COD Black Ops looks pretty good on PC

4 crashes this evening, browsing here between reloads, getting really tired of Drop shotting Ak74s// its all people seem to do now.. I years for a MW game with a system where going prone is a committed choice not the button you press during fire every fight.

Also like mw2 stabbing is way out of hand. id liek to see a 2 stab kill rather than a 1 insta gib from shotgun range.
Has anyone managed to create an account on the cod site and then link it to their Steam account? Doesn't work for me.

Supposedly you can see your stats, plus your videos... which you can then upload to youtube.

It does say 'Theater Beta' at the top of the page, which I guess for Treyarch actually means 'Pre-Alpha'.
Completed this today.

I actually found myself enjoying the SP quite a lot. That said I felt the ending fell flat.

Ran like clockwork since the patch, like silk, absolutely maxed out.
Has anyone managed to create an account on the cod site and then link it to their Steam account? Doesn't work for me.

Supposedly you can see your stats, plus your videos... which you can then upload to youtube.

It does say 'Theater Beta' at the top of the page, which I guess for Treyarch actually means 'Pre-Alpha'.

Did this yesterday, linked my steam and youtube account yet nothing is showing in my video section, I get.

You are linked as CHERRYPOPPZ on PC Unlink My Account
I had a very slight bit of lag but other than that game is running fine for me. Still surprised I'm getting 60+ fps most of the time, running spec in sig 1920 x 1200, extra textures, all shadows bullet effects on, 16xaf and 4xaa.
Has the stuttering been identified as caused by graphics card?? I get it every frikkin time I come face to face with an enemy ¬_¬ bashed my mx518 onto my g15 a few hundred times out of rage.
Has the stuttering been identified as caused by graphics card?? I get it every frikkin time I come face to face with an enemy ¬_¬ bashed my mx518 onto my g15 a few hundred times out of rage.

No, the game is broke and still in beta. It will be fixed one day, just not anytime soon :mad:
I wish to hell they would do something about the knife in this game...Yes the wonderous mystical knife with probably the weakest slash in gaming history yet somehow manages a 1 hit kill every single time regardless of where the hell you get hit.

Its utter crap, it has such a ridiculous lunge range that on maps like nuketown its just stupidly dominant. Whatever happened to them making the knife a secondary weapon and doing away with the sad crap that has been in this game since cod4? Is it too much to ask for a melee attack that isn't an instant superspeed instakill that you have a nanosecond to react to if you're lucky? Or have those days gone to the pages of history along with companies being able to put out an optomised game with a server browser that doesn't miss the most bog standard features? :mad:

I thought prone spam was bad but this friggin knife really takes the first prize in the pain in the arse catagory.
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I wish to hell they would do something about the knife in this game...Yes the wonderous mystical knife with probably the weakest slash in gaming history yet somehow manages a 1 hit kill every single time regardless of where the hell you get hit.

Its utter crap, it has such a ridiculous lunge range that on maps like nuketown its just stupidly dominant. Whatever happened to them making the knife a secondary weapon and doing away with the sad crap that has been in this game since cod4? Is it too much to ask for a melee attack that isn't an instant superspeed instakill that you have a nanosecond to react to if you're lucky? Or have those days gone to the pages of history along with companies being able to put out an optomised game with a server browser that doesn't miss the most bog standard features? :mad:

I thought prone spam was bad but this friggin knife really takes the first prize in the pain in the arse catagory.

wow someone sane, thankyou :)

the melee should really be a last resort not "huh you just shot me with a shotgun within 2ft.... oh well stabbie stabbie"
wow someone sane, thankyou :)

the melee should really be a last resort not "huh you just shot me with a shotgun within 2ft.... oh well stabbie stabbie"

It really does make no sense, how is it that just about every single gun in the game takes multiple hits to the body to drop you but the magic knife does it in one little "slice" motion? Plus as said the lunge it has makes it totally overpowered, you can be a few feet away and still get magically killed by them whisking through incoming fire to deliver the slice of death. :rolleyes:

And of course when you watch the killcam more often than not despite unloading several rounds into the knife wielding noob you will be shown that you infact imagined firing at all and you really just stood there scratching your arse. Yet another "feature" that has remained broken since the original cod...
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I think the knife was implemented to stop bunny-hopping close combat gunfire spam dances. It should be a one hit kill with animation slicing the throat if used from behind and a two or three slash kill from anywhere else IMO.

I'm tempted to write up a "What PC gamers want to see in FPS MP" post!

If any dev actually ironed out all the faults in MOH, MW2, BO and BC and kept their best bits the game would be truly fantastic.
guys sorry but i have a lot of problems with my game...

look at this...

is in spanish but doesn't matter because you need to check the image...


I'm working with virgin and a router

But a lot of times i think is not working proper...

i have put maxpackets 60 and snaps 30...

I'm playing always 60FPS because my screen is not working with more FPS only 60 xDD

So is better 60 in maxpackets or 100 knowing i'm playing always 60FPS

Thanks sorry for my english i hope you understand xDD THANKS. xDDD
Hmm I don't think it's quite that bad :eek:

ok then out of all the people I personally know who play the game only ONE is not having problems, thus 99%, I didn't realise that you were in a position to know everything about my life, next time I best not make assumptions!
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