop pre ordering games and wait a few days after the release before you buy, as you said there is no protection, especially from steam games

To be honest I'd stopped pre-ordering games because I'd got burned by the publishers disclosing limited activation DRM schemes the day before launch, after my pre-order had shipped.

I made an exception for Steamworks games like CODBLOPS or Fallout: New Vegas because I don't mind that DRM scheme, but it turns out that both those games were seriously broken on release, but most of my problems with New Vegas have now been fixed. So I'm not going to be pre-ordering any Steam games in future either, unless there's a demo first I can try. I just can't risk being lumbered with a game I can't return if it's obviously broken on release.
Ahhh this is frustrating me so much I just can't seem to get decent performance.

I get more lag on 0x AA than with. It makes no sense, on 6x I seem to get the best performance then as I lower it it starts to get worse!
Ahhh this is frustrating me so much I just can't seem to get decent performance.

I get more lag on 0x AA than with. It makes no sense, on 6x I seem to get the best performance then as I lower it it starts to get worse!

try removing one of your 4890's , a mate of mine gets better performance with 1 480 than his 2x 480 SLI
Ahhh this is frustrating me so much I just can't seem to get decent performance.

I get more lag on 0x AA than with. It makes no sense, on 6x I seem to get the best performance then as I lower it it starts to get worse!

Im in the same boat man, if i have anything under 16x AA and extra texture's i get pretty bad stuttering. Shadows and bullet thingy does nothing for me, if i turn them off i get the same performance as i do with it on. At the mo with 16x AA and extra texture's my game runs pretty smooth with a few stutters here and there. God knows what treyarch have done to the engine to make it act like this.
New patch hasn't made things better for me. In fact it seems worse than last night. :(

I agree, had 4 matches end due to connection interupted. The game has started sticking for 5 seconds at a time and then carring on. And my first encounter with an enemy ALWAYS causes the game to stutter and me to die.
Lol I played this game for the first time on my brother's pc and I only have one thing to say; the game is so 'unrealistic' combatwise but yet enjoyable fast paced action fps:p.
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